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Aquaria => Aquaria for iPad => Topic started by: Heliface on December 31, 2012, 08:02:17 am

Title: Controls are too hard
Post by: Heliface on December 31, 2012, 08:02:17 am
I loved Aquaria on the PC, but the controls make the game unplayable for me on iPad, because i have to make my hand dive all over the ipad in order to play the game. Please implement an invisible joystick option. I want to be able to hold the ipad with both hands and be able to play with my thumbs.

Thanks for reading
Title: Re: Controls are too hard
Post by: Daxar on December 31, 2012, 08:08:43 pm
Hmm, I think that was more of just a design decision than anything. I'm not sure how well the game would work with joystick control, but then again I haven't played the iPad version. In any case, since the iPad version has been out a while, I doubt it's likely to change anytime soon, sorry. :/
Title: Re: Controls are too hard
Post by: Heliface on January 01, 2013, 05:21:49 am
Hmm, I think that was more of just a design decision than anything. I'm not sure how well the game would work with joystick control, but then again I haven't played the iPad version. In any case, since the iPad version has been out a while, I doubt it's likely to change anytime soon, sorry. :/

It makes the game hard to play. My hand always ends up blocking the screen. Also i can never really relax while playing because i have to move my hand so far just to make the character go up a little bit. Overall it is not playable for me, so i deleted it. I will not be requesting a refund, because i love Aquaria and the $35 i have contributed to the brand($30 for the PC version and $5 for the iPad version) i am confident will go to future awesome games and making hopefully a sequel to Aquaria. In any case i just wanted to express my disappointment that the control scheme is keeping me from having a functional version of the game for iPad.
Title: Re: Controls are too hard
Post by: Daxar on January 01, 2013, 10:36:41 pm
Yeah, sorry there isn't much we can do about it.
The best way to reach Alec is actually via twitter, so if you have one you can tweet him @infinite_ammo and he'll likely respond. Maybe even link him to this topic so he'll see it. That's about the extent of my knowledge, though, sorry.
Title: Re: Controls are too hard
Post by: False.Genesis on January 01, 2013, 10:56:00 pm
Just my 2 cents, this has been suggested by a few people already (not only here but also on a few other forums around the tubez I found by accident), but for now it seems unlikely anyone will do anything. Maybe someday...
Title: Re: Controls are too hard
Post by: Alec on January 01, 2013, 11:54:50 pm
We actually prototyped joystick controls, but never finalized them...
Title: Re: Controls are too hard
Post by: GMMan on January 06, 2013, 07:46:37 am
Now, about that source code we want...