Bit Blot Forum

Bit Blot => Off-Topic => Topic started by: LoneTiger on September 04, 2012, 07:11:54 am

Title: Aquaria 2 & Marian TBR Dates?
Post by: LoneTiger on September 04, 2012, 07:11:54 am
Just 2 questions:
When is Marian released?
When is Aquaria 2 released?

Keep the good work.
LT. ;D
Title: Re: Aquaria 2 & Marian TBR Dates?
Post by: False.Genesis on September 04, 2012, 03:40:29 pm
Marian was put on ice, or abandoned, or dunno. Chances that it'll be released at all are pretty low from what I've seen around the tubez. (An example (
Same thing for Aquaria2, with the difference that it wasn't even started. The attitude a la "there might be a sequel one day, but there are no plans to actually make one" hasn't changed over the last years.
... So we're now making a sequel mod ourselves, here: