Bit Blot Forum
Aquaria => Support => Topic started by: False.Genesis on February 25, 2012, 09:51:45 pm
Updates any 1.1.x to the lastest opensource version. Does not work with 1.0.x !!
If you need to upgrade an old 1.0.x installation, try this updater ( to create a working 1.1.1 (windows) version first, which you can then update further. Does not require a serial key afterwards!
Last update: 16th August 2015 - OpenSourceEdition v1.002
If you have a bug to report, post in this topic or send email to fg-aquariabugs [-ät-] wzff [-döt-] de -- thanks!
You can use these packs to crossgrade from one operating system to another -- for example, if you have Aquaria for windows but want to play it on a Mac, just copy the windows version to the Mac and apply the Mac update. For Windows/Linux, drop an updatepack into any other version and it should work. Ask if it doesn't.
Feel free to contact me on irc:// ( if you need help with these updates; just enter a nickname, connect, and wait a few minutes or hours.
Windows (32 bit): zip (3.4 MB) ( | 7z (2 MB) (
Copy all files in the archive into your Aquaria directory, overwriting everything that already exists.
Your old 1.1.1 version from Plimus or the HiB will also work with the new data.
[Attention steam users!]
This was tested with the Steam version. If you are using Steam, do NOT just throw this into the game folder! Instead, make a copy of the game and apply the update to the copy, otherwise Steam may complain about changed files and whatnot. I didn't try what would happen.
Note that this update has no idea that Steam exists - so no Steam achievements - but the opensource version contains a replacement, so they are not completely gone. It's just not that fancy.
On the other hand, you get a portable game that can be run from a USB drive, and does not require Steam running in the background.
[How different is this from the steam version?]
Of course the steam overlay and such features do not exist outside of steam, but regarding the game's content, there is no difference.
As said above, only achievements are different: They do exist, albeit in a not so pretty variant as the steam ones.
But there are numerous improvements (gameplay & stability fixes, better gamepad/joystick control, überwidescreen support, positional sound, online mod downloader, etc etc.) that make this fine open source product superior!
Linux (32 & 64 bit): tar.gz (8.2 MB) ( | tar.xz (5.7 MB) (
As for the windows version, copy the new files & replace already existing ones.
You can also put the tar file into aquaria's install directory and use tar -xvf Aquaria_update_linux.tar.gz in a terminal to install the update.
A launcher script is included that will select the correct build for your system (32 or 64 bits), and also update some files in ~./Aquaria/_mods.
If you prefer to use the binaries directly, you should update the mod scripts yourself. Otherwise the game will go haywire when you start one of the default mods.
Alternatively, some distros provide proper packages:
* Arch Linux: stable (, git (
[Attention steam users!]
The linux steam game data are located here: ~/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common/Aquaria/
As for the windows+steam version, copy this folder somewhere else and unpack the linux update into the copy (replace stuff that already exists).
New Macs, Intel [10.5 or newer]: dmg (6.6 MB) (
Old Macs, PPC/Intel [10.3 or newer]: ~ coming soon ~
For the Mac people I've made it easy. Open the dmg, start the updater app, and it will guide you through the process.
This works for both the Ambrosia version, and the one from the HiB.
Aquaria is not on Steam for Mac, but in case it shows up there it will probably work too.
[Attention Mountain Lion and up (OSX 10.8+ ) users!]
Because Apple is locking down their platform more and more, Mountain Lion refuses to open packages from untrusted developers by default. (My packages are not signed and therefore untrusted.)
If this applies to you: Click here for a guide about how to turn that off and change the setting to sane defaults. ( It's for another software but they have nice images that explain everything.
More info:
Read the included README file. (Online version (
Disclaimer: No guarantees. I've done my best to make good stuff, but if something explodes, it's not my problem. Use at your own risk.
Other operating systems
I don't support ready-made builds for other OSes, but with a bit of hacking on the source Aquaria should compile & run on every toaster that supports legacy OpenGL.
Known to work on: FreeBSD (, Haiku (
Does NOT work on: Android (runs GLES, not legacy GL), iOS (same as Android, but also shitty). Use the commercially available ports for these.
Misc notes:
The source code for these builds can be found at GitHub:
Looking for an older updatepack? Here's a list of all releases:
+1. Good work, sir.
Update; uploaded new packs, edited first post.
Most important changes:
- Improved loading speed for skeletal entities, if multiple ones with the same skeletal exist on one map.
- Fix "tile dummy" error - usually appeared when dying in a mod after loading a saved game.
- Linux: Correctly load shots / particles in mods, even if the file name case is not correct.
- Fixed some things in the script interface that I have b0rked in the last release.
