Bit Blot Forum
Aquaria => Modding => Topic started by: EntiteFred on December 18, 2007, 05:01:54 am
I was wondering if it was possible to have the basic png of Naija sprite's parts, or at least some template from which we could create new costumes or new forms. Just having the edges of her body parts drawn would make it really easier to guess which approximate size our custom forms should have.
It would be really useful for the naija pirate mod I want to make (or at least try to make since drawing art is not my strength).
Another thing, is there a way to make our entities thumbnails appear while we select entities in the editor ?
ALEC: You can now download a mod that includes some of Naija's graphics here:
To replace them, just edit the PNGs in the graphics folder. You can also replace other forms with additional skin files.
I just have to release the "Aquaria Story" pseudo-mod... it has the animation files. I'll do that later today, if I can fix my computer. (it seems to be dying)
For entity thumbnails, I think the entitygroups.txt file just lets you add the name of a texture after the entity? (local to your mod's graphics folder)
Fred fred/head
I can't verify that right now (stuck on mac side of my dual booting machine), but I think that's how it works?
You can attempt to do what I did and extract 'em via the Animation Editor (Load up an animation, seperate all the bones and screenshot it) but obviously:
a) The background's grey gradient, which means careful use of the magic wand
b) Anti-Aliasing and Scaling helps you lose data
c) They'll all be the wrong orientation
Still, managed to give her different hair and didn't look *too* bad, but the originals at least would be handy for basing new characters off
Mod set up so you can easily edit the "normal form" graphics.
(just hit up the graphics folder)
Le Awesome
Hopefully by the time I come back after Christmas I'll have the beginnings of me mod idea (Figured I'd leave Naija alone for now and come up with something new in the same Universe :D ) now that I've got the Character Replacing thing working to a degree I'm happy with (Hair, Scale, Forms, etc)
Could you also post png for the arms and legs without the bracers. It would be really easier to skin limbs without the armor parts on them.
By the way, I already have body + shoulder to elbow + upper legs + head of Naija pirate done. I'm stuck on the end of arms and legs because I don't want the armor here, maybe to replace it with something else.
I estimate it will take about 2 days until a nude Naija is created.
Scratch that, someone's probably already done it.
.. I'm looking at you, Alec.
I think those are the ones.
Thanks for all the original sprites.
I tried it with the armor on and it is good looking. Here it is
I will try it with the other limbs soon, and the final version will have a scimitar in the left hand (which will be used if I make it a form for Naija ;) )
edit: maybe I'm not adding a scimitar : I'd have to make her new arms and hands, and I'm not good enough with art for that.
That's pretty excellent. Does the game mirror sprites, though? If so that eyepatch is gonna fly around all over her face :/.
Damn, I didn't think about the eyepatch...
maybe it is possible to make a lua script to replace the default "reverse" with "reverse and replace the head" ?
edit: I posted at the same time than Alec, so I didn't see his answer...
Probably some way to pick a texture based on the flip using a mod script or something.
How did you do that? I can't seem to edit the head and cape. Everything else I can edit but not those...
All I'm doing is editing the pictures in the graphics folder in the naija sprites mod folder. Am I supposed to do something else too?
That's pretty excellent. Does the game mirror sprites, though? If so that eyepatch is gonna fly around all over her face :/.
Isn't Li's blaster flying from left hand to right hand and back sometimes?
Isn't Li's blaster flying from left hand to right hand and back sometimes?
Yep. ^_^
He just likes to switch it every time he turns around.
How did you do that? I can't seem to edit the head and cape. Everything else I can edit but not those...
All I'm doing is editing the pictures in the graphics folder in the naija sprites mod folder. Am I supposed to do something else too?
The head has a bunch of frames...
Hrm.... some of those might be hard coded.
Not sure if the cape stuff works yet. It might require a "setCostume" call and a new skin.
But he seemed to be able to remove the cape (make it invisible?) and make the head show up properly.
Unless he just drew those sprites and put them together without the game?
But he seemed to be able to remove the cape (make it invisible?) and make the head show up properly.
Unless he just drew those sprites and put them together without the game?
Actually, I only tested it as a new entity. As for the image in my post, I just made it outside the game to see how it would look, but I made the corresponding entity in the game. Since I have not modified all head frames, I just previewed it as an entity rather than skinning Naija.
I still have a lot of work to do to use it as a form or costume for Naija.
edit: I tried to make it a skin and now see the problem with the head not appearing, the cape not being transparent and some problem with relative position (which one over which others) of body parts.
And now for the inevitable next request, can we get Li sprites?
I'm thinking of starting work on at least the sprites for having Li forms of the other forms.
One possible idea I can think of regarding the cape (Until a better solution presents itself) is:
- Make the cape invisible (avatar_setCape(false) or whatnot :p )
- Attach a simple entity, latch it onto Naija (As you would in Character Replacement) but it's pretty much invisible except...
- Initialise some Hair on this entity, and use whatever graphics you want for the cape (Check a good example for the Naupilous (sp) entity in Guert's Mod)
I *may* be right in assuming Naija is rendered in front of other entities, so automatically the 'hair' is rendered behind her.
