Bit Blot Forum

Aquaria => General => Topic started by: Alec on February 08, 2011, 06:31:38 pm

Title: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: Alec on February 08, 2011, 06:31:38 pm
Hey folksies.  8)

Aquaria for iPad has hit Alpha two, thanks to the work of the very talented Andrew Church. We're going to be looking for play testers very soon.

an iPad
the ability to take notes while playing

It doesn't matter if you've played Aquaria before or not. :) If we could get both new players and long-time veterans, that'd be awesome.

Post here, or send me a PM if you think you'd be interested. Let me know why you think you'd make for a good tester. :D

Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: Xiagan on February 08, 2011, 09:02:49 pm
Send me an iPad and I do as much testing as you want! :D
Unfortunately I only know 2 friends of mine with one and they are too busy to test games... :-/
Good luck anyways, sounds awesome!
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: Delmion on February 09, 2011, 05:57:28 am
Oh, yeah.  A game that I love.  I think I should post here.

I'm interested, and able, to playtest.  I love tearing things apart and absorbing the itty bitty details that go into big works of art.  I also love the big picture, and am used to connecting ideas across large areas to see how they fit (or fail to fit).  I've playtested multiple programs in different stages of completion, and in fact am in the process of doing so right now for another iPad game.

Also, I love Aquaria.  I've bought it twice.  Once for normal, then once in the Humble Indie Bundle.  I love the thing.  (Haven't finished it yet, though!)  Gimme more more more.

Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: Gringamuyloca on February 09, 2011, 06:45:33 am
I've been thinking about getting one

I believe you've just made my mind up!

Give me a couple days... will post back!
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: YellowMonkey on February 11, 2011, 01:08:54 pm
Hey Alec,

I would be interested in helping you with the iPad testing. I have only played the Aquaria Demo for the PC yet.
As indies who have worked on iphone games, we have had our fair share of troubles with the iOS platform and hope that we could help you iron out some bugs as well.
Let me know.

Thanks :)
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: Alphasoldier on February 11, 2011, 01:47:05 pm
I wish I had one, y'all are rich bastards. :c
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: trojanpooh on February 13, 2011, 05:45:21 pm
I think this is the first/last time I'll ever want an iPad...
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: GMMan on February 16, 2011, 06:26:11 pm
Andrew is making an iPad version now? He's way ahead on everything! (I was thinking about porting it to Xbox1, but lack any DirectX programming experience...)
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: fizzwidget on February 17, 2011, 09:28:25 am
I'd be interested in testing. I played through Aquaria on the Mac once, but that was some time ago... looking forward to trying on iPad (whether by testing or as a paying customer... or both). My schedule for testing is sort of erratic (gone back to college part-time, handling 10-month-old son the rest), but I know a thing or two about iOS development, Lua scripting, and UI design if that helps.
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: 5uprob on March 03, 2011, 05:16:29 am
I'll help out if you still need it. I work a lot but i'll at least be able to give feedback every so often. I played through the PC version of the game and loved it, looking forward to it on ipad.
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: althir on March 07, 2011, 10:17:34 pm
Aquaria is coming to the iPad, is that confirmed?

I would love to see this an would by the game again, because I think it would be wonderful to play with touch controls.
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: althir on March 11, 2011, 12:02:21 pm
If Aquaria is released on iPad, I will buy an iPad! No joke, friends!
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: Delmion on March 22, 2011, 06:24:16 pm
Sorry to toss in another post when I've already said "I'm interested," but I wanted to say this somewhere:
I love the thing.  (Haven't finished it yet, though!)  Gimme more more more.

Now I've "finished the thing."  That was fantastic, and if Aquaria is coming to the iPad, then I'd be thrilled to play more more more!

Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: Arachne on March 31, 2011, 11:05:15 pm
Man, this is one of the only things I'd love to have an iPad for.
Aquaria is one game I know would be fantastic with touchscreen controls. I used to think maybe on the DS, but the screen's too small to do the graphics justice. Maybe the Next Generation Portable that Sony's talking about will be good for it, though.
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: Danger Mouse on June 08, 2011, 12:55:23 pm
grave dig, any updates on this. I happen to have an iPad and would love to get aquaria on it.
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: Alec on June 08, 2011, 07:31:36 pm
grave dig, any updates on this. I happen to have an iPad and would love to get aquaria on it.

I've been really disappointed with the tester feedback we've got so far. Not that the feedback is negative, just that we really haven't been getting a lot of feedback. :\

So I'd love to add new testers, but you've gotta actually play the game extensively and have time to write down lots of notes and communicate with us. :P
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: False.Genesis on June 08, 2011, 07:59:55 pm
Unrelated site note, imho the target audience would be bigger if you'd also target Android devices (its sort of a linux, after all).
At least here in germany only very few people own an iPad, from what i have seen; but who am i to judge how large the market really is ::)
Also there is a not neglectible amount of people who either do not have the money for iThings (and choose android based tablets instead), or (like me) prefer to avoid Apple/Mac stuff  completely.

