Bit Blot Forum
Aquaria => General => Topic started by: IcyEyeG on June 18, 2013, 09:18:40 pm
Aquaria for Android is available as a part of the Humble Bundle for Android 6.
Get it on (!
Can't wait to try it out on my tablet, and on Ubuntu (let's see if this build is updated to work on the latest Ubuntu).
I'll give feedback ASAP.
UPDATE: Ubuntu builds seem to be the same as previous bundles, and doesn't seem to be a part of the Ubuntu Software Center coupon, let's see if they update this in the next days.
Grab it, while it's hot! ;D
Pay what you want, support charity, get it and a bunch of other cool DRM free games for Android and Steam.
Trailer (
My 7 inch tablet, a Window (YuanDao) N70HD (Dual Core Tablet PC 7 Inch IPS Screen RK3066 Android 4.1 1GB RAM 16GB) is apparently not compatible, as I couldn't finish the APK installation. :'(
Here is some info regarding system requirements, and known supported/unsupported devices, for the Android version:
Thanks! :) The Rockchip RK3066 is ARMv7 so it should work, according to the support page....
When you say it "couldn't finish the APK installation", is there a particular error message that shows up? I can't find a detailed spec sheet from a quick search, but if it's ARMv7 with Android 4.0 or later (and if the device has enough free storage space -- remember that Android needs space to install the APK after downloading it, so you need twice the APK size = ~1.1GB free) then it should work.
I saw that RK3066 is ARMv7 here:
As far as the error is concerned, it simply returns "App not installed".
My tablet has 16 Gb of memory devided in 1 Gb as "Internal storage" and the rest in a partition accessible via USB mass storage. The internal storage has 537 MB free at this point, and I have the APK in the mass storage partition (with 8.5 GB free).
Okay, it sounds like what's happening is that Android is trying to install the app to the mass storage partition (this is normal, since you don't have enough space on the internal storage partition), but Android-specific data stored on the mass storage partition is corrupted or missing. Unfortunately, the only sure-fire way I know of to fix this is to do a factory reset of the device, which should reformat the mass storage partition and rewrite the Android data correctly. However, there are two things you might try first:
- Make sure your device is disconnected from the PC when you install the app. Accesses from a PC to a mass storage device can prevent Android from using the device.
- Check whether there's a folder named ".android_secure" (the leading dot is important) in the root folder of the mass storage partition. If not, create it and then try installing the app again.
Also, this goes without saying but if you do a factory reset, make sure to back up all your data first. (:
My 7 inch tablet, a Window (YuanDao) N70HD (Dual Core Tablet PC 7 Inch IPS Screen RK3066 Android 4.1 1GB RAM 16GB) is apparently not compatible, as I couldn't finish the APK installation. :'(
my phone doesn't seem to run it either, but I'll try again to make sure the download or transfer to my phone didn't mess it up
"parse error
there is a problem parsing the package"
oh well, guess it can't be on my phone. have it for computer anyway so no matter.
I can confirm that Samsung Galaxy S4 runs it quite well, apart from a couple crashes in the beginning area when opening the menu. With gamepad support, love being able to use a PS3 controller instead of the touchscreen. :D
It works like a charm on my Samsung Galaxy Tab II. :)
TF101(OC Tegra2 2x 1,5 Ghz): Installation ok, but really slow and sound crackles.
Xperia Play: couldnĀ“t even install the game, "Bad Parsing" or something like that. Does the game support installation on Sd? Or maybe i need Android 4.x?
I hope,You can fix these bugs, because i like the game very much and it was the main reason to buy the humble bundle.
Another issue is lack of HW Keys support. It would be really nice, if You add gamepad support(Xperia PLAY, Archos Gamepad, Nvidia Shield, or just a bluetooth Device like Moga).
TF101(OC Tegra2 2x 1,5 Ghz): Installation ok, but really slow and sound crackles.
Unfortunately, the Tegra 2 chipset is a bit underpowered for running Aquaria. You may be able to get better performance by going to the options menu and disabling the "Ripple Effects" option.
Xperia Play: couldnĀ“t even install the game, "Bad Parsing" or something like that. Does the game support installation on Sd? Or maybe i need Android 4.x?