Technically you could do this with multiply entities, so you could in theory have both a cape and some long, flowing hair, or perhaps some kind of long flowing garment as well (Kimono?)
Downside of this is that Naija's cape already has built in (I'm assuming) movement to represent currents/swaying (Noticed when you sit still), while hair by standard (unless you script it otherwise) just follows along behind you.
As for faces, I recall reading that the setFace command had to be called constantly because Naija's face graphic was constantly set to something in the base code. You'd probably at least have to make replacements for *all* the head frames for Naija to be on the safe side... Failing that, I've no idea :P
Well, yeah; I tried changing all the face graphics. But all it did was a whole lot of nothing as far as the game was concerned. I even made all the graphics invisible just to see, and sure enough there is a really creepy floating Naija head and cape when you run the mod.
I'd like to see some support for making modifications to the game, rather than expansions. (The way the mod system is done is really good, but its all set up for making new adventures for Naija, not making modifications to the game or making total conversions.) :-\
Although I don't want to sound like a whiner :-X
But yeah, Alec looks to be working toward that very end, and its holiday season. He deserves a break for now at least. >:D
I think to override the head you'd have to do something like, make a node script that overrides the head graphic every frame
function init(me)
function update(me, dt)
head = entity_getBoneByName(getNaija(), "Head")
bone_setTexture(head, "MYMAGICALTEXTURE")
It may be that the head files have to have their own name (not the same name as the main content head files), because those might be getting perma-cached when the game starts up.
I don't have time to test this right now, but those are just my thoughts atm.
Mmk, maybe I'll have a look when I get home (I'm in Australia for now).
Good job thinking of that though.
The Above Works with one exception: Naija's "Blink" animation (And I'm guessing her emotes too) for her head overrides it again. While swimming around normally the new head texture displays fine but once she starts blinking it flips between the two
Okay.. I should hardcode some kind of override.
I kinda wondered if Alec could post every suit of Naija there is, or just to learn us how to get the sprite files out of the .000 file.
Even though this is a big request. :-\
Well, I don't see that as really that necessary... If we have the default sprites as a template, why would we need to see the others?
If you want/need the other sprites, just send me a PM for now and I can hook you up. ;)
I estimate it will take about 2 days until a nude Naija is created.
Scratch that, someone's probably already done it.
.. I'm looking at you, Alec.
Okay, Time to get a reputation. 8) Even though I don't know if this will turn out good or wrong.
Anyway I did make it, just out of boredom and humor.
Here they are:
PG File (
Adult File (
Download the mod file from the first page and add these to them. It's just 2 files so far, seeing you can simply use the rest of the original.
I've had fun making this and I tried to make it as good as possible, if you think things are out of place, please let me know.
EDIT: People asked to make it a complete mod, so I made the file a bit bigger to have it as a mod.
Again: Please note when there's somethign wrong in the mod or you think something is missing in the sprites. =p
I think to override the head you'd have to do something like, make a node script that overrides the head graphic every frame
function init(me)
function update(me, dt)
head = entity_getBoneByName(getNaija(), "Head")
bone_setTexture(head, "MYMAGICALTEXTURE")
It may be that the head files have to have their own name (not the same name as the main content head files), because those might be getting perma-cached when the game starts up.
I don't have time to test this right now, but those are just my thoughts atm.
I've also tested this one, and it works perfectly. Even to perfectly. It seems that this script blocks all the head sprites, replacing them with the texture from the script. And either blink or any other animation doesn't work :)
I will be waiting for the override :). BTW, isn't there any other way to replace all of the animations through the script, like in the one above? Shouldn't they have some flags (for e.g. "head", "head-blink", "head-shock" etc., as in the graphic files), or it's just "head" available to change? If there would be some flags for anims it would be so easy to change them, even through using scripts like this.
Anyways, I'll wait and see, what can be done :)
Alphasoldier: Not bad. :)
@ Xiagan, thanks. :D
@ IceD, I think it's possible to make a script that when you get hurt the head changes into that sprite and back again after a sec and when shocked too, you just have to find out how to detect everything.
I'm...just...going to kill....the soldier... BRB.
Reputation: bad.
XD why did you have to go and make something like that!
C'mon, there are some really worse pics with tentacles etc out there and this is not that bad. At least it is "only" nudity (the true nature form ;)) and not porn. We all knew that something like that would've happened sooner or later and this is at least not badly drawn like others may have been.
Well I knew it was going to be made by SOMEone in the end anyway. I thought: I'll do it, seeing I don't want any failed attempts. I'm a perfectionist and symmetric, that usually helps with making stuff like that. And I care for every work I make. Even though my colourblindness does not help.
Anyway, I ALSO added PG version so I don't look THAT bad.
If there will be further objections I'll remove it.
P.S. I was also thinking of making certain animations, be glad I didn't do that. =p
Aha ha ha... >.>
Right, I'm just going to ignore it. Have fun. ::)
Now, I hope I can finnish my DOOM mod sprites some time soon...
