Bit Blot Forum
Aquaria => Gameplay => Topic started by: Ixis on December 10, 2007, 01:57:03 am
Only rule: No spoilers please, avoid them if you can!
Hidden Memories
-The first hidden memory is in Mithalas, on the second map before entering the Cathedral, in a house on the central-east side of town.
- The second is at the very top of the Sun Temple. In the map area before the boss room, follow the unkillable moving robots to a room with a gear. Spin to raise the water level and take the northwest hallway all the way up until the water ends, then wall jump to the top. Jump from one gear to another to reach the other side, then either using the nature form plant jump, or the beast form jump, bounce between the two lower center cogs, and up the other cogs until you reach a floating water ball by a northeastern hall exit. Take this up and wall jump the testube outside of the Sun temple to the top and collect the second hidden memory.
- The last one is in the eastern section of the Abyss. Travel to the whale and sing him a song to enter his mouth (the song is circle, swirl, heart leaf… If my notes are correct.) Once inside the whale head to the back and an octopus will sing to you. Carefully listen to his song and then head back out to the main area inside the whale. Use the Sun Form to light up the lamps in the area. The order is east, north-west, south-west, center. Once you’ve successfully completed the puzzle go back to the octopus room and use the Bind spell to pick up the pearl. Carry the pearl out of the whale, past the geysers, and into the central alcove in the map area. Place the pearl in the pearl slot, charge it, and enter for the memory.
Don Andy, Ixis and diablospawn
Health Egg Upgrades
Info from Mull and Ixis
- The first one is hidden under the first rock you can move with the Bind spell in the song cave.
- In the belly of the whale.
- In the area between Open Waters and the Kelp Forest on the west side (the map that has a large number of cuttlefish spawns.) In the middle-ish area is a thin fish route connected to a sunken ship. At the end is a green health egg.
- In the Kelp Forest area before the boss. Use Nature form and open the flowers in the lower-right part of the area to reveal pearls, move a pearl up -right through a passage to the stand. Energize it and follow through the passage to get to the egg
- The last egg is in the second Frozen Veil area. Make your way to the northeast corner and use beast form or beast form + hot soup to reach two outcropping crystals. Then jump the rest of the way to the northeast cavern entrance. Follow the series of floating water-balls all the way to the top where you’ll fight a giant crab. This boss can be tricky, but essentially you’ll want to bind one of his bombs, switch to nature form (hotkey 4), then plant a large tree underneath him so he drops, then unbind the bomb and get the hell away from him. Do this three or four times until he’s defeated.
-Nautilus: Found south west of Naija's home, guarded by a giant Nautilus and it's children. Use the energy form to shoot it's tentacle spot.
-Piranha: Found in the kelp forest, the very northeastern part of it in Mermagon Cave(?). You must have beast form and fish form to reach it. The boss is a frog-like creature sitting atop a stone head. (Thanks to Laharah and lukich!)
-Dumbo Octopus: Much better than the name suggests! In The Veil, near the sun temple, head right down to the bottom to a crack and use fish form to go through. Continue on through the small cave system past a bunch of enemies (you'll need light form!). Battle the boss and you get a nice wee glowing octopus. Handy if you want to use other forms from light in the dark, pointless anywhere else! (Thanks to Lambchops!)
-Blaster Crab: Go to the Energy Temple with the nature form and use the path blocked by current with the beast form to get to the lower level. Go to the flower and use the nature form to get the pearl. Bring the pearl west and north to a previously locked door. Put the pearl in place, energize it, and enter the chamber, defeat the enemies and collect the last pet! (Provided by Mull.)
Names and descriptions by lukich and Xaith
-Big Seed
-"I discovered a giant seed in my sanctuary.
When I brought it home and planted it, it sprouted into a colorful garden."
-Various plants appear in Naija’s house.
Found: In the sanctuary where you begin the game, there is a boulder you can lift once you learn bind. It's underneath that boulder
-Jelly Beacon
-"This odd plant seemed to draw small jelly fish towards it."
-Jelly fish in Naija'a home
Found: Eastern side of Home Waters?
-Krotite Armor
-"I recovered this ancient battle armor worn by the Krotites from a secret entrance to the Energy Temple."
-Naija's wears it, but there is no effect mentioned
-Energy Idol
-"A small statuette that burned with the power of the Krotites."