- Huggys will now follow through local warps (thx achurch).
EDIT: Known bug: Currents sometimes disappear after changing resolution or swapping between window/fullscreen mode. They are still there, just the graphics are not always there. Restarting the game after resolution change fixes this for now.
This is so awesome!
Muchas Gracias! ;D
Hotfix for the currents disappearing problem:
(Win32 exe only for now, can't make Linux/Mac builds where I am right now)
Uploaded new builds for all platforms; the currents fix is in and few other minor things.
Thanks for providing this, just tried this out on Mac OS 10.7 and it works okay but is quite laggy compared to HIB release, seems to be to do with sound effects. I tried rebuilding with latest libogg and libvorbis but that didn't help.
For reference, fullscreen does not work if you build against the 10.7 SDK. Using an earlier SDK (as you have done) works fine.
I think I know why, but this isn't a problem on win32 nor linux. It creates one thread per every little audio effect that is played, and kills it once the effect is done playing - This adds a lot of overhead. Totally forgot about it, I'll fix that with the next update. Thanks for pointing. (And as soon as that update is out, please tell me if things improved!)
Fyi, already using latest libogg/libvorbis, so rebuilding that isn't necessary.
I was building on 10.6 - good to know. Guess I'll keep that clunky VMware setup for a longer time, then :)
Oops, I was comparing to the achurch repository regarding libogg/libvorbis. Thanks though, looking forward to the update. So there's no particular reason it's done that way? No bad things will happen if you change it?
[edit] Actually it looks like you've currently got libvorbis 1.3.2, which is now at 1.3.3 :P
So there's no particular reason it's done that way? No bad things will happen if you change it?
[edit] Actually it looks like you've currently got libvorbis 1.3.2, which is now at 1.3.3 :P
It was done by achurch to reduce memory usage, and take load off the main thread (which does the rendering and everything else). Fyi, from what i know the same change I'm planning to do was done earlier to the iPad version, so it can't be wrong. :)
(And no, it's no problem at all to change it).
And if that makes you happy I'll update libvorbis as well, but I need some time because I'm also working to finally integrate that mod downloader stuff I was working on last year - in a shape that is a lot less hackish than it used to be.
EDIT: Do you have displaylists on by chance? The game runs about 3 times slower with displaylists on, on both my AMD/ATI and Nvidia cards. (Don't even want to think about how Intel would boggle, lol)
Thanks :). Is it a simple change that I could do myself?
Not so simple, but I will write you a PM with a patch or upload a hotfix when I got it done, ok?
(Git is a cool thing, i'm developing this additional stuff on another branch so I can simply go back, change the audio stuff, and then continue working on the new things again.)
Will give this a shot tomorrow JUST FOR YOU, long weekend yay :)
Cool, thanks heaps. Don't know anything about displaylists sorry. How would I go about turning that off?
And no, I don't really care about libvorbis ;)
So, new builds are up.
- Less thread related stuttering when many sounds are playing
- Corrected a problem where animation/skin files would not be loaded properly on Linux.
- Better script warnings (only interesting for Lua hackers)
- Multilanguage patch by Henrik Holst is in, but not yet used.
==>win32 + Mac OSX: No need to upgrade unless there are problems or you like living on the edge.
==> Linux: You should upgrade!
Note that when I switched from many threads to one it *worked* the first time I ran it, and did *not* crash like it usually does. This makes me assume something is subtly wrong in the code, but i have no evidence, works totally fine on win32 & Linux. My paranoia probably ::)
Cool, thanks heaps. Don't know anything about displaylists sorry. How would I go about turning that off?
Explained in the readme :)
It's a config file setting (and off by default, but you never know. I think my first updates had it enabled because i forgot to take it out.)
Thanks heaps for doing this! Unfortunately it didn't help anything :(
Displaylists are off (I have nVidia graphics). What does this feature do anyway?
Display lists are a kinda old feature that would group things into a list, so you need only one render call to render a bunch of stuff at once (roughly like that, don't know the details). But nowadays this is just emulated for compatibility and degrades performance. Achurch added it for the PSP version because there it gave a huge performance boost. Not so on the PC.
Now I'm interested why it's still laggy for you. I tested mine on win XP and linux 64 bit and it runs totally smooth (better than HiB versions, actually). Anything to reproduce, or a specific desription where it's most noticeable, and how?
I guess you understand it's almost impossible to test anything under OSX in VMware. I can run the game with a resolution of 320x240 and see if it runs, but that's all about it ;D
(And my attempts to setup a hackintosh on my desktop machine failed, so far. Not in the mood + no time to try it again anytime soon.)