Just so you don't feel alone concerning this matter, I have already made my own 100% nude, topless, and bikini outfit versions of Naija a week ago. I haven't posted it due to the forum rules though. If you would like to see an animated gif of all the forms I could post a link in the same manner, but I don't want to break forum rules neither. So, not until there is permission to do such a thing or the rules slightly change some. :o
Well, I just asked Alec for permission, he said to clearly put it up for what it is so noone will get offended or supprized.
And damn you for having them sooner then me, I'd personally love to see them (even though others don't), any sprite that can work in this game actually.
Seeing I'm working on a Samus Zero Suit version now.
You could PM the link to people who are interested.
Alphasoldier here is the link to the zip file containing all the source images, .psd and .xcf for adobe photoshop or gimp 2, an animated gif representing all the outfits, and the individual parts in .png format.
Looks very nice, even though I prefer my own, cause I made them and stuff. I do like the bikini version alot though.
Also, I've almost finished my Zero Suit Samus sprite, I'll post that later when I'm done.
I'm having alot of trouble with the head. >.>
I'm glad you liked them, I haven't seen yours yet but I did download them. Thanks for the comment.
I honestly can't say I'm crazy at all about seeing my favorite character made to be so, well, bare. Nudity doesn't bother me, it's more the context it's in or the motivation for making it. However, I'm not berating anyone for making such mods. But, since there are two genders in this world, and seeing as how the opposite gender never seems to be rendered equally vulnerable, I would like someone to make a nude mod of Li as this would only keep the mod fair for both sexes. It's always unfair that the female sex is undressed so quickly and without a second thought, but that to do so on the male sex is almost forbidden.
I would like someone to make a nude mod of Li as this would only keep the mod fair for both sexes.
I agree!
That may look funny when he swims... ^^
alec, I suggest you consider what you're implying by that :D
Alec, just send me the Li sprites, including the ones on the end of the game, saves me work. ^-^
And I'll start working on it.
Also, I have no problem with nudity of both sexes, I'm someone who likes both sexes, but the majority of mankind likes female more then males, so it was only logical. =p
the majority of mankind [on the internets] likes female more then males
No, generally in the world too, there are 50 million more men on the world and I wanna bet that there are more bi and lesbian females then bi and gay men, so that figures.
Ha, I win. =p
I wanna bet that there are more bi and lesbian females then bi and gay men, so that figures.
Maybe, but how many of them are actually hot. :'(
total population: 1.014 male(s)/female (2007 est.)
okay, you really won.
I hope no one thinks it is weird to have the male nude counterpart? After all, I'm a (straight) female and I have no problem with nude images of females, so why should any males be so insecure with seeing other males in the nude? I know jokes are made of it, since male bodies are either seen as comical or masculine, but generally never tend to be thought of as aesthetically pleasing. Both bodies are beautiful, just think Greek. And thank you, Alec, for your support. :)
And Alphasoldier, if you're the one to make the mod I have complete faith in it looking fair and very nice looking. ;) The Naija nude you made was very natural and almost seemed to take on more animal-like traits.
I'm a (straight) female and I have no problem with nude images of females
Prove that statement, plz.
Ha! @ Zam
And well, like I said send me the Li sprites and I'll try to work it out, and thank you very much Lissar. ^_^ Even though I have more experience with drawing female bits then male bits, EVEN if it's pixelwork.
And about the men thing, I don't know really, alot of men just don't like staring at other people their weeners, makes them propably doubt about their own size or how much more pretty that one looks. =p
I'm way too feminine for my own good. -_-;
EDIT: I got the Li sprites from Alec, I'm gonna work on it tomorrow, first I need sleep.
There are some sad, disturbing implications to all this effort expended nudifying Naija. Why do you folks so strongly desire such sexual representation in the first place? I highly doubt anyone here who suggests that they're just innocently making and/or using these graphics out a sincere, genuine admiration for her nude female form, because if you believe that, you're lying to yourself. ???
My confusion stems from the fact that Naija, as she is shown from within the game, doesn't engender any obvious feelings of lust. Granted, there are examples in existing fan-art where Naija is depicted in ways that men could find arousing, but men can be sexually excited by anything, regardless of an artist's intent or a piece's context (sad fact :-\)...
...So, while some of these works present Naija as beautiful but not especially alluring ( (re: not slutty), and this could hardly be construed at most even as merely titillating (meaning you'd have to really work your imagination over, pervert), there are other pieces of fan "artistry" *roll* that are blatantly salacious (a fish-breast sandwich, anyone? ( Yet all of those works lie outside of the scope of Derek and Alec's official creations. Beyond a bit of harmless cleavage, nothing about Naija as she is in the game suggests the kind of anatomy or behavior that would make anyone yearn to see her naked. Not that most men here need much in the way of motivation to want to see that sort of thing anyway- hence the creation those more lascivious drawings of Naija. Although only one or two posters are honestly vocal about it, the vast majority of male players who download AS's nude modification are doing so out of purely puerile and perverted intent: whatever they might claim otherwise, they're now still free to use that naked imagery of her to indulge their sad, little fantasies. Have fun. :(
I'd like to make it clear that there is, in and of itself, nothing "wrong" with the nude modification that Alphasoldier created (and I am not just saying that because it has already been completed). The fact is, it's very well done, considering how a similar project could have turned out under a different hand. He drew the rest of Naija's torso, her breasts and her genitalia all very naturally, without adding any vulgar qualities (her privates aren't spread-eagled) or ridiculous endowments (no implants, or constantly aroused, distended nipples). He could have even lewdly altered Naija's default facial expression, but chose not to. I believe, as he says, that AS really does care for his work in way, and on some level sort of respects Naija. His re-skinning work was executed tastefully and the end-result is a good-looking naked Naija. It's not aiming to be erotically stimulating, or lustfully arousing, just to show us a pretty looking naked teal-skined sea-girl. Ideally, I would hope most guys could similarly admire nudity, without wanting to watch it just to get an erection. I find fault not with with the illustrations, but with what they will be used for.