-None known
Found: In the energy temple, by the boss using the fish form.
-In the rush of victory, I pulled this large tooth from the Energy God's jaw. I decided to keep it, as a reminder..."
-None known
Found: Energy God's Mouth.
-Crab Armor
-"I fashioned this armor from the shell of the Giant Crab. It would provide me with extra defense when worn."
-Increases defense when worn
Found: Kill a certain miniboss. (Do I have to tell you which one?)
RvLeshrac and Don Andy
-Glowing Plant
-"Its twin bulbs drew jellyfish up form the deep."
-More jellyfish in Naija's home
Found: Hidden in a secret area in the western side of the abyss. Hint: Watch the minimap for the hidden passage.
-Mithalas Pot
-"This pot never seemed to run out of meat for my kitchen."
-Infinite meat in Naija's kitchen
Found: In Mithalas ruined cities northeast side, in a pagoda southest of the entrance (past the strong current.)
-Arnassi Armor
-"I won this armor by completing the Arnassi Gauntlet in record time. When worn, I could ride seahorses more effectively.
-When worn, seahorses that you are riding move faster
Found: Complete the timed event in under 1m 30s in the Arnassi ruin area. You can start it by playing the four runes on the wall. Big hint for finishing it within time: Time spent in Spirit form does not count against the race timer.
-Odd Container
-"The bubbles trapped inside this container amused me."
-None known
Found: In the Kelp Forest, on the same map with the small separated section (where you get the 3rd cooking slot in), you have to swim to the left of that section (note that you have to be in the actual Kelp Forest and NOT in the separated section, it's hard to describe) and then swim along the wall until you find a hidden cave with a wrecked ship in it. There you'll find a treasure chest.
Shadow and Don Andy
-Mithalas Banner
-"I took a blue banner from Mithalas, to remind me of the time spent in its waters."
-None known
Found: There are eight rooms by the entrance of the Mithalan palace - four above and four below. In the top-left one, there is a blue banner - this is it.
-Mithalas Doll
-"I imagined that this doll belonged to a young girl who had lived in Mithalas long before it was destroyed."
-None known
Found: I can't exactly recall where, but I think close to the entrance of Mithalas (the city), you can enter a house that has nothing but a small passage that you can only pass in fish form. Do that, and you'll find a -Mithalas plushie at the end. Since Mithalas doesn't have that many houses you can enter, it should be easy to find.
Don Andy
-Walker Baby
-"Perhaps one day it would grow up to be as magnificent as the Walkers in the Kelp Forest."
-Spawns an adult walker in Naija's garden.
Found: Travel to the ancient turtle in the Kelp Forest, swim straight down into the current until you face a split-up of the path. Swim down again until you get to the big kelps on the floor and swim left, until your minimap blackens out. Switch into the Sun form and continue left until you see a path on the minimap leading down. There's a "rock-disguised" monster right on top of the entrance. Continue down, swim past the giant walkers until one of the walkers blocks your path, switch into Spirit form and slip through the walker, leave the Spirit form and get the walker baby.
Xaith and Shadow
-Seed Bag
-I spread these seeds around the foresty area of my cave. Soon small leafy sprouts appeared."
-Creates plants in Naija's home that can be binded for Plant Leaves.
Found: Go the the mini-nymphs' home in the kelp forest after obtaining nature form. There is a plant passageway that will lead you to a garden full of leaves to pull, and also the treasure.
-Arnassi Statue
-"An Arnassi statue I scavenged from the ruins of the civilization."
-None known
Found: Hidden in dark area of the Arnassi ruins.
-"I thought that it might be fun to have one of these in my cave."
-Causes the gears in Naija's cave to spin
Found: Sun Temple, in the second half by going through the pipe the steampunk unkillable monsters go through.
-Urchin Costume
-"A spiny costume fashioned from the shells of sea urchins. Creatures that touched it would take damage from its sharp spikes."
-When worn, things Naija physically touches will take continuous damage
Found: North of turtle cave, using the beast form to travel up a waterfall. You'll enter an area with lots of floating water. Use beast form to get to the top water bubbles, and then use hot soup and the beast jump to propel yourself to the topmost bubble.
-Girl's Costume
-A rather revealing costume..."
-Naija wears a bikini
Found: It's on the bed in the sunken city. Possibly the only room you don't have to visit so it should be easy to find.