Yes, Android 4.0 is required -- see the system requirements (
Another issue is lack of HW Keys support. It would be really nice, if You add gamepad support(Xperia PLAY, Archos Gamepad, Nvidia Shield, or just a bluetooth Device like Moga).
Aquaria supports built-in gamepad keys, as long as the device itself reports them as gamepad keys (and not something else like keyboard keys). Unfortunately, this is a device-specific issue and there's not much I can do about devices that don't follow the standard.
I've uninstalled most of the apps on my tablet and installed the 1.1a version released today, and it works! ;D
The only problem I found is that the whole app stays in the internal storage (all 541 MB) with no possibility of moving it to the mass storage partition.
Therefore now I only have 161 MB free in the internal storage partition... But I get to play Aquaria :P
One side note:
If you want to use your saves from your PC game, just copy your save-*.aqs files to Android/data/com.bit_blot.aquaria_humble/files/save in your mass storage partition and rename them to save-*.bin. :D
Please note: You won't be able to use the *.bin saves on PC builds. As pointed out by achurch, if you try to use them on a PC, you'll loose your inventory and all visited data on the world map!!
If you want to rename them quicly open a terminal (or cmd in Windows) at the folder above and write:
rename s/.aqs/.bin/ *.aqs
in Linux or
ren *.aqs *.bin
in Windows
It's a shame that you have to rename them though, because I'd be able to sync the saves between my tablet and my PC (already do that with my laptop).
OK, it seems that I can't save any progress. Every time I try to save, it says "Save failed". However, auto-save seems to work. Is anyone else having this problem?
I've uninstalled mos of the apps on my tablet and installed the 1.1a version released today, and it works! ;D
The only problem I found is that the whole app stays in the internal storage (all 541 MB) with no possibility of moving it to the mass storage partition.
I'll continue looking into this, though I'm a bit constrained by how fragile the Android installer is with respect to external storage. :P Props to Google for developing Android, but I do wish they'd make it a bit more robust...
It's a shame that you have to rename [save files] though, because I'd be able to sync the saves between my tablet and my PC (already do that with my laptop).
There's actually a good reason for this, which is that the Android save files are not backward-compatible -- if you load an Android save in one of the PC versions, the game itself will load but you'll lose your current inventory and all visited data on the world map. I didn't want to give the impression that the files are interchangeable by using the same filename extension.
OK, it seems that I can't save any progress. Every time I try to save, it says "Save failed". However, auto-save seems to work. Is anyone else having this problem?
This may be another side effect of the external storage problem you reported earlier. Again, my suggestion would be a factory reset.
I'll continue looking into this, though I'm a bit constrained by how fragile the Android installer is with respect to external storage. :P Props to Google for developing Android, but I do wish they'd make it a bit more robust...
I'll check the HIB page for new builds (if you see a reason to make them in the upcoming days) and give feedback.
There's actually a good reason for this, which is that the Android save files are not backward-compatible -- if you load an Android save in one of the PC versions, the game itself will load but you'll lose your current inventory and all visited data on the world map. I didn't want to give the impression that the files are interchangeable by using the same filename extension.
So, you can use PC saves on Android, but you won't be able to use them on the PC. Duly noted. :)
That's interesting, because the android version is able to retain all the information. On a related note, is this a bug on the PC builds?
This may be another side effect of the external storage problem you reported earlier. Again, my suggestion would be a factory reset.
Indeed, I'll try to do that.
So, you can use PC saves on Android, but you won't be able to use them on the PC. Duly noted. :)
That's interesting, because the android version is able to retain all the information. On a related note, is this a bug on the PC builds?
Strictly speaking, no, it's just a change in file format -- partly because of new features that needed additional data, partly to reduce memory usage compared to the PC version. (That said, there was a related bug in the PC version that caused save file sizes to grow without bound; it's not inconceivable that an endgame save from the PC could crash Aquaria on a memory-limited Android device.)
Strictly speaking, no, it's just a change in file format -- partly because of new features that needed additional data, partly to reduce memory usage compared to the PC version. (That said, there was a related bug in the PC version that caused save file sizes to grow without bound; it's not inconceivable that an endgame save from the PC could crash Aquaria on a memory-limited Android device.)