Moving on...
Given that the graphical style of Aquaria doesn't demand excruciating attention to realistic detail, it's tempting for a certain audience that only pays attention to a few choice bits to call any nude art wonderful as long as a few anatomical features are presented to said audience's satisfaction. But making a nude male figure is more difficult- it isn't as easy to distract from fudged proportions or cartoon-ish features by exaggerating naughty bits. Never mind that I highly suspect most of the players who are using Naija's nude sprite are not going to download a nude Li mod; I still will, and I want to see it looking as good as his freshman effort, especially seeing as how it will be of a gender I can identify with on anatomy. ;) However, as Alphasoldier's work is not on any level mediocre or poorly done, I have no such concerns about his upcoming modification of Li's sprite library.
After all, since we made Naija be naked, it actually makes sense to have Li now be naked with her- it would be hardly be fair either to him or her if they couldn't enjoy being naked with each other, right? ^-^ Yes, I do have a sense of humor, and yes, I have an appreciation for nudity, both in natural and erotic contexts- and I recognize that there are even situations where the natural overlaps into the erotic, and that it is still enjoyable and perfectly acceptable to be stimulated by it. But not all individuals can understand that when something clearly from the former category is artificially forced into the latter, it does not belong there- and should not be "used" as such. And this point, I'm not even referring to AS' relatively innocuous mod, but to some lovely bits of fan-art I had the misfortune of uncovering at an earlier point in time. Should you have happened across these works, and, being of the mind-set I've outlined, enjoyed them, then this post squarely indicts you. !@$!*$@# sick. And beyond pathetic, needless to say.
End rant. Thank ya' kindly fer listenin'.
Eh, nothing wrong with some nudity.
I also don't see the harm in people fantasying about whatever they want - its their business. If it bothers you, then stop thinking about it so much. ;)
Eh, nothing wrong with some nudity.
I agree.
But I'm more of the mindset of Draiden right now, because after I've fallen in love with a character and her story, the people she interacts with, and the sympathy you feel for her, it's difficult to contend with others who may place her on a more base level. I know I'm female, I know many will not take me seriously (as I'm crashing the "male party"), but I know I'm not the only person (male or female) on this forum who may feel saddened at the thought of, now, one of my favorite female heroines being depicted in a cruder light. I understand I'm just one opinion. I'm not out to change anyone, I'm just asking people to understand how I (and others) feel about Naija being turned into a sexual creature. I guess what I'm asking is that if you feel the need to talk about Naija sexually, do it off the Aquaria forums where it is easily found and can offend people, or to clearly mark in the future the title of the forum that embodies any of this talk so that some people know to stay clear (which in some cases, these are already marked). Probably not feasible, but I'm just asking. It's hard to ignore these instances when you want to enter a forum and have a conversation regarding gameplay or the story, and another conversation has or is started regarding a topic or comment you didn't want to see. Some of it is not really offensive, but there are some things that are said that do offend fans like myself, and you may not realize it. However, not to get into a discussion I close the forum and walk away, but it leaves me feeling negative or disappointed. One reason I was happy to play Aquaria (and to me this is a very big reason) was that it was not lewd or offensive to female players in anyway. It was very neutral with no sexual tone. I felt so elated to play a game that was radically different from Tomb Raider and the like. I still want to feel this way about Aquaria as I think it has helped put female characters in a very respectful and beautiful light, however it hasn't lasted long. I'm sure most people will tell me the answer to my problem is to stay off the Aquaria forums, but there's got to be a better answer. Sorry to be the female who raises who voice; I'm sure to anger some people which is not at all what I want to do.
I think its kinda funny, because it was clearly marked and could be easily avoided, yet people still think they need to be offended.
If you have an issue with nudity, don't download the files and check them out.
As for "turning character into sexual objects", nobody has done that beyond their own imagination. People have their own views, and you're essentially trying to force your views upon them and tell them what they can and cannot imagine.
Nobody here has tried to enforce their views on you. (in fact, they clearly marked the download off with large red warning text to ensure that people who are easily offended by nudity could avoid it altogether)
Further, I know AlphaSoldier is working on a naked version of Li.
My question to you: are you going to be offended by that as well? What if some men here start fantasizing about naked Li? Should that be banned?