-Mutant Costume
-"Why did they look so much like me..."
-Naija looks like a mutant
Found: In the Body, in the gauntlet just before the final save point. About halfway through, there's a small passage hidden in a wall covered with thorns - look at the map to see where it is.
-Jelly Costume
-"I won this costume by defeating King Jellyfish. When worn, it would heal me if my wounds became critical."
-Automatically heals Naija if her health goes below 50% (I think), when worn.
Found: defeat the Jelly King in the west part of the abyss.
-Sun Key
-"A strange shiny object... I had no idea what it was for, but I decided to keep it."
-Spawns 2 mechanic fishes in the "sun temple like" part of Naija's cave.
Found: In the sun temple, along the eastmost wall of the first place where you'll have to manipulate the water level, there is a hidden passage (look on the minimap). The passage is in the first shaft in which you lower the blue crystal.
-Mithalian Dress
Found: In the cathedral there will be one section that you couldn't get in before you get beast form due to the current (if you've explored everywhere else it will be easy to see where it is on the map). Head there, use beast form to get past the current and there's your costume.
Lambchop and Mull
-Glowing Seed
-"When planted, this seed sprouted a garden of glowing plants in my cave."
-Glowing plants grow in Naija's home
Found: Hidden in the far western Area of The Abyss, pretty much impossible to miss if you fully explore the map.
-Turtle Egg
-"I found this egg in the Turtle Cave."
-Turtle's spawn in Naija's cave
Found: In turtle cave underneath the old turtle's head covered by rocks.
-King's Skull
-"How did he end up in such a terrible place, I wondered?"
-None known
Found: Caves covered in bones in the bottom left Open Waters. The King's Scull is in the west part of open waters, right above the west part of the abyss. There is an exit to a darkened cave in the lower-left and upper-right, in this cave you'll find the King's Skull behind a barrier you can get past with the spirit form.
Lukich and Mull
-Drask's Trident
-"This belonged on the end of a prince's weapon."
-None known
Found: Right after you got the Spirit form, swim down and then left past the hot streams.
Don Andy
-Song Plant Spore
-"The spores form the song plant reacted strongly to the Verse."
-Creates spores in Naija's cave that change color when she sings
Found: Top most area of the race portion of Arnassi Ruins
-Jelly Egg
"An egg from an upside-down jelly."
-Creates upside-down jellies in Naija's cave
Found: Bottom of the shaft just before the Kelp Forest boss. The one with all current and all the upside down plant things.
-Stone Head
-"I wondered in this stone's crude face was the product of nature or something else?"
Info: None known
Found: Not sure about this one either, but I think I saw it in the veil or somewhere in open water. It is a small rock slab with a face on it, resting somewhere on the ground
-Golden Starfish
-"A special starfish infused with the sun's power
-None known
Found: Not exactly sure, I think it was in the veil. It resembles the starfish in the background so it can be quite hard to spot. The bottom right corner of the veil.
Mull and Zabycx
-Anemone Seed
Found: In a tiny cave passageway above the giant anemone that is situated at the top of the room directly west of the save crystal in the Song Cave. Turn into Nature Form to swim past the giant anemone without it hurting you. Continue swimming upward against the weak current to get to it.
-Black Pearl
-"A beautiful black pearl I found hidden away in a deep cave."
-Spawns a clam you can sleep in in Naija's garden.
Found: It's in the Kelp Forest, located on the map with the entrance to the sea nymphs' cave.
From the entrance of the nymphs' cave, swim northwest into the left main part of the map.
Swim north until you see a small cave with a big fish lurking in it (on the right side), switch into Fish form and swim past the big fish.
Switch to Sun form and follow the small passage behind the fish (avoid the thorns) and collect the Black Pearl at the end of the passage.
Xaith and Shadow
-Third Cooking Slot (outside of kitchen)
Found: Find the hidden passage in the dark area of the arnassi ruins. Hint, you need fish form to get through it.
Ride the turtle. It works independent from the other turtles and brings you to a small section in the Kelp Forest, where a "Simon sez" creature floats around.
Don Andy and Shadow
-Riding Seahorses
You can ride any seahorse by right-clicking on them. Naija will move close to them and finally mount one. Use the right-mouse singing button to control them. They won’t stay with you from map to map.
-Beast Form Health
You can regain lost health by running through schools of fish with the dash in the beast form.