And I supplied FrancesF with the same OSX builds (just with dev tweaks on by default for modding), and she never said anything that it was laggy, slow, or whatever.
(All that tells me I didn't do something that Ryan did when he made the HiB builds. No idea what that could be. I want to learn this :D)
EDIT: Hm. Ambrosia shipped the last version for OSX that used FMOD, afaik. HiB one is already on OpenAL. So i'm pretty sure it's not caused by the sound system change.
Easiest way to reproduce is to start shooting or singing rapidly. It will lag pretty much straight away. With enough sounds the music will cut out, then all audio will cut out completely.
I just tested on 10.5 on the same machine and had no problems.
[edit] Tracked the problem to the on-the-fly vorbis decoding ( If I revert to the previous revision it works fine.
[edit2] There's also a weird problem with your latest release where the app will crash on launch if you open it by normal means. If I open it from the command line though it's fine. I didn't mention it earlier because it's so strange I thought it was just a problem on my end but when I tried on 10.5 it did the same thing.
Hey, got both fixed hopefully. The startup crash was from the localisation patch and is fine now, and I re-implemented optional sound preloading that was taken out in that commit you posted.
To enable it, set <Prebuffer on="1" /> in your usersettings.xml Audio subsection. (The config setting appears as soon as you have started the new build once.)
I uploaded a new dmg and replaced the old one - a startup crash isn't acceptable - so please redownload and test :D
But forgot to update the date on the intro screen. Ah who cares.
All is working great :) Many thanks. I can now play labyrinth without crashing or lagging...
( (
- New mod selector interface with integrated online mod list and mod downloader (see here ( for background info). Has full gamepad support!
It will stay completely offline until you click the globe in the mod selector sidebar - then it will connect to my server at and fetch a mod list & preview images.
This might fail if you have a firewall enabled.
Note that everything is hosted on my server, means I also manage the mod list. If you made a mod/patch/graphics replacement/whatever and want me to put it there, contact me.
- Support for soft-patching game data at runtime (exchange graphics, sound, music, texts, maps, etc with one click)
- Fixed subtitles not appearing when starting a new game.
- Multi-Language patch by Henrik Holst (but there are no datafiles for this yet -- as soon as there are some this will be fully supported. At least doing full translations is easier now.)
(There are also plans to fixup support for russian, but later)
- Misc scripting updates primarily interesting for modders
- All sound decoding is now done in a single background thread --> less stuttering when lots of action is going on (see prev posts)
- Added <Prebuffer on="1" /> option to config file, helps against sound issues, but uses more RAM if enabled (see prev posts or readme file)
- Skeletal & Skin loading fixes for linux (file name case issues, again)
- Saving is faster now, especially for large savegames
- Can now load mods from .zip files
Updated first post.
There is still an issue with nvidia nouveau drivers on linux, I got reports that it crashes with these drivers, and am working on it. If this happens for you, please let me know.
EDIT: The mod downloader marks mods you have with a green checkmark, mods that have an update available with a yellow arrow fading in and out, and mods it can't touch for some reason with a red "stop" sign. You can delete those from your disk and download the online version instead if you prefer.
Downloaded mods are placed in your _mods folder as .aqmod files. These are in fact normal .zip files and can be opened with any Zip program. The game uses the .aqmod extension to distinguish mods that were downloaded with the internal downloader from those that were installed manually.
EDIT2: Note that Labyrinth mod will not appear in your local mod list because it has a bug:
To fix it, download this Labyrinth.xml ( (Right click -> save as) and overwrite the old one with it.
Alternatively, just download the online version, where the problem is fixed.
Fixed my screwup from yesterday, re-uploaded, should work fine now.
Additional fixes since yesterday:
- Fixed savefile problem (non-critical but annoying)
- Maybe fixed crash that happened on Linux with nouveau driver, not sure, didn't get a confirmation yet.
- Fixed custom music or sound effects in mods on Linux (didn't play due to file name case issues)
-Now really fixed on Linux: Added a bunch of workarounds; now it doesn't crash anymore with broken nvidia/nouveau drivers.
Uploaded new linux builds.
I tried to build the latest revision from the repository on Linux, but it failed with this compile error:
[ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/aquaria.dir/Aquaria/ModSelector.cpp.o
[ 26%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/aquaria.dir/Aquaria/ModDownloader.cpp.o
[ 27%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/aquaria.dir/Aquaria/Network.cpp.o
In file included from /home/archy/build/aquaria-fgenesis/aquaria/Aquaria/Network.cpp:1:0:
/home/archy/build/aquaria-fgenesis/aquaria/ExternalLibs/minihttp.h:72:5: error: ‘intptr_t’ does not name a type
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/aquaria.dir/Aquaria/Network.cpp.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/aquaria.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
What should I do?