Actually, I wasn't talking about the mods in this particular forum. I meant the discussions and topics that abound on the forums. I never tried to force a view. But I wanted to be respected for the alternative view. Instead, I have become the "female" that I knew people would assume me to be. And I did say I knew of some forums that were clearly marked in the titles, but that doesn't mean all of them are. I'm just asking for people to reserve topics farther away from the view of Aquaria fans like myself.
Did you read what I said above about AlphaSoldier's mods? I said they looked good. That's all, I didn't go into what they would be used for, and as long as no one else does then, no, I'm not offended.
Instead, I have become the "female" that I knew people would assume me to be. And I did say I knew of some forums that were clearly marked in the titles, but that doesn't mean all of them are. I'm just asking for people to reserve topics farther away from the view of Aquaria fans like myself.
I certainly respect the view of not wanting to hear about people's sexual fantasies, but I also don't recall assuming you were any particular type of "female".
I also think its wrong to persecute people for imagining things. People should be free to imagine whatever they damn well feel like. What seemed to be implied in yours and the other gent's post was that it is pathetic/wrong for people to imagine sexual situations that aren't based in reality. I find the hate directed towards those people more offensive than the people themselves. (whoever those people may be)
The world (and the internet) should be big enough for everyone to have their own little space without needing to feel stepped on.
Also the assumption made that the majority of the men on this forum are misogynistic because they discussed nudity in one thread, seems really childish.
e.g. I find this somewhat funny:
Beyond a bit of harmless cleavage, nothing about Naija as she is in the game suggests the kind of anatomy or behavior that would make anyone yearn to see her naked. Not that most men here need much in the way of motivation to want to see that sort of thing anyway- hence the creation those more lascivious drawings of Naija. Although only one or two posters are honestly vocal about it, the vast majority of male players who download AS's nude modification are doing so out of purely puerile and perverted intent: whatever they might claim otherwise, they're now still free to use that naked imagery of her to indulge their sad, little fantasies. Have fun. :(
Yes, why not have fun? I don't really care what people do on their own time. If they want to imagine themselves making out with a tyrannosaurus, they should go for it! :)
I agree that if people started posting long pornographic fan fiction here, we would want to sort it into its own hidden forum or ban it so as not to disturb people who may stumble across it.
Please, please, please, re-read my posts. I'm not asking for the fantasizing to stop. I would just like it kept it out of view or accidental view of others on the forums. I haven't debased anyone. I wanted to give reasons as to why I felt the way I did so that it would make sense to readers. The content of which I talk about seems to degrade other's opinions, but as I said, I'm not allowed to force any opinion. Which is why I'm not asking anyone to do such.
Sorry, I wasn't really responding to you, I was more going off on my own rant against censorship. ::)
Yeah, I think its quite reasonable to keep stuff that could offend people out of the way so that only the people who want to find it will find it.
To sum up what I'm saying: fantasize or don't fantasize. But if you do, keep it out of sight or accidental sight.
To sum up what I'm saying: fantasize or don't fantasize. But if you do, keep it out of sight or accidental sight.
I still don't think that anyone has outright fantasized or put anything pornographic that people would accidentally stumble upon.
I know some people linked to some Naija hentai somewhere, but there was a huge-ass warning on it.
I kind of agree with Draiden.
Sexuality and nudity are two different things. Sexuality is something that we impose on nudity, although both go together hand in hand. We just can't read nudity without the social context that is sexuality. And in my social context, women are often portrayed as sexualized objects to be looked at. It's only fair that we should have the same standards for men.
Sexuality and nudity are two different things. Sexuality is something that we impose on nudity, although both go together hand in hand. We just can't read nudity without the social context that is sexuality. And in my social context, women are often portrayed as sexualized objects to be looked at. It's only fair that we should have the same standards for men.
That's totally why Alpha's making a naked Li. :)
Well that and also 'cause Li's hot.
It just depends Alec. Somethings might not seem offensive to you, but you're more laid back. Which is fine, please, I'm not trying to offend you. But for people who are more sensitive to such matters it is more offensive. I'm sorry this forum has gotten this far. I didn't mean to start a war, so to speak.
It just depends Alec. Somethings might not seem offensive to you, but you're more laid back. Which is fine, please, I'm not trying to offend you. But for people who are more sensitive to such matters it is more offensive. I'm sorry this forum has gotten this far. I didn't mean to start a war, so to speak.
I don't see a war... :) I see a discussion which is pretty interesting. I'm quite enjoying it!
But I'm not sure what you're asking for, or what you expect to be done. (if you are expecting anything to be done?) It seems like there's some pretty benign stuff marked off with giant warning signs, so it can be easily avoided.
Everyone is entitled to their fantasies, as long as it doesn't harm anyone. Lissar, I think you have a particular fantasy about Naija that you don't want anyone to tarnish, which is cool. Some people just have different types of fantasies, and they're not necessarily better or worse, just different.