-Wall Grabbing Boss Tactics
To avoid getting sucked in by various bosses, dash at walls. Naija will hold onto them and won’t get swept away by the current.
-Bind and Other Forms
While binding a rock or other item Naija can switch forms and she will still be attracting the bound item.
-Miniboss rides
Naija can ride on the backs of certain minibosses. This has no apparent added affect however.
-Green Metal Bulbs
Throw flowers at them in Nature form to teleport.
-Hidden Sun Temple Room
In Naija’s house, at the very bottom is a strong current you cannot pass until you have the beast form. Going south and then west will take you to a hidden room resembling the Sun Temple. Other uses are unknown so far. There is also another room to the southeast.
Li is located in the northeastern part of the Veil. Swim near the surface until you find a man in a blue diver’s suit. Follow him closely until he leads you to an underwater cave. Get closer to him when he’s cornered and use the bind spell to remove his helmet.
-Leech Regeneration
In some places (house in Mithalas, cave behind a fish in the Kelp forest, bubble in the frozen veil) are little tadpoles(?). If you don't shoot them and sing, they will clung to your body and permanent regenerate you as long as you are on this map.
I've already forgotten where I found the Piranha!
Dumbo Octopus - much better than the name suggests! In The Veil, near the sun temple, head right down to the bottom to a crack and use fish form to go through. Continue on through the small cave system past a bunch of enemies (you'll need light form!). Battle the boss and you get a nice wee glowing octopus. Handy if you want to use other forms from light in the dark, pointless anywhere else!
Ceremonial costume - in the cathedral there will be one section which you couldn't get in before you get beast form due to the current (if you've explored everywhere else it will be easy to see where it is on the map). Head there, use beast form to get past the current and there's your costume.
Parahana Pet- in the kelp forrest, the very north eastern part of it (must have beast form and fish form). there's an awkward looking boss on a totem that bites.
The place you find the piranha is called Mermagon Cave (I think)... The boss looks like a frog sitting on a stone head, and he bounces all over the place.
The final pet (can't recall the name, even though it was the one I used for most of the game) is in Energy Temple, just past where you fought the boss. You'll need nature form to get it - Go to the tunnel that leads back to the beginning of the temple, and open the flower to reveal a pearl. Move the pearl left and up to the empty stand and open the door to enter a chamber with some enemies, defeat them for the egg.
... Also, shouldn't you list where the energy upgrade eggs are?
- Bottom of the cave just after you get Bind
- Belly of the whale
- Kelp Forest, area before the boss. Use the Nature form and open the flowers in the lower-right part of the area to reveal pearls, move a pearl up -right through a passage to the stand. energize it and follow through the passage to get to the egg
- Frozen Veil. Go into the cave either by moving through the water bubbles from the left or by jumping directly from the surface, then navigate to the top of the cave. Defeat the boss (bind bombs and use charged nature shots to lower crab)
Thanks Mull! I haven't beaten the game yet, I just beat the Sun Temple and I'm heading for the Kelp Forest Temple. I'll add the updates though, thanks! ^_^
Oh, btw where is the whale?
Buttery Sea Loaf - Sea Loaf + Any Oil
Heal +1
(Make one)
Legendary Cake - Tasty Cake + Arcane Poultice + Rukh Egg
Invulnerable for 10 seconds
(I'm totally not telling where the Rukh Egg and Legendary Cake are... it took me forever to figure it out.)
Long Life Soup - Hot Soup + Tentacle + Any Mushroom
Heal +1
Regen x1
Spider Roll - Hand Roll + Spider Egg
Web Ability for 8 seconds
Sight Poultice - Healing Poultice + Small Eye
Cures Blindness (Squid Ink)
Ice Cream - Jelly Oil + Any Egg + Any Icechunk
(That's really what it says, yes.)
Crab Armor - Kill a certain miniboss. (Do I have to tell you which one?)
Anyone know how to make a peroggie? I got stuffed peroggie which dosen't help much.
Also, any idea what can be made with a bone? they've just been eating a hole in my inventory.
- Perogi
Energy Form Shot +1 / +Defense
Hand Roll + Any Oil + Any Egg
- Plump Perogi
I forget, I ate it
Perogi + Any Mushroom
PERMANENT THIRD COOKING SLOT (As in, you no longer need a kitchen):
Find the hidden passage in the dark area of the arnassi ruins. Hint, you need fish form to get through it.
