Bit Blot Forum
Aquaria => Aquaria for iPad => Topic started by: flannery8 on March 24, 2013, 03:48:11 pm
In the abyss, there's a small chamber with a couple 'weird fish' who stare unceaseingly at glowing orbs. Is there something to do here or should I just leave them alone?
Also, is there anything to be done with the whale directly outside the fish room?
Does one of the fish wears glasses? What Naija says if she approach the fish? (Bare with me with the questions, because I don't want to spoil anything to you ;) )
In the abyss, there's a small chamber with a couple 'weird fish' who stare unceaseingly at glowing orbs. Is there something to do here or should I just leave them alone?
You can tap/click/whatever them and see what happens. It's nothing important, just a little easter egg.
Also, is there anything to be done with the whale directly outside the fish room?
Yes, it's optional but you'll need it for 100% completion and an extra.
Hint: Somewhere in open waters is a stone tableau that has a 'whale' song inscribed...
You can tap/click/whatever them and see what happens. It's nothing important, just a little easter egg.
That's it, there you go. :)