I have stumbled upon certain discussions and comments (accidentally), and I just felt "bad" finding them. I don't know how to explain in any other terms. I felt offended. I can't help it. What I would like is for anyone who is involved in these discussions not make them in more general forums where all types of gamers are found in. Maybe they can make their own forum (marked of course) where they can talk about it, or private message each other. I know this sounds pathetic, but some things just offend. Yes, I know I'm not a child and things shouldn't offend me, but there have been so many times where I've kept my mouth shut and said nothing and I felt defeated. Where everyone was allowed to voice their opinions and bluntly as they wanted, and I just happened to accidentally find it. As a forum, I thought it could be more controlled (since this isn't quite the vastness of the internet). I would like people to just be cautious of what they write, think about it, and decide if it needs to be put somewhere out of public view.
Well I appreciate that you're sharing your opinion. :)
Do you have any links to the threads in question? Because I really don't know what you're talking about. (help me understand?) We can't really establish any policies unless we specifically know what is offending people and whether or not it makes sense to limit that.
Everyone is entitled to their fantasies, as long as it doesn't harm anyone.
Right, that's what I mean. I know everyone has an opinion (obviously myself included), but I don't think some things should be accidentally found. And now I wish I had documented the instances where I found them.
Do you have any links to the threads in question? Because I really don't know what you're talking about. (help me understand?) We can't really establish any policies unless we specifically know what is offending people and whether or not it makes sense to limit that.
I don't think I can document any at the moment. Possibly some things said in this forum? I'd have to go back and check near the beginning. More, if you have a fantasy or lewd comment to say keep it among a few people or on a forum where fights will not start due to unmarked forums. I don't think you can police this either. It's more of an etiquette that people would follow.
People are always gonna disagree with each other no matter what. If something is particularly lewd or offensive, then I would definitely say something against it. I guess if people are just sharing their own visions, in a respectful way, then it should be tolerated, even if you don't agree with it. I don't think you should let other people's vision diminish your own because yours is just as important as everyone else's.
I think the only thing that can be done is if something offends you in future, you can bring it to my attention so I can get a sense of what you're talking about. I'm still pretty unclear.
Also I'd recommend starting some of your own threads on topics you'd prefer to discuss. :) That would be a positive way to try to affect the attitudes on the forum.
It would depend upon the nature of what they are talking about. Sexuality, social issues, religion. Certain things should be kept low key if possible. I'm not about to start a forum labeled "People who fantasize about Naija are bad and here's why." I know that would offend people. There's just certain topics or comments that shouldn't be said, just to respect everyone.
Sexuality, social issues, and religion are definitely bad topics at a family dinner (like meeting your in-laws for the first time) or a tea party. I think if people do it in a respectful way, then we can have a meaningful conversation. The main thing is to keep an open mind, then talking about these things will be a dialogue instead of a rant. The bottom line is, people can still respect each other even though they have different opinions.
I think the only thing that can be done is if something offends you in future, you can bring it to my attention so I can get a sense of what you're talking about. I'm still pretty unclear.
Also I'd recommend starting some of your own threads on topics you'd prefer to discuss. :) That would be a positive way to try to affect the attitudes on the forum.
Well, I'm more burnt out at the moment from this discussion. It's easier to just let the forums go as they have, otherwise more fights occur and chaos starts (similar to this thread), and I've already seen those. I know it sounds like I'm giving up and that this whole discussion was for nothing, but I'd rather just forget most of this for now seeing as not much can be done. It's frustrating, but it's hard to show you what I'm not happy with. To keep it easier I'll ask that you don't worry about it for now, and if I find anything that exemplifies what I don't like I'll let you know.
Well, I'm more burnt out at the moment from this discussion. It's easier to just let the forums go as they have, otherwise more fights occur and chaos starts (similar to this thread), and I've already seen those. I know it sounds like I'm giving up and that this whole discussion was for nothing, but I'd rather just forget most of this for now seeing as not much can be done. It's frustrating, but it's hard to show you what I'm not happy with. To keep it easier I'll ask that you don't worry about it for now, and if I find anything that exemplifies what I don't like I'll let you know.
Again, we were just having a rational discussion. It seems that you think discussion are "chaos". If that's the case, you may want to avoid forums altogether as people tend to discuss things on them. :)
It was a bit of chaos because people were assuming things. It didn't tone down until the end. For a while I'm sure many people were getting offended and angry. Rational discussions or debates should be level-headed and calmer.
I'm just going to add that this is my opinion, as I'm just used to people not getting quite so, tense?
Lissar, I don't post here a lot. I'm just responding to this thread because I'm female too and I know where you're coming from. It doesn't seem like people were really offended and angry. It's normal for people to be emotional when they're expressing themselves. If it gets out of hand, that's why there are moderators. Discussions will probably be chaotic in the beginning when people don't understand others' points of view yet. I think us girl gamers should engage in more discussions like these even if we don't agree with each other.
Lissar, I don't post here a lot. I'm just responding to this thread because I'm female too and I know where you're coming from. It doesn't seem like people were really offended and angry. It's normal for people to be emotional when they're expressing themselves. If it gets out of hand, that's why there are moderators. Discussions will probably be chaotic in the beginning when people don't understand others' points of view yet. I think us girl gamers should engage in more discussions like these even if we don't agree with each other.
I'd love to have these discussions in the future, but there are too many instances of people not quite reading posts fully. It's very demanding to type out a feeling into feeble sentences that anyone can characterize. I don't think I did myself any true justice either. More likely I've set myself back, so in this case I'm going to stay low profile, or not post much. It's a little better this way, which is actually okay with me.
Got one more question, for Alec:
Since this thread went on a tangent, would you just remove the posts that went beyond the topic about Sprites? I don't think it's going to help the Sprite thread at all now, and people may not even post with their ideas. If you think that fair or needed, I'll leave it up to you.
I think this discussion was interesting and civil, so I don't really see the need to remove it.
If you'd like to start some new threads about what you'd like to talk about, go for it. :)
wow, this thread went all popcorn when I wasn't looking. to this forum's ( and this game's ) credit, you probably wouldn't be able to discuss Laura's endowments and the implications of on a Tomb Raider forum without being drowned and shouted out by unreceptive gamers. I could be off base here, but my assumption ( and you should never assume as it makes an ass out of the elder god of UME, destroyer of predispositions ) is that AlphaSoldier made such a considered and quality nude of Naija to protect her from the inevitable smut that will appear ( your nude must be this appealing yet accurate to qualify ) and to also in part realize the male's inherit fantasy.
I'm not plugged into the pulse of the gaming community to the extent that I'd know the demographic makeup for every title out there, but I havn't seen such enthusiasm from girls towards a game, like ever. my gf was switched on by Neverhood, Spyro, and a few really good match 3 games out there ( like Treasures of Montezuma ) but as soon as she saw me playing Aquaria she wouldn't let me continue unless she was in the room. I've since finished the game and she's still interested in the community and developments surrounding it, that's a personal litmus test for this game is clicking with girls on some level. there is a definite alluring undercurrent with Naija and fantasy is just going to happen. there's lots of other pots boiling on this forum besides here Lissar, don't let this one aspect sour the whole forum for you. I'm curious if Alec or Derek anticipated or are surprised by the interest from girl gamers ( or was it part of your coy plan all along... )
You #%&#*@ bloody @$&%@& who @#$*%&#* and @#$%*@#$ @#$&.
Naw, just kidding.
I enjoyed reading this conversation and even though it made this topic a bit full, I feel honored that people actually liked what I made. While it could/would be offending to most people. Everyone has fetishes, over hell-i-know-what. Like Alec said, let people have those fetishes, BUT, keep them to yourself unless someone else asks you for it, and when that person asks, answer it to that person in private, not in public. Be rational we're all intelligent beings who can think before acting.
Then about what I made, I like nudity, I adore pretty natural bodies, I despise most supermodels with the huge-a** silicons. And yes, even though I shouldn't say it, nudity, from whatever sort, most of the time arouses me. But I'm a f*cked up guy and that's just who I am. ( Don't try me telling otherwise. =p ) I was bad enough to make this mod, but I did say that I WILL remove it when people don't want it on here anymore. It's their right just as big as mine, and I'm alone so that would take only 2 people unless there are other people who demand it stays on here, which I doubt anyone will. I also labeled it for the people who could be offended by it. It's not like I made a post with: "New pretty costume of Naija, check it out.", that would just be wrong.
So finally thank you very much for not throwing me off a cliff and actually liking my work, I really appreciate it while I shouldn't even make that stuff seeing I'm only 17 and such. Yes, big gasp. :O
Now if you would like to continue this Discussion please make an other topic for it, call it "Discussions" or something, I'd love to post in it, in the meanwhile keep this topic for sprites, kay? ^-^
And for finally to complete this post, I publish Zero Suit Naija. Not offending to anyone unless you are offended by crossing games.
Zero Suit Naija (
EDIT: Once again, if there's anything wrong or anything that could be better about the sprite and I mean anything, please PM me or talk to me on the IRC
EDIT2: To make it more clear I increased font, k?
And if you don't know what the Zero Suit is, I suggest you to play every Metroid game.
P.S. I was working on this sprite a while ago and will start working on the Li sprite this week further, seeing I'm going to bowl today and work fulltime. ^-^
P.P.S I love adding colors to my posts... It's so... Colorfull! :D
wow, this thread went all popcorn when I wasn't looking.
Couldn't have said this better!
I think this discussion was interesting and civil, so I don't really see the need to remove it.
Yeah, removing is the wrong way, but you may think about splitting the discussion in an extra thread?
There's not much to add from my point of view, but swimming nude is so much more enjoyable (doesn't matter if you are male or female), if you haven't done it, you should totally try it one day. I'm glad that Naija (and soon Li) has the possibility to do so now too. :)
I highly appreciate how natural Alphasoldiers version is and really don't see anyone using it for dirty fanatsies. There is a good deal of (too) easy accessable p0rn out in the web and anybody who needs something to fuel his (or her) fantasies will find enough stuff which is probably better suited for it than Naija.