The newest revision from compiles and runs perfectly.
Is the bitbucket repository no longer up to date?
Use my git repo, which is more up-to-date and has this and other stuff fixed:
This reminds me that I should sync the HG repo with the one above... will do later today.
Use my git repo, which is more up-to-date and has this and other stuff fixed:
(Maybe it would make sense to edit the initial post of this thread to mention that - currently it just lists both repositories side by side...)
Btw., just tried the new mod selector interface, it's very useful, but I'm experiencing graphics problems with it:
( (click for full screenshot) (
The rest of the game seems to be displayed just fine, though.
Also, when I set the game resolution to "1280 x 1024" (which is my screen's maximum resolution), opening the mod selector immediately crashes the game (no error message other than "Segmentation fault"). It works fine with any lower resolution. The rest of the game also works fine with "1280 x 1024".
I'm using an "ATI Redwood [Radeon HD 5670]" graphics card, with the proprietary "catalyst" driver version 12.6, and X.Org server version 1.12.2.
I don't usually have graphics problems with OpenGL/SDL games.
Are you doing anything out of the ordinary in that mod selector, SDL or OpenGL-wise?
You didn't apply the files from my updatepack. The mod selector uses files in gfx/modselect -- if you don't have them, get these first (they are not in the repo).
If you don't need the precompiled binaries/libs, just throw that part out.
I have tested many resolutions and there is nothing fancy going on, just standard Aquaria-internal GUI stuff.
One thing to mention is that the AMD gfx drivers for linux are b0rked crap, but mine mostly works. But no idea why it crashes, can't do much without a backtrace. You're building yourself, so getting one isn't a problem. Would be helpful :)
You didn't apply the files from my updatepack. The mod selector uses files in gfx/modselect -- if you don't have them, get these first (they are not in the repo).
Ah, I didn't realize that, sorry.
Now that I applied the updatepack, it works as expected, and the crash is gone too.
Update! This is mostly a bugfix update:
- Fixed crash when an entity currently being pulled was deleted (for example mantis shrimp bombs exploding while bound) -- my bad.
- Fixed ice chunks appearing as white dots only -- also my bad.
- Fixed a problem that prevented loading a saved game of a mod in a zip file, which occured when no patches were loaded. This affected all mods installed with the mod downloader.
- Shield song is no longer wrongly added when loading a savegame that shouldn't have it.
- Fixed loading world map data when loading a saved game from a mod, and that mod has a world map
- Fixed more possible texture loading issues on linux, didn't have a test case at hand but this should make texture loading file name case independent.
Also enabled fast math for all builds.
Any Haiku ( users out there?
Looks like the next update will also be available as a Haiku version. :)
Have yet to test it on real hardware, but it looks promising.
( (
I'm having an issue where the new song hints show missing textures instead of the intended notes. I don't remember much about Aquaria's architecture now, so I can't figure out where the problem is occurring. Here's some of the log.
Voice: naija_speedboost
checking is playing now...
play now
setting flag [202] to 1
When confronted with a dangerous situation,
I was wise to use the full range of my physical abilities to avoid it.
With a powerful thrust of my legs, my webbed feet would propel me forward...
...leaving my pursuers in my wake.
set control hint: (Absorb blue plants to heal Naija's wounds., 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )
setting flag [222] to 1
set control hint: (The Shield Song - Press ESC for Song Menu, 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )
***Could not find texture: gfx/song/songslot-0(nul): (the shield song - press esc for song menu, 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [song/songslot-0(nul): (the shield song - press esc for song menu, 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )] ref: 1 idx: 754
***Could not find texture: gfx/song/notebutton-6(nul)(the shield song - press esc for song menu, 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [song/notebutton-6(nul)(the shield song - press esc for song menu, 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )] ref: 1 idx: 755
***Could not find texture: gfx/song/notebutton-2(nul)(the shield song - press esc for song menu, 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )
LOADED TEXTURE FROM DISK: [song/notebutton-2(nul)(the shield song - press esc for song menu, 0, 0, 0 t: 8 )] ref: 1 idx: 756
where (nul) is an actual 0x00 byte. Why would a string function keep on going past a null character?
Yep this is an old and re-occuring bug, It didn't happen on WinXP and Linux anymore, but apparently still on Win7. (Didn't notice earlier because I'm still on XP and refuse to upgrade)
I finally fixed this and another serious bug regarding visited map areas in my git repo, but I can't make good linux builds here, otherwise I'd have put up a new update already.
Will do when I'm back home where my linux box is (~10th Oct).
See the commit log ( for the changes.