I see, so it could be possible to to patch the FOSS Aquaria engine to support these format changes, so that the format stays the same across platforms.
OK, it seems that I can't save any progress. Every time I try to save, it says "Save failed". However, auto-save seems to work. Is anyone else having this problem?
This may be another side effect of the external storage problem you reported earlier. Again, my suggestion would be a factory reset.
I just tried the factory reset, and the problem remains.
- build 1.1 - doesn't work.
- build 1.1a - installs, but the entire app must stay in the system partition
Also, saving still fails.
Strictly speaking, no, it's just a change in file format -- partly because of new features that needed additional data, partly to reduce memory usage compared to the PC version. (That said, there was a related bug in the PC version that caused save file sizes to grow without bound; it's not inconceivable that an endgame save from the PC could crash Aquaria on a memory-limited Android device.)
I see, so it could be possible to to patch the FOSS Aquaria engine to support these format changes, so that the format stays the same across platforms.
Still using the base64 encoded raw memory blob? If so, this is supported just fine for never PC versions. Now please tell how the rest has changed so it can be made compatible.
Or someone could send me an android save file, maybe I'm able to figure out the inventory stuff...?
This would be a very neat feature, being able to transfer saves. I'd say almost essential. E.g. for people like me who sync save states of many games across different machines via dropbox.
I just tried the factory reset, and the problem remains.
- build 1.1 - doesn't work.
- build 1.1a - installs, but the entire app must stay in the system partition
Also, saving still fails.
That's bizarre. Out of curiosity, are you running stock Android or a custom build?
This would be a very neat feature, being able to transfer saves. I'd say almost essential. E.g. for people like me who sync save states of many games across different machines via dropbox.
That's exactly what I had in mind. :)
That's bizarre. Out of curiosity, are you running stock Android or a custom build?
Stock Android 4.1.1.
Stock Android 4.1.1.
Hmm. You don't happen to have your device connected to your PC while you're playing, do you? That might prevent Aquaria from saving any data.
You apparently have no trouble getting Aquaria to load saved games, so that confirms that Aquaria can at least see its data directory. I don't see how saves would fail in that case, unless Android is blocking them due to being connected to a PC.
Hmm. You don't happen to have your device connected to your PC while you're playing, do you? That might prevent Aquaria from saving any data.
You apparently have no trouble getting Aquaria to load saved games, so that confirms that Aquaria can at least see its data dircetory. I don't see how saves would fail in that case, unless Android is blocking them due to being connected to a PC.
No, it's not connected. It's indeed strange, because the auto-save is working, and I'm assuming it's being written to save-9999.bin, right? If that's the case, then Aquaria does access the mass storage partition.
Oh, so the auto-save file is in fact being written? In that case, perhaps it's a file permissions issue -- it may be that Android is preventing Aquaria from overwriting the files you copied to the device. Try this:
1) Load one of your save files.
2) Press the Home button to go to the Android home screen (leaving Aquaria suspended).
3) Delete the save file from the device.
4) Resume Aquaria.
5) Save in the slot you just deleted.
Oh, so the auto-save file is in fact being written? In that case, perhaps it's a file permissions issue -- it may be that Android is preventing Aquaria from overwriting the files you copied to the device. Try this:
1) Load one of your save files.
2) Press the Home button to go to the Android home screen (leaving Aquaria suspended).
3) Delete the save file from the device.
4) Resume Aquaria.
5) Save in the slot you just deleted.
Did just that, same thing: "Saved Failed".
Did just that, same thing: "Saved Failed".
Hmm. I don't suppose you're familiar with the "adb" tool? It would be nice to get a look at the exact permissions of the files in question. The code path is exactly the same for the autosave (save-9999.bin) and regular saves, so I can't find any other explanation for why autosaves would work but not regular saves.
A couple other things that come to mind:
- If you go back to the title screen after "Save Failed", has the save file in fact been updated or not?
- Is the autosave file still being updated each time you return to the title screen?
Quick patch for loading android saves on PC:
Not everything is handled, especially not the "recursive" <RestartData> tag, but the data mentioned a few posts back should be okay now.
