Bit Blot Forum

Aquaria => General => Topic started by: GMMan on January 21, 2011, 08:14:18 pm

Title: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 07/04/2011]
Post by: GMMan on January 21, 2011, 08:14:18 pm
I was playing around with trying to do developer builds of Aquaria with the latest source code, and this is what I got.

Note: New builds have barely been tested.
Note 2: OpenAL is now included in the package. Also, because of compiling problems, I've opted to use a FreeType DLL instead of built in FreeType. So make sure to copy freetype6.dll as well.

Folder where I put the builds in: (

Where are the Linux and Mac builds?
As for Linux, it's easy to do a build, so you can do it yourself. For Mac, I have absolutely zero developing experience with it, so I don't know how to cross-compile for it and test it.

Official Linux build
Might as well: see forum thread Aquaria Linux Binaries (

Have fun.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows
Post by: Echolocating on January 22, 2011, 07:37:43 pm
Excuse my ignorance, but what are AChurch and Icculus?

If I made a mod with all my own content, I'd be interested in making it a standalone game so I'm interested in this stuff.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows
Post by: achurch on January 24, 2011, 01:51:48 pm
I'm glad to see I haven't accidentally broken the Windows build. (: Out of curiosity, what environment did you use for building?

(Side note: did you mean to point the full and dev links to the same file?)
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows
Post by: GMMan on January 24, 2011, 11:23:30 pm
@Echolocating: AChurch builds are from ( They contain patches made by Andrew and others (it seems, at least). Icculus builds are built from the official open-source branch from ( Those contain no patches except code cleanup and major bug fixes (if you consider fixing a lua script comment that major). The builds are preferred (it has game script fixes plus a smoother loading screen, on first look), but mods might not work correctly do to scripting system changes (see this mailing list message ( for details.

@achurch: I used Dev-C++ with updated binutils and CMake generated makefiles for the builds. (Actually, I have Dev-C++ just for the compiler and linker, because my previous attempts with other MinGW development packages kept on failing.) I'll update the links; Mediafire has an odd bug that prevents copying-and-pasting from working right.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows
Post by: Echolocating on January 25, 2011, 07:36:21 am
AChurch builds are from ( They contain patches made by Andrew and others (it seems, at least). Icculus builds are built from the official open-source branch from ( Those contain no patches except code cleanup and major bug fixes (if you consider fixing a lua script comment that major). The builds are preferred (it has game script fixes plus a smoother loading screen, on first look), but mods might not work correctly do to scripting system changes (see this mailing list message ( for details.

Thanks, man.

It's good to see such interest in Aquaria's open-source decision. I'm still surprised that the announcement is not on the front page of, but I know this is a dead horse for Alec and Derek. Just curious, I remember reading about workarounds for mod scripting, as some functionality was buried in the executable or something... is there more freedom (or control) with the Achurch build for creating mods? Like, is anything new exposed now with mod scripting? Just curious.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows
Post by: achurch on January 25, 2011, 12:27:29 pm
No major changes, I'm afraid; it's mostly bugfixes, code cleanup, and usability tweaks. That said, the script engine does let you do pretty much anything -- you can even control Naija to an extent, though her behavior is normally handled in the C++ core. (If you wanted to really change around Naija's behavior, like add new forms or whatnot, you could probably hide the real Naija somewhere off screen and create your own Naija entity, though you'd then have to implement a lot of the user interface stuff yourself as well. At that point it probably makes more sense to just edit the C++ source and release your own build.)

@GMMan: Neat -- yeah, I've had a lot of trouble with MinGW myself lately. One thing I've been thinking of doing, if I ever get the time(*), is cleaning some of that up so it's a usable build system again.

(*) That sound you hear is me gasping for breath after a nearly-fatal bout of laughter.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: GMMan on February 02, 2011, 08:31:18 pm
Latest builds are up. Both achurch builds updated (just the scripts), and icculus full and demo builds are uploaded.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: tannim on February 12, 2011, 07:18:13 am
Sadly, it is unplayable.  At least the

AChurch Full changeset 654:e9e13ea86644

version is unplayable.  I have not tried the icculus version.

The game refuses to allow controls to set for many things.  If I copy old controls into the usersettings.xml or even use the included "default_usersettings.xml" it says user controls are out of date, using default, which is set to all zeros.  You can put some of them in manually, but if you try to tell it "escape" for the escape key, it just beeps at you.