Most important changes:
- Full support for localization, and russian character set. (Others will come in the next update)
- Fixed song symbols appearing as colored boxes
- Fixed mistake from 12th July update that world map visited areas would be lost when loading a save
- Fixed some editor crashes
- Fixed a rare but possible game crash
- Fixed old problems with super-wide resolutions and fully allow using them -- the game will no longer refuse to start if such a resolution is chosen.
- Beast form eats are now correctly reset (they used to carry over into started mods)
- Worked around a music bug that could cause the music to stop when changing maps
- Fixed sound problem that prevented background sound effects from looping although they should (noise, bubbles, wind)
- New optional map reveal method that minimizes spoilers and makes the game slightly harder (see user settings file; explanation is in the readme.)
- Minor world map usability enhancements
( (
^ Super-wide resolution in action! (Click to enlarge)
Known bugs / things not fixed yet:
- Attempting to download sacrifice mod via the mod downloader will download the russian version instead (need to figure out why it does that). -- fixed (was a problem on the server side, thx willowfish for pointing)
- Minimizing the window or Alt-Tabbing out of the game while downloading a mod via the downloader will cause the connection to time out and abort the download -- Fixed in OSE v1.000
- Naija will be visible in front of a grouper when slurped up; related: When Naija and Li are hugging, Li's arm should be in front, but it is not. This bug has been present for a long time and is now fixed in the github repo, but is present in all updatepacks I made, including this one. This issue has no effect on gameplay though. -- Fixed in OSE v1.000
Just played for about an hour. I found I have mostly forgotten the recipes and songs. Anyway, world map works and textures show up properly, though the screen tearing thing at the top still happens, but that's a minor issue.
Couple of requests:
- Make the entity activation range a bit bigger. I can see the entities seizing up for a moment before continuing.
- When Naija is out of the water, make the ripple effect only apply to the parts that are covered by water. It looks sort of funny having air doing a ripple.
Thank you for this wonderful update pack love the fact that Aquaria is now a portable app. made a copy of the steam version tossed it on my thumb drive and applied the update pack/patch. The mod downloader is very handy.
Most important fixes/improvements in this version:
- Support for loading/saving android-compatible save games (thx achurch!)
- Fixed regression that caused some entity parts not appearing correctly behind or in front of other entities in some circumstances (Li hug, big grouper fish in home waters)
- Fixed regression during the final boss battle, where the big beam would be fired into the upper left corner instead of straight forward.
- Fixed regression that would cause the energyboss swipe attack to play a barely audible click instead of the actual sound
- Zip files in _mods directory will no longer be loaded as mods, to prevent confusion. Now only .aqmod files will be loaded this way.
- Fixed problem where Naija would be stuck in place on machines with very high frame rates (~400 FPS and above) and disabled vsync.
- The mod downloader will no longer abort when a download is active and the game is minimized.
- Faster mousewheel zoom for faster editing
- Animation editor: Added keycombo to move/rotate bones across all keyframes (and all animations)
- Allow mods to call treasure scripts - custom treasures are now possible.
- Allow accessing all shots on the map via script.
- Better support for custom forms
- Added support for multi-pass GLSL postprocessing shaders (this is not used by the main game)
- Added support for scripted ingredients
- Added many new functions to the Lua API, extended & fixed existing ones.
This will hopefully be the last version that ships with SDL 1.2. As soon as ryan/icculus has opensourced the SDL2.0 patch I'll move to SDL2.0, and update all other dependency libs as well.
To prevent confusion I changed the versioning scheme from 1.1.3+ [Date] to OSE I will keep incrementing the last 3 digits whenever there's a new update.
I found something very strange, dunno if it is normal or not:
When you enter the first time in the Energy Temple (Map EnergyTemple01) and you are trapped where you must fight (just after the white pearl) the game crash, but only with the "Aquaria-dev-1.1.3+". With normal game it work.
This is the error:
WARNING: script tried to get /call undefined instance variable holdingNote[C]:-1 ([C] (?))
[string "scripts/entities/energygodspirit.lua?]:97 ([Lua] (?))
And other thing. With the "Aquaria.exe" (Version 1.1.2) the exit game button isnt work good, but i guess is normal because are files old from the old version. Just in case, i say it :P
Can't reproduce that here, works fine for me.
I remember I had this about a year ago and fixed it, so make sure you're using the latest update (uploaded yesterday).
Plus, I'm pretty sure this is not a crash, just a warning. In most cases they are totally harmless, but can pop up repeatedly, which makes the game unplayable.
FYI, my scripts/entities/energygodspirit.lua, Line 35, is this: v.holdingNote = false. If you're missing this line, that warning will appear.