Arnassi Armor: Complete the timed event in under 1m 30s in the Arnassi ruin area. You can start it by playing the four runes on the wall. Big hint for finishing it within time: Time spent in Spirit form does not count against the race timer.
Arnassi Statue: Hidden in dark area of the Arnassi ruins.
Glowing Plant: Hidden in a secret area in the western side of the abyss. Hint: Watch the minimap for the hidden passage.
Odd Container: Found the Kelp Forest, it's in a dark area near the boss spot. EDIT: Not really accurate, I can't remember exactly where I got it, just that it was in a dark area of the Kelp Forest.
Walker Baby: Also hidden in the Kelp Forest, find the dark area and watch the minimap in the area with the ancient turtle.
Jelly Egg: Bottom of the shaft just before the Kelp Forest boss. The one with all current and all the upside down plant things.
Black Pearl: Hidden in a dark area northwest of the ... uh ... sea ... sprite ... cave ... place. Can't remember what they're called. :( Go past the big ugly monster in the small cave to get to it.
Glowing Seed: Hidden in the far western Area of The Abyss, pretty much impossible to miss if you fully explore the map.
Still looking around for the three treasures I am missing.
Dumbo Ice Cream - Small Eye + Glowing Egg + Any Ice Cream
Sun form power-up
Crab Cake - Sea Cake + Crabmeat
Def Up/15 sec.
Cold Borscht - Cold Soup + Red Berry + Red Bulb
Heal +3
Def Up/15 Sec
Eep, I better beat the game soon. Sounds like everyone's farther than me.
eh enjoy it... its fun to just float around finding stuff...
but seriously: bones... what uses these worthless things Oo
Kings Skull - Caves covered in bones in the bottom left Open Waters
Song Plant Spore - Top most area of the race portion of Arnassi Ruins
You sure on the location of that "Third Cooking Slot"? I looked all over the dark area of Arnassi, nothing. Are you talking about the area with the Turtle?
You sure on the location of that "Third Cooking Slot"? I looked all over the dark area of Arnassi, nothing. Are you talking about the area with the Turtle?
Ride the turtle. It works independent from the other turtles and brings you to a small section in the Kelp Forest, where a "Simon sez" creature floats around.
You sure on the location of that "Third Cooking Slot"? I looked all over the dark area of Arnassi, nothing. Are you talking about the area with the Turtle?
Ride the turtle. It works independent from the other turtles and brings you to a small section in the Kelp Forest, where a "Simon sez" creature floats around.
Correct. Didn't want to give away any more than was necessary. :P
Yeah, I figured that out, lol. Sorry for doubting you!
Hmm, should we maybe note down Naija's Hidden Memories here, too?
Bag of Seeds
Go the the mini-nymphs' home in the kelp forest after obtaining nature form. There is a plant passageway that will lead you to a garden full of leaves to pull, and also the treasure.
Effect: Gives you a garden full of leaves to pull in your home.
Hmm, should we maybe note down Naija's Hidden Memories here, too?
Yep! I've found one in Mithalas. I'll include any others and add it to the list.
EDIT: fieari's is the last addition I'll make for tonight before I turn in (and by that I mean stay up all night and beat Kelp Forest.)
Hmm, should we maybe note down Naija's Hidden Memories here, too?
Yep! I've found one in Mithalas. I'll include any others and add it to the list.
Make that another one at the very, very top of the Sun Temple. You have to jump out of the water shortly before the boss room and wall-jump your way up to a room with several cogwheels and continue jumping with the help of these cogwheels until you reach a water bubble.
The last one is somewhere in the Abyss, but I can't recall where exactly (I think it's passage you need the pearl from the whale for though)
I think we should list hidden memories while we are at it... off the top of my head i can think of 3...
spoiler below:
kitchen in mithalas
top of the veil
pearl in the abyss...
hey guys if you get all 3 memories you get a new ending, thought id let you know...
Treasure Chest (could be the "Odd Container" in your list):
In the Kelp Forest, on the same map with the small seperated section (where you get the 3rd cooking slot in), you have to swim to the left of that section (note that you have to be in the actual Kelp Forest and NOT in the seperated section, it's hard to describe) and then swim along the wall until you find a hidden cave with a wrecked ship in it. There you'll find a treasure chest.