Here are the controls for the default usersettings.xml it creates when started.  The rest seem correct

    <ToolTipsOn on="1" />
    <JoystickEnabled on="0" />
    <AutoAim on="1" />
    <Targeting on="1" />
    <JoyCursorSpeed v="900" />
    <JoyAxes s1ax="0" s1ay="1" s2ax="4" s2ay="3" s1dead="0.3" s2dead="0.3" />
        <Action name="lmb" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="rmb" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="PrimaryAction" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="SecondaryAction" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="SwimUp" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="SwimDown" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="SwimLeft" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="SwimRight" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="Roll" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="Revert" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="WorldMap" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="Escape" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="PrevPage" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="NextPage" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="CookFood" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="FoodLeft" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="FoodRight" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="FoodDrop" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="Look" input="0 0 0 0 " />
        <Action name="ToggleHelp" input="0 0 0 0 " />
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: achurch on February 12, 2011, 01:51:42 pm
Huh, that's bizarre. Do you still have your original usersettings.xml? If so, can you put it in a ZIP file (to make sure mail doesn't corrupt it) and send it to me so I can take a look? (
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: achurch on February 13, 2011, 03:29:55 am
Okay, so it looks like the problem is that on Windows, the program tries to run AQConfig (from the original Windows release), but AQConfig writes a settings file that 1.1.3 considers "out of date". So it tries to load default settings from the file "default-1.xml" (distributed with the Mac and Linux builds), but that file isn't part of the Windows distribution -- meaning that none of the controls get loaded into the game.

I'm committing a fix now that just disables the version check entirely, since offhand I don't see any incompatibilities between the old and new settings files.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: tannim on February 14, 2011, 02:26:14 am
For me, the new build is unplayable. 

Audio for cut scene style dialogues, for example, when she talks about the first song you are taught, doesn't play at the correct time, it instead plays when the ghost appears instead of the audio that should play there.

In the memory energy form there is incredible lag.  IT plays fine for the first 10 or so seconds, then slows way down.  IF I press escape to pause the game and then unpause it the slowdown goes away, then comes back about 5 to 10 seconds later.  It does that throughout the energy form section.  There are some slowdowns in normal gameplay, but they are not as obvious.

The slow downs are not there in the Humble Indie Bundle #1 version of the game that I have and the audio plays at the correct places and times in the old version.

Anybody else having these problems with the new build?
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: GMMan on February 15, 2011, 06:11:40 pm
Have you updated the scripts?

Note I haven't actually "played" the new builds. I've only checked if you can get through the menu and start the game, but haven't played it. I suppose the icculus build works?
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: tannim on February 18, 2011, 07:09:02 am
I don't know if it makes any difference, but I am using the Humble Indie Bundle #1 version of the game on windows 7 64bit with a onboard Radeon HD 3300 video, 4gb of ram, and a triple core AMD Phenom at 2.3ghz

I did update the scripts in the game for the AChurch version by copying the new script files over the old script files in their directories.

I have no idea what the extra directories titled "_unused" are supposed to be for but I copied those in too as subdirectories.

As for the Icculus version... it's even worse than the AChurch, completely unplayable.  Not unrunable, unplayable.

I downloaded the ful Icculus version, which is just a single executable file in a zip file, and copied the executable over the old one.  When I run the Icculus updated EXE, I get "settings out of date".  When I get into the game anyway and click config-keyconfig, the game crashes out saying "Could not find actionInput: lmb"

Removing AQConfig removes the settings out of date warning, though I have to run the game twice in a row to get it to run, but does not fix the LMB crash.

If I click new game anyway, without configuring anything, I cannot close the game, I cannot do anything except swim by holding left mouse button. No other button works and I cannot even open the options menu to crash out.  

Audio from cuts scenes, such as when she first meets the spike fish, is not played until she gets to the ghost that zooms out of the crystal.  It skipped the Shield song dialogue entirely, then did the "If she had not appeared to me" speech before I'm teleported to energy form gauntlet.