And other thing. With the "Aquaria.exe" (Version 1.1.2) the exit game button isnt work good, but i guess is normal because are files old from the old version. Just in case, i say it :P
Do not use old scripts with the new build, that will fail. Even better is not to mix old and new data at all, even though in theory the old version *should* be able to load the new scripts without problems.
I never verified this, because I don't care about 1.1.1 or 1.1.2. :P
EDIT: If you find more such cases, please report them!
Wow... I downloaded it 2 days before this update :P. Thanks, downloading asap.
Iplay Aquaria AMBROSIA version on MacOS 10.7.5
when i play Aquaria1.1.3+app i can't use Right click (mouse)
Can i use right click this version?
Iplay Aquaria AMBROSIA version on MacOS 10.7.5
when i play Aquaria1.1.3+app i can't use Right click (mouse)
Can i use right click this version?
Eh... i don't quite understand what you're asking for.
Right click works fine in the game. I use OSX 10.6 for building + testing, but other people here use 10.7 or newer and there were no problem reports.
Thank you your message
But, my right click don't work, can't song
I can't explain very well.
Key config: when i install (14.10. 2012)in the option -key config-there isn't action list(left side) ,can't enter something els:
now i play on 12,7 2012 update.
i don't have enough skill.
Sorry again
I install last version.
meaning i 'd like to play without keyboard
when i use ctrl i can kind right click(song)
I changed version ,but i could not
i shoukd copie and past to the original?
That I get this right: You're saying that the 14th October 2012 update works, but the newest one (OSE 1.000) does not. Right?
That's strange. You said you're on OSX -- the updater tool should automatically do the right thing, so no idea what you mean with copy-paste to the original.
I have not changed any code that has to do with mouse control, so no idea why an older version would work while a newer one does not.
Can anyone else with OSX >= 10.7 confirm?
Key config: when i install (14.10. 2012)in the option -key config-there isn't action list(left side) ,can't enter something els:
You mean that the options menu is incomplete?
If so, you have improperly copied some data around, and data/stringbank.txt is now an old version or something else is missing there. This should not happen.
Alternatively you can have a look at your user settings file at ~/Library/Aquaria/preferences/usersettings.xml, the relevant part should look like this:
<Action name="lmb" input="MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT KEY_SPACE 0 JOY_BUTTON_2 " />
<Action name="rmb" input="MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT KEY_LCONTROL 0 JOY_BUTTON_0 " />
<Action name="PrimaryAction" input="MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT KEY_SPACE 0 0 " />
<Action name="SecondaryAction" input="MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT KEY_LCONTROL 0 0 " />
<Action name="SwimUp" input="0 KEY_W KEY_UP 0 " />
<Action name="SwimDown" input="0 KEY_S KEY_DOWN 0 " />
<Action name="SwimLeft" input="0 KEY_A KEY_LEFT 0 " />
<Action name="SwimRight" input="0 KEY_D KEY_RIGHT 0 " />
<Action name="Roll" input="0 KEY_R 0 JOY_BUTTON_5 " />
<Action name="Revert" input="0 KEY_X 0 JOY_BUTTON_1 " />
<Action name="WorldMap" input="0 KEY_Q 0 JOY_BUTTON_9 " />
<Action name="Escape" input="0 KEY_ESCAPE 0 JOY_BUTTON_8 " />
<Action name="PrevPage" input="0 KEY_A KEY_LEFT JOY_BUTTON_4 " />
<Action name="NextPage" input="0 KEY_D KEY_RIGHT JOY_BUTTON_6 " />
<Action name="CookFood" input="0 KEY_W KEY_UP JOY_BUTTON_3 " />
<Action name="FoodLeft" input="0 KEY_S KEY_DOWN 0 " />
<Action name="FoodRight" input="0 0 0 0 " />
<Action name="FoodDrop" input="0 0 0 JOY_BUTTON_5 " />
<Action name="Look" input="MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE KEY_E 0 JOY_BUTTON_7 " />
<Action name="ToggleHelp" input="0 0 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot1" input="0 KEY_1 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot2" input="0 KEY_2 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot3" input="0 KEY_3 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot4" input="0 KEY_4 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot5" input="0 KEY_5 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot6" input="0 KEY_6 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot7" input="0 KEY_7 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot8" input="0 KEY_8 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot9" input="0 KEY_9 0 0 " />
<Action name="SongSlot10" input="0 KEY_0 0 0 " />
You can try to replace yours with mine, maybe that helps...?
now i play on 12,7 2012 update.
Better don't use this version, it has some major problems and keeps forgetting which areas on the world map you have visited.
Later I will try to reproduce what you said and boot up my OSX VM and test the updater directly on an unmodified version by Ambrosia. If i see something goes wrong, I'll fix it.
Thank you your message
i install ose v1000
and i tried to change replace . the option key config was changed.
but can't sing with right click
i use logical G600 mouse and G510s keyboard
macbookpro,2.3GHz intel Corei7
8GH 1333MHz DDR3
Ey, I found an error, but dunno if it is my fault or not, just in case i report it:
When I am in Bubble Cave and I go near the Mantis Boss it take this error:
WARNING: script tried to get /call undefined instance variable cut [C]:-1 ([C] (?))
[string "scripts/entities/mantis:lua"]:144 ([Lua[ (?))
In this case I can continue playing after accept the button.
Fixed ( for next update, thanks!
NP ^^
Btw, other little bug, but i supose it really isn't very important.
When you will load or save a game using the development .exe there is always a number mistake (ie if your last slot saved is 140 the next slot say 142 instead 141). Sometimes i guess it broke the .exe and it close, but about this is only a conjeture.
If you use a Red Crystal it is good even in development .exe
Naija seems to swim differently with the update; she has a lot more inertia and doesn't automatically turn upright once you stop moving her. Was this intended?
Naija seems to swim differently with the update; she has a lot more inertia and doesn't automatically turn upright once you stop moving her. Was this intended?
Yep! achurch did that change a looong time ago, see here:
I never really noticed this because i don't use the keyboard, but just tested on v1.1.1 and there's indeed quite a difference.
Tbh i like the changed inertia a lot more, and immediately returning to upright looks rather strange.
Okay, cool. I'm a keyboard + mouse player and that was very weird for me. I get that it's more realistic; it will just require some getting used to.
New update after a looong time! Aquaria OSE v1.001 is out! See first post.
Most important changes:
- SDL2 is now used on all platforms! This adds rumble support for controllers that support it.
- Fixed rotating oil drops (I messed this up in the last update, oops)
- Better stereo separation and distance attenuation for all sounds effects
- The mod downloader is even more shiny thanks to new icons made by FrancesF (;u=77490)
- Do not allow rolling while riding
- Better/Faster pathfinding for entities (this has no influence on combat behavior)
- Slightly faster startup
- AnimationEditor: Fix possible out-of-memory crash
- AnimationEditor/SceneEditor: Warn if saving map/animation/... failed
- SceneEditor: Fixed some crashes and quirks
- Fixed memory leak when singing
- Fixed problems and weird behavior with mods/patches, in package files and on the filesystem. Too complicated to explain.
- Fixed possible crash related to missing textures
- Fixed lost health refill at save points (instead, the game would restore the health as it was before saving when loading the savefile)
- No more separate developer build -- this is now a setting in usersettings.xml
- Windows build: Fixed possible crash on exit (windowed mode + close window with [X])
- Many many more things, mostly relevant for our in-progress sequel mod and modding in general ... :)
EDIT: Plus there is now a PPC-compatible build available, thanks to Daxar (;u=91800) for putting it together.
This one uses SDL 1.2, but hey, we're supporting PowerPC after all!
Iplay Aquaria AMBROSIA version on MacOS 10.7.5
when i play Aquaria1.1.3+app i can't use Right click (mouse)
Can i use right click this version?
Eh... i don't quite understand what you're asking for.
Right click works fine in the game. I use OSX 10.6 for building + testing, but other people here use 10.7 or newer and there were no problem reports.
