Bit Blot Forum

Aquaria => General => Topic started by: Hecameme on February 13, 2023, 05:08:15 pm

Title: Aquaria: REMASTERED
Post by: Hecameme on February 13, 2023, 05:08:15 pm
Hello, fellas.

I have to say I'm very glad to have found this place, because I have important news.
You read the title right; there are plans for remastering Aquaria in motion, although it is VERY early in the process.
Currently, the only thing we have managed to achieve is me rearranging a few of the soundtrack pieces of Aquaria and for another one working with me to take control of the code to the extent of adding cooldowns to the Shield Song upon it being destroyed (for balance) and also allowing Naija to gain the Sea Dragon's shots upon eating it (never knew why it wasn't in the original game it would've been awesome).
As I said, it's still very early to determine an accurate deadline, but I'm glad to say that progress is being achieved, even thought there are difficulties for making the source code work outside of Linux Ubuntu and Windows x32 (attempted on Windows x64 but failed each instance).
We are also aware of the legal complications this could bring with it, and in case we need to, we will be attempting to contact Derek Yu, the last known member of BitBlot.

I will monitor this thread regularly to reply to any questions any of you may have about the topic which I can answer, and will most likely use this forum to update all of you about progress with the remaster.