Hilt of the Prince's Weapon:
Right after you got the Spirit form, swim down and then left past the hot streams.
Also, the Crab Armor gives increased defense. At least that's what Naija says.
Oh, and another one.
Mithalas Doll:
I can't exactly recall where, but I think close to the entrance of Mithalas (the city), you can enter a house that has nothing but a small passage that you can only pass in fish form. Do that, and you'll find a Mithalas plushie at the end. Since Mithalas doesn't have that many houses you can enter, it should be easy to find.
And yet another piece of info:
If you don't get the Arcane Poultice through the yellow fish thingy, there are about 4 in the last dungeon.
I am pretty sure there are more power expansion eggs, I just can't remember where I found them...
... The final pet is called the "Blaster Crab", though.
The legendary cake(sorry RvLeshrac) and the Rukh Egg are in the east part of the veil, on each of the high points on the east and west edges. Use a hot soup to gain speed and jump up the waterfall in the west part, swim through the cave in the east part and wall-jump to the top (not the cave halfway) to reach the Rukh nest - kill the bird to get the egg.
Girl's Costume - It's on the bed in the sunken city. Possibly the only room you don't have to visit so it should be easy to find.
Mutant Costume - In the Body, in the gauntlet just before the final savepoint. About halfway through, there's a small passage hidden in a wall covered with thorns - look at the map to see where it is.
Jelly Costume - defeat the Jelly King in the west part of the abyss
Golden Starfish - Not exactly sure, I think it was in the veil. It resembles the starfish in the background so it can be quite hard to spot
Stone Head - Not sure about this one either, but I think I saw it in the veil or somewhere in open water. It is a small rock slab with a face on it, resting somewhere on the ground
Divine Soup - Royal Soup + Magic Soup
Speed +2/30 sec
Heal +5
(Now someone find the Royal and Magic Soups!)
Volcano Roll - Spicy Roll + Red Bulb + Spicy Soup
Energy Shot + 2/45 sec
I think the unnamed pet is called "battle peg".
Even with this list (I only missed the gear), I'm missing 6 slots in my treasure list. Those must be ridiculously well hidden!
Still missing 2 or 3 pages of recipes, too.
Hey Ixis, I wrote up a little text file with the names, tooltip's, and effects of all the treasure's I have (I have all the one's in this thread, but no more). No locations though, that would take too long to write up :D. Just to help clean up the first post a little and get rid of all those frowns.
Re: The Rukh/Roc egg, there's a second Rukh in the turtle cave, even farther above the Spiny armor, to the upper right. It's extremely hard to get into a position where you can actually catch the egg though.
Hey Ixis, I wrote up a little text file with the names, tooltip's, and effects of all the treasure's I have (I have all the one's in this thread, but no more). No locations though, that would take too long to write up :D. Just to help clean up the first post a little and get rid of all those frowns.
Ah, yeah. The frowny faces are three question marks in a row, but for some reason it shows up as a face. I'll change them to "unknown" next time I update it (which'll be right now ^_^ )
Hey fellow treasure hunters !
I seemed to have found one that nobody has found yet !
Here's the info...
Anemone Seed
a group of anemones will appear in a spot right under the kitchen
in a tiny cave passageway above the giant anemone that is situated at the top of the room directly west of the save crystal in the Song Cave
how to get:
turn into Nature Form to swim past the giant anemone without it hurting you. continue swimming upward against the weak current to get to it.
FYI: you can use the powered up shot of Nature Form to take out anemones ! (the giant one is immune though)
btw, can anyone help me out with specifics about getting the King's Skull and Odd Container ?
btw, can anyone help me out with specifics about getting the King's Skull and Odd Container ?
The King's Scull is in the west part of open waters, right above the west part of the abyss. There is an exit to a darkened cave in the lower-left and upper-right, in this cave you'll find the King's Skull behind a barrier you can get past with the spirit form.
The Odd Container is in the first area of Kelp Forest; ie the only area connected to other areas (the area with the special turtle and the 3rd frying pan). Go to the very top of this area and head right and down into the cave-ish thing. Somewhere in the ceiling there is a hidden cave, you can use the sun form to see it more clearly. You'll find the Odd Container here.
Btw, thanks lukich! I'll add the text file info in my next update @_@;; soo much info!!