The usersettings.xml created by the new version

<Version settingsVersion="1" />
    <DebugLog on="0" />
    <Mic on="0" octave="0" />
    <Volume sfx="1" vox="1" mus="1" subs="0" />
    <Device name="" />
    <Shader num="0" />
    <Blur on="0" />
    <NoteEffects on="0" />
    <FpsSmoothing v="30" />
    <Parallax on="1 1 1" />
    <NumParticles v="2048" />
    <ScreenMode resx="800" resy="600" bits="32" fbuffer="1" full="0" vsync="1" darkfbuffer="1" darkbuffersize="256" />
    <SaveSlotScreens on="1" />
    <ToolTipsOn on="1" />
    <JoystickEnabled on="0" />
    <AutoAim on="1" />
    <Targeting on="1" />
    <JoyCursorSpeed v="4" />
    <JoyAxes s1ax="0" s1ay="0" s2ax="0" s2ay="0" s1dead="0.3" s2dead="0.3" />
    <ActionSet />
    <WarpKeys on="0" />
    <Intro2 on="0" />
    <ShortLogos on="0" />
<Data savePage="0" lastSelectedMod="0" />
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: ron77hays on February 18, 2011, 02:24:23 pm
you did good. is it okay if you posted it here?
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: GMMan on February 18, 2011, 04:54:31 pm
The icculus versions have the fixShittyVista() thing enabled, so that's why your action inputs are broken. I hope you still have your original Aquaria.exe. Delete your usersettings.xml, and run the original Aquaria.exe. If AQConfig pops up, allow that, and keep running it. Then exit Aquaria, and replace the first line in usersettings.xml with this:

<Version settingsVersion="1" />

This will make it work with both the old and the new builds.

I'll try to get the AChurch builds updated ASAP after I get the RC scripts working.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: achurch on February 19, 2011, 02:30:04 am
Then exit Aquaria, and replace the first line in usersettings.xml with this:

<Version settingsVersion="1" />

Actually, I think you want to insert that line, not replace what's already there (which I think is <System>)?

@tannim: I think you told me you originally played Aquaria on a different machine. Have you tried it on the same machine as the new builds (with the original scripts, of course) to see whether it slows down as well?

EDIT: I just realized why the voices might be getting delayed -- the current code doesn't specify a channel count when setting up OpenAL, and apparently the OpenAL implementation for Windows defaults to a horrendously low number, which can cause sounds to get delayed until a previous sound (music, for example) stops playing. I'll see if I can whip up a quick patch for this.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: tannim on February 19, 2011, 06:32:41 am
I have played the original version on both computers.  The original works fine on both equally, a little slower on the other computer actually.

I have not tried the updated builds on the other computer because it has a slower CPU, slower video, half the ram, slower hard drive.

@ron77hays: Is it ok if I post what here?
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: False.Genesis on February 19, 2011, 01:28:36 pm
Hint: ron77hays is a spambot. a sneaky one too.

One note about OpenAL, it seems to work fine on some machines, on others not. For example, on my notebook where i have my dev environment (OpenAL SDK) and compile aquaria, my own 1.1.3 runs just fine. Copying that over to my other machine required me to install the OpenAL runtime there, and i had sound problems like you described (song notes & cutscenes not playing at all, or playing delayed).
Haven't yet found out what it is, if i do i'll let you know. Maybe another OpenAL runtime version.

achurch also posted a patch to the mailing list this night, adressing the sound problems on windows, but didn't yet have the time to try it out.

@GMMan:  is it ok for you if i join you posting compiled bins? :P

EDIT: Started hacking on the source a bit, seems like the windows version of OpenAL totally refuses to allocate more then 16 channels. In debug mode it dies because it fails the sanity checks in OpenALSystem::init, in release mode it works because the check is disabled. Still, no sound problems on my dev machine. (Using MSVC 9, current OpenAL SDK from creative labs, Win XP)
EDIT2: Forgot to say, using your psp branch with all the fixes, achurch. Including the channel count fix.
EDIT3: I'll make a fork on github within the next days, with fixes for windows + msvc.
EDIT4: Weird, 1 temp thread per played sound/music, do Linux/PSP that too? see image (
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: GMMan on February 21, 2011, 12:36:10 am
@tannim: Sure, though I'm not sure where you would upload to. I want a centralized place where people can find builds. Maybe achurch can help us? It would help since I'm planning an updater of sorts. BTW, what dev environment are you using?

I've got a new Windows .rc made. Expect a release on Tuesday.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: False.Genesis on February 21, 2011, 02:54:05 am
I still have sound problems on my other machine. Using some realtek onboard chip, maybe the drivers are bad.
The original (1.1.0, HiB one or that what you get from Plimus, they are 100% equal) uses FMODEX and not OpenAL, and with that i don't have problems either. So, that must be a problem with OpenAL, or the FmodOpenALBridge. Even copying the exact DLLs didn't solve the problem.
So the problem is either the sound driver, or the OpenAL implementation, imho.

Btw, a few times "FMODEX error: 1: Unknown error code" appears in both logs, on the machine where the sound is fine, and on the other one where it is not. (Tested in the scenes when finding, trapping, and binding Li). Need more testing here, and the log files could definitely use a timestamp...

@GMMan, what about a shared dropbox folder? I can host my builds on github, but i agree a central repo would be a better thing, probably.

@tannim: The builds you have sound problems with, do they play that bubbling sound (sfx/cache/titleaction.ogg) when you click on the buttons/crystal in the title screen? Mine does in about 10% of the times, otherwise it skips that sound. sfx/cache/menu-open.ogg is played in about 40% of the time, and sfx/cache/menu-close.ogg is played always (Tested by spamming the crystal and answering "No" all the time). Really strange.

EDIT: I blame OpenAL! The version by creative must be completely batshit. I got the win32 binary build from, renamed the DLL file to OpenAL32.dll, put it next to the Aquaria.exe, and it worked! 128 channels, no fuss, sound problems gone. Cool!
For convenience, i have mirrored the single DLL file: Download (
Let me know if that solves your problem, tannim. :)
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: tannim on February 21, 2011, 05:03:52 am
the new OpenAL32.dll file fixed both sound and game slowdown problems on the AChurch release of the game.  It appears fully playable now.

Audio is played at the correct time, including the title menu click sound and the two audio cues that were missed in the past.

The energy memory scene experienced no lag or slowing down either when I played through it.  I have not tested further as yet.

I'll try importing one of the old save games to see if those still work.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: tannim on February 21, 2011, 05:58:55 am
I did manage to crash the game trying to change key configuration in game.

First, I got the energy form, I hate clicking the mouse ENDLESSLY(please put in autofire for that form!)  I clicked Key 2 and set it to Z. I applied, then applied again, returned to game.  I fired for a little while with that key, then if I move, the key no longer makes her shoot.  If I go back into menu and back, it still won't shoot until I go all the way into config and apply the key again.

I cannot repeate the crash I got now that I am trying again though.  Strange.  It seemed to happen when I pressed escape when selecting the key or right clicked while selecting it.  The key config menu no longer worked for the keyboard until I clicked apply or cancel, no other buttons worked for the mouse either.  Other buttons stopped working completely in the game except for left mouse button.  I'm not sure if this was a problem in the original version or not.

I still have to run Aquaria.exe twice to get it to run though with AQConfig.exe gone
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: achurch on February 21, 2011, 12:45:33 pm
@False.Genesis: Glad to hear there's at least one functional OpenAL library for Windows. (: BTW, 1 thread per sound is by design (they're Vorbis decoders).

@tannim: I have a vague recollection of accidentally desyncing the game while using key config menu once -- I think I got it into a state where the menu was closed but it was still waiting for key config input, or something like that. I haven't actually done much with that part of the code; it might be safest to exit all the way out of Aquaria after setting things the way you like, then starting up Aquaria.exe again.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: Inyssius on March 08, 2011, 02:54:41 pm
Just found this thread and decided to try and install the AChurch Full version. I'm having a lot of trouble.

Problem one: I keep running into the version check issue where it overwrites your key config stuff with a bunch of zeroes. I tried adding "<Version settingsVersion="1" />" to my usersettings file, both before and after the <System> line, to no avail. Eventually I gave up, made a new copy of my original usersettings file, and renamed it "default-1.xml". That technically works; it still overwrites usersettings.xml every single time I start the game, but now it overwrites it with the actual data that should be in usersettings.xml instead of a string of zeroes.

Still, I'm pretty sure this is not the ideal solution. (Also--wasn't that bug supposed to have been fixed? Did I download the wrong version by mistake somehow?)

Problem two: Lag. I'm not getting any obvious sound issues, but I am getting an awful lot of slowdowns. OpenAl32.dll doesn't seem to make any impact on this.

What should I do?
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: tannim on March 08, 2011, 11:32:01 pm
Make sure the OpenAl32.dll is in the same directory as aquaria.exe.

Rename or delete the aqconfig.exe, copy your settings file to usersettings.xml

These two things worked for me, I didn't bother with the Version Settings thing.  I have no slowdown anymore and no corrupted settings.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: Inyssius on March 09, 2011, 04:11:15 pm
Make sure the OpenAl32.dll is in the same directory as aquaria.exe.