Something else i wondered about, how will the iPad version be licensed? I remeber that Apple was very... picky when it comes to licenses, as they do generally not allow GPL-licensed programs to be available in the app store (That happened to Battle for Wesnoth, for example, and many others. Battle for Wesnoth changed the license for the iPad port if i am not mistaken). Something about the app store license beeing not compatible with the GPL, as the GPL allows the freedom to share the code, and the app store does not. Forgot the details.
As the PC version code is GPL, will the iPad code be open or closed?
Just asking because probably more patches will be added to the opensource version over time (i am working on some stuff myself currently, like that new Demo and more), and it would be nice to have mods that work everywhere. Unless mod support will be excluded for the iPad, of course.

@DM: nah grave dig, you're keeping the thread alive! yay!

Someone steal me an iPad already, i want to help out here :P
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: Xiagan on June 08, 2011, 08:23:18 pm
Heh, I'd actually test it for Android too... ;)
I know two guys who own an iPad - not that much...
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: Frankg on June 09, 2011, 01:48:52 am
If you are still looking for testers, let me know, I'd be definitely interested.
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: Delmion on June 10, 2011, 08:20:48 pm
I've been really disappointed with the tester feedback we've got so far. Not that the feedback is negative, just that we really haven't been getting a lot of feedback.

Well, I hope it wasn't all wasted time.  I've heard tell of problems with testers for all sorts of products: by definition these people are outside the coding circle and don't know what you're trying to accomplish, so a lot of them don't realize what dimensions they need to consider in the first place.  That is, people go "Yeah, the game works, no complaints" because that's technically true, but they aren't conscious of the entire world of ways it could be better.

Maybe you should look for gamers and/or developers who have more experience with different areas and so would have an easier time seeing what to improve.  I don't know how to continue without sounding like I'm just advertising myself, but, well, I love diving into details and game design.  I was given the job title "official nitpicker" at one point.  It's a fact of gaming that there are people who aren't satisfied with less than 100% completion--I don't need that, but I'm darn close.  And, in case it isn't obvious from how long I run on in my writing here, I write a lot.

There have got to be people able to actually help on the playtesting, just considering the variety of gamers.  I'd totally do it.

Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: eX3cution on June 28, 2011, 08:38:33 pm
I played Aquaria back when it came out and loved every second of it. Last week  I bought a tablet PC and I was disappointed to see that I can't get it to work properly for it. Do you plan on adding multitouch support for the Windows 7 version of the game? There are so little quality multitouch games on Windows 7, I think that it could bring some exposure to the game.
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: GMMan on June 29, 2011, 10:33:02 pm
I haven't seen the iPad version of the game, so I don't know what cool things they might have put in. What would you be looking for in terms of multitouch support? I can only think of emulating the right mouse button, or some gestures to make form switching faster. But other than that, I'm drawing a blank.
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: eX3cution on June 29, 2011, 10:52:16 pm
I haven't seen the iPad version of the game, so I don't know what cool things they might have put in. What would you be looking for in terms of multitouch support? I can only think of emulating the right mouse button, or some gestures to make form switching faster. But other than that, I'm drawing a blank.
That's pretty much all that would be needed to make it work flawlessly on a touch screen ;).

That and the basic tweaks needed for the game to be playable at all with a pen (without tweaking the one of the .dll files of the game, you can't play it with a pen at all because your cursor just sticks to the sides of the window).
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: GMMan on June 30, 2011, 12:44:54 am
Hmm... Right. I suppose the mouse always sticks to one corner when a pen is not on the screen. Does the cursor usually stay at the same spot in Windows? If it does, it's probably SDL that's being odd.
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: eX3cution on June 30, 2011, 01:47:21 am
Hmm... Right. I suppose the mouse always sticks to one corner when a pen is not on the screen. Does the cursor usually stay at the same spot in Windows? If it does, it's probably SDL that's being odd.

Yeah exactly it's the SDL. Someone posted a tweak in this thead:

But still even with the tweak I can't imagine the combat working well while playing with just a pen without some tweaks in the core controls that I don't the skillset to make.
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: virusman on October 17, 2011, 10:18:25 am
I have an iPad (jailbroken + developer's account, if that's relevant) ready for testing, contact me if you still need testers.
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: tannim on October 18, 2011, 01:26:11 pm
I don't have an ipad, but I do have an HP Touchpad.  If you could port it to WebOS I could try it out.  I have no idea how difficult that is or isn't.

I just wanted to say this :)
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: False.Genesis on October 18, 2011, 09:53:15 pm
contact me if you still need testers.

If i am not mistaken and twitter (!/infinite_ammo/status/126176081618280448) doesn't lie then it was submitted to apple today.
Seems like good news.
Wait, really now?
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: Alec on October 31, 2011, 11:42:50 pm
The game is set to release this week. :)
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: Ice_ on November 02, 2011, 01:15:04 am

Too bad I was late for the testing stage, not been around on these forums for well over 2 years now :P.
Some guys was talking about the iPad version in the IRC channel a couple of weeks ago and I've been checking the appstore regularly for it to popup and I decided to do a google and I found this thread ;).

Now I'll just have to wait a couple of more days yay! I'll obviously 5-star and give this game a good review ;).
Title: Re: Looking for Testers for Aquaria iPad
Post by: Alec on November 02, 2011, 06:07:17 pm
Here's the teaser video we made for it: