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Aquaria => Aquaria for iPad => Topic started by: StatialAeon on July 22, 2014, 12:01:06 pm
I cannot get the Coward to drop any items. I have killed him multiple times with the Energy Form's blasts and both of the Dual Form's attacks. He can relinquish a small energy orb on death, but nothing else. I've reset the game and the iPad hoping there was a variable or some parameter I could jiggle back into place, but no dice. Any ideas?
Also, I cannot complete the recipe list because the Poison Loaf recipes are unlearnable. IIRC, this happened to me years ago on the original PC version as well.
I'm using an iPad 2 with the 7.1.2 OS. Possible fixes for either situation?
There were some changes in the iPad scripts, most notably:
if chance(1) then
local ing = spawnIngredient("LoafOfLife", entity_x(me), entity_y(me))
ing_setLifeSpan(ing, 0)
if chance(10) then
local ing = spawnIngredient("PlumpPerogi", entity_x(me), entity_y(me))
ing_setLifeSpan(ing, 0)
if chance(20) then
local ing = spawnIngredient("HotBorscht", entity_x(me), entity_y(me))
ing_setLifeSpan(ing, 0)
if chance(30) then
local ing = spawnIngredient("ArcanePoultice", entity_x(me), entity_y(me))
ing_setLifeSpan(ing, 0)
spawnIngredient("VeggieCake", entity_x(me), entity_y(me))
I don't know what this 0 in ing_setLifeSpan(ing, 0) does (the function does not exist on the pc), whether it sets the ingredient to never despawn, or if it makes it disappear immediately. Pretty sure #2 is what's happening.
To fix this, try opening the aquaria.dat file with a hex editor, find the coward script (should be uncompressed, unlike most other content in there) and change the 4 occurences of
ing_setLifeSpan(ing, 0)
--g_setLifeSpan(ing, 0)
For me this is roughly around offset 0D15B100. Alternatively search for STATE_COWARD. No idea if this will work but it's worth a try. Otherwise, use the PC version.
No idea about the PoisonLoaf thingy, sorry. All i know is that there's 3 possibilities to make a PoisonLoaf:
PoisonLoaf + PoisonLoaf = PoisonLoaf
RottenMeat + Anything = PoisonLoaf
Anything + PoisonSoup = PoisonLoaf
Hey, thanks for the quick reply! Unfortunately, those changes rendered the game unloadable, forcing a deletion and reinstall that wiped my data. I tried again with a fresh save, and it seems like any changes to the .dat file make the installation wonky. (No worries, though - I had already completed the game and was just maxing my inventory to satisfy a little OCD. This will just give me a reason to pick it up again down the road!)
Re: the Poison Loaf recipes, IIRC it's because early builds of the game on PC (I first played in 2008, pre-Steam) used the phrase "Rotten Loaf" instead of "Poison Loaf," rendering those recipes impossible. Guessing the iPad version has a similar issue. Hopefully the game gets patched down the line with some fixes!
Unfortunately, those changes rendered the game unloadable, forcing a deletion and reinstall that wiped my data. I tried again with a fresh save, and it seems like any changes to the .dat file make the installation wonky.
Hrm :-[ I did not think the file was checksummed but apparently it is.
Well then i have another reason to get that unpacker coded eventually. I thow that the packer is this [], so there's at least a reference available. (Didn't yet look into it though)
EDIT: woot:
Re: the Poison Loaf recipes, IIRC it's because early builds of the game on PC (I first played in 2008, pre-Steam) used the phrase "Rotten Loaf" instead of "Poison Loaf," rendering those recipes impossible. Guessing the iPad version has a similar issue. Hopefully the game gets patched down the line with some fixes!
Good point, will check src to be sure.
But i doubt there will ever be a new ipad version.
I cannot get the Coward to drop any items.
Oops, it looks like this is my fault -- I accidentally broke it while adding suspend/resume support, and we didn't catch the bug before release. Sorry!
I don't know if there will be any more updates, but if there are I'll make sure to fix it.
I don't know what this 0 in ing_setLifeSpan(ing, 0) does (the function does not exist on the pc), whether it sets the ingredient to never despawn, or if it makes it disappear immediately.
It's the former -- this is used to ensure that rare items don't despawn (unless you move to a different area).
FYI, the bug is that the test at the top of dieNormal() should be "v.drop == 0" rather than "v.drop == 1".
Hey, thanks for the quick reply! Unfortunately, those changes rendered the game unloadable, forcing a deletion and reinstall that wiped my data.
iOS automatically checksums all installed apps to prevent people from modifying them, so unfortunately you can't edit the data yourself.
The Coward drop and recipe bugs should both be fixed in version 1.1.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into these updates!