Sorry to be late to send message
I can do it
i forgotb[...]first
thank you very much and excuse me
Process: aquaria [46873]
Path: /Applications/
Identifier: com.bit-blot.aquaria
Version: 1.1.3+ (???)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
Responsible: aquaria [46873]
User ID: 501
Date/Time: 2015-04-03 02:39:17.697 -0400
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.10.2 (14C1514)
Report Version: 11
Anonymous UUID: F6080D28-2941-3709-3C6B-20C836C9A70B
Time Awake Since Boot: 590000 seconds
Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:
Exception Codes: EXC_I386_GPFLT
Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x00000001001cd449 RenderObject::matrixChain() + 9
1 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x00000001001cd45a RenderObject::matrixChain() + 26
2 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x00000001001cd063 RenderObject::getWorldPosition() + 51
3 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x00000001000cdc50 Entity::getTargetPoint(int) + 64
4 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x00000001001571a1 l_entity_getTargetPoint(lua_State*) + 65
5 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x00000001002974bd luaD_precall + 589
6 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x000000010029e4f6 luaV_execute + 1798
7 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x00000001002979ed luaD_call + 93
8 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x0000000100296f95 luaD_rawrunprotected + 85
9 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x0000000100297d14 luaD_pcall + 68
10 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x0000000100294167 lua_pcall + 279
11 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x0000000100151f4c Script::doCall(int, int) + 172
12 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x000000010014dc3c ScriptedEntity::onUpdate(float) + 268
13 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x00000001001ceaed RenderObject::update(float) + 93
14 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x00000001000ca216 Entity::update(float) + 310
15 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x00000001001aff0f Core::updateRenderObjects(float) + 159
16 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x00000001001b0d67 Core::main(float) + 2455
17 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x000000010011c90d main + 157
18 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x0000000100003614 start + 52
Thread 1:: Dispatch queue:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff88453232 kevent64 + 10
1 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff93d12a6a _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52
Thread 2::
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8844d4de mach_msg_trap + 10
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8844c64f mach_msg + 55
2 0x00007fff9356c980 HALB_MachPort::SendMessageWithReply(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, mach_msg_header_t*, bool, unsigned int) + 98
3 0x00007fff9356c90e HALB_MachPort::SendSimpleMessageWithSimpleReply(unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int&, bool, unsigned int) + 42
4 0x00007fff9356af60 HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOWorkLoop() + 952
5 0x00007fff9356ab0e HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOThreadEntry(void*) + 88
6 0x00007fff9356a9eb HALB_IOThread::Entry(void*) + 157
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff927c0268 _pthread_body + 131
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff927c01e5 _pthread_start + 176
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff927be41d thread_start + 13
Thread 3:: OggDecoder
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8845248a __semwait_signal + 10
1 SDL2.dylib 0x00000001004a18c6 0x10046d000 + 215238
2 com.bit-blot.aquaria 0x00000001001f79ea OggDecoder::decode_loop(OggDecoder*) + 74
3 SDL2.dylib 0x00000001004a0c7c 0x10046d000 + 212092
4 SDL2.dylib 0x00000001004a0709 0x10046d000 + 210697
5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff927c0268 _pthread_body + 131
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff927c01e5 _pthread_start + 176
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff927be41d thread_start + 13
Thread 4:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8844d4de mach_msg_trap + 10
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff8844c64f mach_msg + 55
2 0x00007fff887bab34 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212
3 0x00007fff887b9ffb __CFRunLoopRun + 1371
4 0x00007fff887b9858 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296
5 0x00007fff8a45933b _NSEventThread + 137
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff927c0268 _pthread_body + 131
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff927c01e5 _pthread_start + 176
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff927be41d thread_start + 13
Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
rax: 0x0000000000000012 rbx: 0x65702f7365697469 rcx: 0x000000000100001a rdx: 0x000000010a01fa00
rdi: 0x65702f7365697469 rsi: 0x0000000000000100 rbp: 0x00007fff5fbfbf60 rsp: 0x00007fff5fbfbf50
r8: 0x0000000000000001 r9: 0x0000000000000001 r10: 0x0000000000000012 r11: 0x0000000000000010
r12: 0x0000000000000002 r13: 0x0000608000169900 r14: 0x00007fff5fbfc040 r15: 0x00007fff7793e070
rip: 0x00000001001cd449 rfl: 0x0000000000010206 cr2: 0x000000000117d000
Logical CPU: 0
Error Code: 0x00000000
Trap Number: 13
Any details on when/where in the game this happened? Following the C++ code, everything seems fine, must be a problem in a script somewhere...
Released a new updatepack today.
Two people I know have crackling sound sometimes -- to reproduce, move the music volume slider in the options menu. If it crackles, you are affected.
If this applies to you, a short notice is appreciated.
I have no idea how or why this happens, but it might be an OpenAL problem or related to the sound driver.
Has only happened with realtek soundchips on win7 so far.
Other than that, some performance enhancements, fixes, and scripting API extensions.
How do I open/extract .aqmod files? I'd like to make sure Li always has his sequel mod haircut.
They are just zip archives. Rename to .zip or right click -> open with... if you have something like 7zip/winrar installed.
Apple is limiting 32 bit executive support in OS X 10.14 and dropping it altogether starting from OS X 10.15. As of now, OS X 10.13 warns the user that the application is not optimized for one's Mac and they should check with the devs if a 64 bit build is available.
May I kindly ask anyone to build a 64-bit version of OSEv1.002 so the game can still be run on the upcoming versions of OS X?
Huh, the latest released OSX binary is a fat build that should have both 32 and 64 bits inside. I've been planning a new update for quite some time now but was super busy and drained so that didn't happen yet. It's also not quite finished since i kept poking at stuff and it kept falling apart.
Next release should be x32, x64, and PPC compatible if i get everything right.