EDIT: Also, anyone know how to get past the second set of cogs in the Sun Temple? I was up there the other day and I can make it past the first set easy, but in the second room the cogs don't seem to be spinning in the right direction. Should I lower the water levels again and see if the cogs go the other way or something else?
Haha, found a new recipe thanks to runes on the wall in Mithalas. :)
"Rainbow Soup
My only escape"
Hot Soup + Rainbow Mushroom
Makes the screen a swirly rainbow, Naija laughs, it's generally hilarious.
This is a very useful thread, thanks :)
It might be nice to add a section detailing good places to find the individual ingredients - there are a few points in the game with pots containing three leaves beside doors so you can stock up, for example, and then there are things like eel oil which can be tricky to find at all.
Oh yeah, I found that Rainbow Soup by accident, heh. Wonder what Jenna thinks of it?
Nice fine, Icylace. It occurs to me that with the giant anemone and the giant turtle both being near treasures, that no one has found a use for the Giant Snail yet.
Krotite Armor: There is an alternate entrance to the energy temple on the south-west corner of Home Waters. Open it with energy form and just head foward.
Effect: Well, you look pretty I suppose.
Big Seed: In the sanctuary where you begin the game, there is a boulder you can lift once you learn bind. It's underneath that boulder
Effect: Grows a garden apparently :S
Found another new recipe thanks to experimentation.
Berry Ice Cream
Red Berry + Any Ice Cream
+1 Healing, Li will also eat it if you drop/throw it!
These are all the treasures not currently listed on the front page
... Sorry if they are mentioned elsewhere in this thread.
Mithalan Banner - There are eight rooms by the entrance of the Mithalan palace - four above and four below. In the top-left one, there is a blue banner - this is it.
Krotite Armor - In Home Waters, go towards the song cave but take a left and you'll end up at a pearl-locked gate. Unlock it and enter the shaft in energy temple- atop this shaft is the Krotite Armor
Tooth - You get it from killing the Energy god - that is, the huge fellow in the basement of Energy Temple. He drops the tooth on the ground when he dies, though it can be hard to see if you're not looking for it.
Sun Key - In the sun temple, along the eastmost wall of the first place where you'll have to manipulate the water level, there is a hidden passage (look on the minimap). The passage is in the first shaft in which you lower the blue crystal.
... And finally...
The "Ceremonial Costume" is in fact called Mithalian Dress
The prince's weapon is called Drask's Trident
With Mull's post and Codas' Big Seed, only 1 treasure undiscovered!
With Mull's post and Codas' Big Seed, only 1 treasure undiscovered!
Which one? they should all be accounted for.
Really? I have a gap on the second page, between Drask's Trident and Jelly Egg.
Edit: Nevermind, I missed the Song Plant.
Thanks, Mull !
I ended up finding the King's Skull on my own but when I'm done taking down this ice cave boss I'll look for the Odd Container.
There are 28 descriptions on the front page (not counting the extra wok) and 4 in my post, 32.
There are 16 + 16 slots, 32.
I'm not sure which one you're missing since I don't have the game, but it should be there somewhere.
The Golden Starfish is somewhere underwater in the Veil, it's hidden in plain sight among other starfish in the background. It's yellow and even, slightly smaller than Naija's height.
I still don't remember about the Stone Head, but my partner in crime Karn says it's underwater in the veil.
Thanks, Mull !
I ended up finding the King's Skull on my own but when I'm done taking down this ice cave boss I'll look for the Odd Container.
I Couldn't have done it without Karn, really.
... And the Plump Pirogi gives you a +2 to the energy form as well as increased defense for 15 seconds. Since the base foods are so easy to find, it's one of the nicest powerups there is!
Golden Starfish is in the bottom right corner of the veil.
Strange thing I noticed- the Big Seed doesn't seem to show up anywhere in Home, and there's even an empty alcove in the kelp garden area that seems perfect for it. Also, the diving helmet in Home (which I assume you can use to leave Li there) can't be used.
The Big Seed produces colorful pinkish plants that show up at the corner section nearby the kitchen to the right. It's in the same area as where the Song Plant Spore is.
Grr, still need ~14 recipes!
Magic Soup and Royal Soup will get us to 10 full pages, but there are three pages left!
Grr, still need ~14 recipes!
Magic Soup and Royal Soup will get us to 10 full pages, but there are three pages left!