Rename or delete the aqconfig.exe, copy your settings file to usersettings.xml

These two things worked for me, I didn't bother with the Version Settings thing.  I have no slowdown anymore and no corrupted settings.

Deleting aqconfig.exe solves problem one--thanks!--but the presence or absence of OpenAL32 still doesn't seem to have any effect on the slowdown.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: tannim on March 10, 2011, 04:23:12 am
Be sure to download the latest Video drivers for your video card and also latest drivers for your sound card.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: Inyssius on March 11, 2011, 06:25:40 pm
Be sure to download the latest Video drivers for your video card and also latest drivers for your sound card.

Both were out of date--thank you for the tip--but updating them doesn't seem to have helped the lag.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 02/02/2011]
Post by: GMMan on April 06, 2011, 05:42:59 pm
New builds are up. FreeType is not built in, so make sure you copy freetype6.dll as well. Also, I've got the resource files prepared, but I'm still having trouble with it. It should be in the next build, if I can make it work properly.

Update: Dev build not working right. Will try to figure out. Gah!
( (
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 07/04/2011]
Post by: GMMan on May 05, 2011, 05:51:40 pm
Just realized something. Dev-C++ sucks. It's antiquated. Next build will certainly use something more up to date.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 07/04/2011]
Post by: False.Genesis on October 26, 2011, 08:49:19 pm
New builds, as nothing new was posted here in a longer time: - outdated already - use the links in my sig

Based on my own repo with some changes, haven't uploaded the full src anywhere yet though.
Posted most changes this has to the mailing list a longer time ago, but they are still waiting to be applied.

If you are into modding and on win32, this is for you.

EDIT: Uploaded the code for this:

Will keep the links in my sig updated, so check these first.
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 07/04/2011]
Post by: Delmion on November 04, 2011, 06:56:29 pm
I think I could use some instructions.  Or information in general, really.  Is there some "readme" on the internet, or this forum, where I can get an introduction to this open-source updating?

I'm using the Windows version, which currently looks like it's a couple iterations back in the bugfixing.  Playing the Mac version, though, I thought I spied some new errors that I didn't see in Windows.  Thus, a changelog would be pretty essential.

Not to mention how I haven't solved every puzzle in the game, and I'm starting to wonder if puzzles themselves might have glitches.  It would be good to have confirmation on that front before I start looking around for solutions/hints and risk spoiling anything.

Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 07/04/2011]
Post by: False.Genesis on November 04, 2011, 10:26:28 pm
Well... the official repo's changelog can be seen here:
The changelog for my repo is here:

Who/what did you refer to? Because what you call "open-source" updating is a little ambigous imho. If you create builds yourself, be sure to always include the newest scripts from the game_scripts folder (in the repo), and copy them over to your installation. If you use precompiled exes provided by anyone, probably too, unless the scripts are included (but you still have to copy them).

If you use any on my builds/exes, this is not necessary, as they are self-contained (explained in the readme i put in the zip). Unpack into your installation folder and run.

What errors did you find? And which version are you using?
I'd answer your questions but please be more specific what you want to know :)
Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 07/04/2011]
Post by: Delmion on November 09, 2011, 07:51:01 am
Okay.  My main thing is gleefully reaping the results of open source bugfixing efforts by people-who-aren't-me.

To say it in a less-dramatic way, I don't actually want to make my own modifications at this time; I just want to see how the game has been tidied/fixed/improved by others.  I recognize that there are multiple "others," so I'm being unhelpfully vague; but this thread gives the impression that a lot of work has been centralized into some helpful format.

I looked at both the changelogs you provided, so I think I understand better what bugs people have found/fixed.  They mostly have to do with fixing terrible horrible crashes.  Thus I am on my own when it comes to game content!  When I have more time, I'll ask elsewhere on the forum about that.

Title: Re: Latest Aquaria builds for Windows [Updated 07/04/2011]
Post by: False.Genesis on November 09, 2011, 03:01:03 pm
The thing is that the game files are not licensed as open source (under the GPL, that is).
So we are not allowed to share them.  (That includes simple text files like the shots bank.)
From what i have seen, everyone who is hacking on it respects that, that is why there are no updated game files in the repo(s).

Still, do you have updated content files? If so, we could setup a private repo where this sort of stuff can be collected, until an (approved) update pack can be released.

@anyone: PM me if interested.