Great work, Alphasoldier! :)
The zero suit looks very good on Naija; you know, most of the enemies and bosses from the classic Metroid series wouldn't look out of place in Aquaria at all: they're already in that same large, brain/jellyfish-ish like creature vein. Too bad we can't armor her up and equip Naija with a blaster (that would make life much easier). I also noticed that the little enclosed bubble-area to test the mod out in is decorated with some ruins and foreground/background effects quite nicely.
Also, there's no way to use these modifications in the main game itself, is there?
Also, there's no way to use these modifications in the main game itself, is there?
Not yet, but I may figure out a way to add them somehow in a later patch.
And yeah, that zero suit skin is nice. :)
Thanks y'all, I appreciate it. ^-^
And yeah, I know Metroid enemies would fit in this place very well, I'm hoping that when I ever get to make a mod and have more time that I can make a Metroid-y mod, mostly for instant action, gameplay and puzzles. So, without the exploring. With alot of the Metroid enemies and I even hope to make a Metroid boss, but I think that that is going too far. xD
Hah hah.
The way/s I see all these mods working:
Make a new topic for each mod and discuss it there, maybe link to it here so people can find it (like my 'mods list' topic). This would also make it easy to avoid if it would obviously offend (as most of this topic was actually discussing. WOW, what a side track. ;) ) Like, if there was a separate topic called "Nude Naija sprites" then anyone who wants it can click, anyone who doesn't wont. Then there could be a link here to that topic so anyone can find it even if it goes a few pages back into the forum.
The other way is the current way its being done (with sprite mods atleast) and that is that all (sprite) mods are put here and discussed here. Which means if someone wants to avoid a certain (sprite) mod but still look at other mods they can't avoid reading about the undesired mods. (I'm not saying its turned out like that, I don't have a problem with whats been said here. But if someone went and discussed how turned on the nude mod made them then I might have a problem...)
So as long as this topic is moderated to remove 'adult-only' talk, there isn't a problem. But it might be easier if touchy topics have their own forum topics for discussion, where you can be as adult as you want.
And just to finnish: A Metroid mod would be sweet! Since this game caters to a similar audience to the metroid games I think it'd be really popular. (clarification: I've never played a metroid game, but I like the "Metroid-vania" style of games like Eternal Daughter, also partly by Derek Yu)
Well I'd love to move all this to it's own topic, But I just can't do it captain, I don't have the powerrr!
Anyway, I think making a topic about every SPRITE mod is a bit over the top, maybe a page with all the sprite mods listed, but not a topic for each sprite mod, it's just too much.
And about being offended by even READING that there may be offending material is a bit over my leaugue, sorry man, I'm not going to adjust myself that much, keep it there or don't have it at all, I'm kind of sick that -I- have to go through all the trouble while there are enough people who like these mods.
Yeah, I also think it's a good idea to listen all the sprite mods in one topic. It's because there would be to much mess when we would want to make a topic about each of them alone - they're basically only sprites so it would be good just to point them out.
And btw - I love the new Samus sprite! Good job on the textures Alpha, they look preety neat. And you told you won't make it! ;)
Thanks! And yeah, I think I WILL make a Sprite Mod topic, updated by me. ^-^
Once my Li mod is done and uploaded. =p
EDIT: It -IS- finished, but I just need to make finishing touches and zip it and upload it, is not gonna take long, I'll propably update this mod with the topic link as soon as it exists.
There it goes. (
Lol, I didn't mean that you would have to change the way you speak (...type). Just I don't want to stumble across someone's story of their 'happy time'. XD
I think having them all in one topic is fine if that's kept.
P.S. Lol, not to nag or anything, but I just noticed that that link there doesn't have a large red banner. Heh heh heh inconsistancy FTW!
Why should it have a big red banner, it leads to another topic with plenty of big text.
And about that happy time thing, yeah I know I was wrong there, I already said so before I even said it.
And it's not like I described it in every little detail, it's a normal thing you know.
Oh, it leads to another topic... I didn't click it to find out. :P
And you just said described. Past tense? What I said I meant future tense. I so far havn't seen anything to turn me off....
I did say that I got turned on SOME thing. xD
Um, sure. Lol, I must have missed it. Or maybe its somewhere I didn't read. Given that I do plenty of reading rather late at night I could have just glossed over it with droopy eye lids. ;)
So, now we all understand and can just keep everything civil. Its all about the modding here people.
Speaking of which, is there a fix for that thing where Naija's head wouldn't use the modified sprite?
I think removing the head bone from the naija.xml file would work.
Or, when looking into Li's xml file, there is a special part for the head, that could be tried.
No clue further, though. I'm gonna look into it when I get home.
Actually, you can make a node which will replace naija's head. That's what I did with my pirate mod.
However, I don't know any way to replace all head animation textures (blinking, etc) with those from a skin.
Alec was working on the override for this. I'm watinig for it, since emotions are essential for my mod character :P
Yeah, I've think I've got a way to do that.
Actually if anyone has any graphics for me to test, that might help. :]
Alec was working on the override for this. I'm watinig for it, since emotions are essential for my mod character :P
Haha, I read that as 'emoticons' and got a strange image of singing notes replaced by smilies :P