Bit Blot Forum

Aquaria => Support => Topic started by: bluestank on March 01, 2014, 05:32:16 pm

Title: [Mac] "Couldn't set resolution [1024x640]" error message on startup
Post by: bluestank on March 01, 2014, 05:32:16 pm
Hi all,

I really enjoyed this game on my old Mac laptop, but I recently upgraded to the new retina display macbook pro.

I now get the error message in the title. Here is the full message:

Couldn't set resolution [1024x640]
Failed to find display resolution: 1024x640x32

I have tried changing my resolution to 1024x640 and I get the same message. Is there a way to change the settings out-of-game so that I can run it in windowed mode to see if this works? Any other solutions?

Title: Re: [Mac] "Couldn't set resolution [1024x640]" error message on startup
Post by: False.Genesis on March 01, 2014, 07:17:20 pm
On OSX, the user settings are located here (also saves and other things you may want to copy over):

/Users/<USER>/Library/Application Support/Aquaria/preferences/usersettings.xml

If you can't see the Library folder (because OSX 10.7+ is dumb), paste this into a terminal:
chflags nohidden ~/Library

You'll find a display resolution line in there you can edit.

If that still doesn't work, check out in a week or two, I'll try to release a new update soon that switches from SDL1.2 to SDL2 which should solve some display issues and fixes compatibility with OSX 10.9.
Title: Re: [Mac] "Couldn't set resolution [1024x640]" error message on startup
Post by: bluestank on March 01, 2014, 08:42:10 pm
On OSX, the user settings are located here (also saves and other things you may want to copy over):

/Users/<USER>/Library/Application Support/Aquaria/preferences/usersettings.xml

If you can't see the Library folder (because OSX 10.7+ is dumb), paste this into a terminal:
chflags nohidden ~/Library

You'll find a display resolution line in there you can edit.

If that still doesn't work, check out in a week or two, I'll try to release a new update soon that switches from SDL1.2 to SDL2 which should solve some display issues and fixes compatibility with OSX 10.9.

Thanks! Just switching the 32 in that config file to 64 in the resolution section fixed it!