Bit Blot Forum
Aquaria => General => Topic started by: Andosya on February 13, 2015, 10:24:21 am
Hello everyone :) I'm new here so this is my first post. So, I first played Aquaria in 2008 and since then I'm a big fan of it. I was really happy when the android version came out because since then I can play with it whenever I want to .But back to the question..In the android version of the game I saw that there are no Mods in the main menu. So I'm just curious if anybody knows it why are the Mods taken out from this version ?
Not sure, but here's my guess:
Because the android version is derived from the iPad version. Since apple are fucks they don't allow user content in apps. So according to their rules, having mods in games is legally not possible.
And it wasn't put back in, so you're stuck with a crippled version.
Use the PC version instead, 'nuff said.
If the Android version was open sourced there'd be a chance (at least in theory) to implement mods,
It was supposed to be open sourced at some point but they didn't do it (yet). Have been nagging them since 2011 but to no avail.
Yea i know, it's too bad :(