World map gems (savepoints, user notes, etc) are not yet loaded properly, working on this now.
Hint: My old savefile unpacker ( still works with the android saves. Thanks for keeping the format sane :)
This will be in my next updatepack, too.
Hmm. I don't suppose you're familiar with the "adb" tool? It would be nice to get a look at the exact permissions of the files in question. The code path is exactly the same for the autosave (save-9999.bin) and regular saves, so I can't find any other explanation for why autosaves would work but not regular saves.
Yes, however, I've been having trouble getting this tablet detected on my Ubuntu PC. I have to check that over the weekend.
A couple other things that come to mind:
- If you go back to the title screen after "Save Failed", has the save file in fact been updated or not?
It's not updated.
- Is the autosave file still being updated each time you return to the title screen?
Yes it is, it gets updated. I've also tried renaming one of the autosaves to, say, save-0001.bin, and it still fails to save afterwards.
@False.Genesis - You work fast! ;D
Hmm. I don't suppose you're familiar with the "adb" tool? It would be nice to get a look at the exact permissions of the files in question. The code path is exactly the same for the autosave (save-9999.bin) and regular saves, so I can't find any other explanation for why autosaves would work but not regular saves.
Yes, however, I've been having trouble getting this tablet detected on my Ubuntu PC. I have to check that over the weekend.
If you can get it working, please try running these commands:
adb shell ls -l /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.bit_blot.aquaria_humble
adb shell ls -l /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.bit_blot.aquaria_humble/files
adb shell ls -l /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.bit_blot.aquaria_humble/files/save
(Feel free to mail me directly, achurch at achurch dot org, so as not to spam the thread further.)
Quick patch for loading android saves on PC:
Just sent you mail with a summary of the save file changes.
I just created account to write that aquaria is unplayable on LG L5. I can install game, but I can see nothing. When I start game, screen blinks, then it looks kinda like this:
After a while I can't see anything, because screen refresh falis.
I just created account to write that aquaria is unplayable on LG L5. I can install game, but I can see nothing. When I start game, screen blinks, then it looks kinda like this:
After a while I can't see anything, because screen refresh falis.
It sounds like something else on your phone is interfering with the game's graphics. One thing that might help is to press the Home button to go back to the Android home screen, then tap the Aquaria icon again to restart the game; that's known to fix display problems on some Android devices.
I may try and recreate the game crashing on opening the menu in the first few areas and upload the logcat, since that might turn off a few people playing.
@False.Genesis: do you still need a save file to play with to try and get stuff working?
And as a final note, there's an app out there called Sixaxis Controller ( that lets you use a PS3 controller as a native gamepad (or bind specific keys to buttons, depending on the game). Works great with Aquaria, just note that the help text still mentions Xbox controller buttons, so adjust accordingly. I can't remember the price off-hand, it isn't more than a few bucks. Note that you have to be rooted to use it because of how it handles controller connections.
I may try and recreate the game crashing on opening the menu in the first few areas and upload the logcat, since that might turn off a few people playing.
By all means, if you can reproduce this please send me a log dump (achurch at achurch dot org) and I'll see if I can fix it.
Huh, got an achievement for getting to Open Waters but I see no way to view achievements. Or am I missing some obvious friendly button somewhere?
Huh, got an achievement for getting to Open Waters but I see no way to view achievements. Or am I missing some obvious friendly button somewhere?
They're at the bottom of the help text.
I wonder why can't the stupid thing (the pen, NOT Aquaria! ;) ) always work in some sort of basic mode where it just pretends to be a finger? Some games seem to work like that, maybe it's related to whether the game gets it's touch input from some higher layer of Android, or talks more directly to the hardware?
I'm curious -- does the stylus just not work at all? My understanding of the Android API is that it should be reported as a normal touch, just like using a finger. Unfortunately I don't have a Galaxy Note to test with, but if I have a chance I'll see if there's anything I can fix.
One thing that might help is to press the Home button to go back to the Android home screen, then tap the Aquaria icon again to restart the game
I tried and it didn't help. I'll try to find other way.
Samsung provides some tools to test pen input with the Android emulator here (, but I have no idea how useful they would be, that stuff is way over my head ;)
If I could test anything for you on a physical Note 2, just let me know.
Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, my first impression from reading the documentation is that Samsung decided that their new stylus is too special to use the standard Android input framework, so that explains why you can't use it with Aquaria. :/ I hate to sound like I'm shoving the blame onto someone else, but you might try complaining to Samsung about this -- hopefully with enough feedback, they'll fix their stylus driver to work better with Android.
aquaria works great on my tab 2 7.0 but dam it was a big apk in order to even get it installed i had to put the apk on my external storage then install it as there was no way in heck i could free up almost a gig of storage on my internal. still cant believe the tab 2 only has 4.6 gigs of usable internal storage out of the quote on quote 8 gigs of storage.
thanks for the hint about being able to load pc saves on android but not vice versa. im not rooted so i cant access /data i dont think unless your talking about /sdcard/Android/data/ then it's easy to get to but /data is a no go for none rooted devices.
woot woot I got my pc saves copyed and they work great. although i have no pics as i was not sure if screen-*.zga was compatable or not so im just manuly regenerating the thumbs by going though each save loading it then saving over top of it and letting the game generate the save-*.png
aquaria works great on my tab 2 7.0 but dam it was a big apk in order to even get it installed i had to put the apk on my external storage then install it as there was no way in heck i could free up almost a gig of storage on my internal. still cant believe the tab 2 only has 4.6 gigs of usable internal storage out of the quote on quote 8 gigs of storage.
thanks for the hint about being able to load pc saves on android but not vice versa. im not rooted so i cant access /data i dont think unless your talking about /sdcard/Android/data/ then it's easy to get to but /data is a no go for none rooted devices.
I think it's /sdcard/Android/data/com.bit_blot.aquaria_humble/files/save/ (mine is /storage/sdcard0/Android... because of how the system treats the storage)
As for the "8 GB" of storage, that's 8GB total. Which unfortunately includes the system partition (ridiculous that /system needs ~3GB just for all the extra crap Samsung puts on it)
Hello everyone.
I recently got my copy of the game on Humble Bundle and now I have the following problem:
I play on Asus Padfone (1GB RAM, Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 1.5GHz dual-core, 32GB internal + 32GB SD, Android 4.1.1). When I play the game in phone mode(resolution is 960x540) the game runs fine, but when I try to start it in tablet mode(resolution is 1280x800) I can see intro, but both menu and game are black, I can see the UI though. I tried to reboot, but it doesn't help.
Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Hello everyone.
I recently got my copy of the game on Humble Bundle and now I have the following problem:
I play on Asus Padfone (1GB RAM, Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 1.5GHz dual-core, 32GB internal + 32GB SD, Android 4.1.1). When I play the game in phone mode(resolution is 960x540) the game runs fine, but when I try to start it in tablet mode(resolution is 1280x800) I can see intro, but both menu and game are black, I can see the UI though. I tried to reboot, but it doesn't help.
Is there anything I can do to fix this?
That sounds like a device issue. I'll try to find such a device to test with, but see if there are any graphics settings you can change, particularly "high quality" or "fast rendering" or similar options -- there may be an ASUS-specific driver or something that's interfering with the game.
both menu and game are black, I can see the UI though.
Belatedly, this reminds me of an Android bug I've seen on some devices in which the thumbnail in the Recent Apps list only shows the UI and not the game screen. Out of curiosity, if you open the world map can you see the game screen underneath it?
That sounds like a device issue. I'll try to find such a device to test with, but see if there are any graphics settings you can change, particularly "high quality" or "fast rendering" or similar options -- there may be an ASUS-specific driver or something that's interfering with the game.
Thank you for your replies. I looked through system settings and found the solution - in "Developer options" I enabled "Disable HW overlays"(Always use GPU for screen composing) option. Now the game looks normal in both modes(tablet and phone).
Belatedly, this reminds me of an Android bug I've seen on some devices in which the thumbnail in the Recent Apps list only shows the UI and not the game screen. Out of curiosity, if you open the world map can you see the game screen underneath it?
The game screen is visible under the world map in both cases(With "disable HW overlays" and without it). And the game is shown correctly in thumbnail.