I have ten full pages now. o_o
Let me see what I've got that this list hasn't, really quick. I'll edit when I do.
Hot Borscht
Hot Soup + Red Berry + Red Bulb
Heal+3, Speed+1/30sec
Cold Soup
Any Soup + Any Ice Chunk
No Effect
Are those two that you don't have? :-X
I didn't have Cold Soup. I may be missing one more, but I have both Hot and Cold Borscht.
It seems we will have to find some of these on our own, through experimentation.
I'm not sure which one you're missing, but it'd take too long for me to list off all of the 10 pages I have. :(
Finding 12 recipes through guesswork, with a maximum of three ingredients... Hoo boy.
How do you get Ice Chunks?
How do you get Ice Chunks?
The blue crabs in the Ice Cave drop them. :)
How do you get Ice Chunks?
The blue crabs in the Ice Cave drop them. :)
And from the Floating ice chunks. And a few otters are holding them.
Where is the Song Cave mentioned in how to find the Aenome (sp?) Seed?
The Song Cave is where you get your second song (the one you use to move boulders and such) at the beginning part of the game.
It just occurred to me that we'll need to do a lot of experimenting to fully fill the cooking pages. <.< Since you can cook new foods even without the recipes (this is what I just found out when I began a new game and wanted to make some Veggie Soup), and you only get about 10 pages worth of recipes throughout the course of the game from item drops ... oh dear. :(
Yes, I know I'm replying to myself, but this is great. I've been experimenting with various ingredients, and I made two discoveries. :D
Cold Soup:
Any Soup + Any Icechunk
Not that interesting as ........................
Rainbow Soup:
Rainbow Mushroom + Any Soup
This soup gives the most awesome effect ever, you have to try it.
I'll just edit this post with any other discoveries I make. :P
Poison Loaf:
Rotten Meat + Anything --- And Poison Loaf + Poison Loaf
Yes, making one poison loaf actually spawned two recipes on my book for some reason. o_o You can combine two poison loafs ... to make a single poison loaf. Seems pretty strange. lol
Has anyone considered the possibility that the larger fish in the ocean (not the minibosses, but the very big ones that take a bit to kill like the fire breathing seahorse or thing surrounded by black fish in the Kelp Forest) might have a rare chance to drop a very nice food so you can get the recipe? Some of them might end up being guesswork, but it's worth a shot if they might have a rare chance to drop nice things. This is all speculation, though, and it'd suck to kill one 100 times for nothing. :(
Has anyone considered the possibility that the larger fish in the ocean (not the minibosses, but the very big ones that take a bit to kill like the fire breathing seahorse or thing surrounded by black fish in the Kelp Forest) might have a rare chance to drop a very nice food so you can get the recipe? Some of them might end up being guesswork, but it's worth a shot if they might have a rare chance to drop nice things. This is all speculation, though, and it'd suck to kill one 100 times for nothing. :(
I've killed those sea horses a bunch of times, they don't ever seem to drop anything but leaf x3 ... which is very nice since a lot of the cooking I do involves them, and I hate swimming all over to uproot plants. :D
Not sure about the other little giants, such as the semi-invisible squid you see in a few spots, I haven't killed the others very many times.
The thing I talked about with the fish drops some nicer items, tasty cakes and a few other Heal+2 things, but I haven't seen anything better than that come from it. That's what made me think maybe it drops something really nice at a rare chance.
This should so be stickied.
Found a new health egg today (whoo! Unless, someone found it before me and I missed the note...)
I'm waiting till I'm done for the night to update the list. I'm stuck trying to find the best way to get that Sun Temple memory (the second cogwheel part is a bitch.) Also, where's the giant whale and crab boss that drops the crab armor?
Found a new health egg today (whoo! Unless, someone found it before me and I missed the note...)
I'm waiting till I'm done for the night to update the list. I'm stuck trying to find the best way to get that Sun Temple memory (the second cogwheel part is a bitch.) Also, where's the giant whale and crab boss that drops the crab armor?
Well, Sun Temple is mostly just patience, but I heard you can exploit those thingies you can sprout in nature form to catapult you up.
The giant whale is in the eastern part of the Abyss from what I remember. You have to swim past a hot stream to get to him, so you need spirit form. You'll also need a song to open his mouth, can't remember where that one was, though.
Lastly, the crab boss is in these sea horse ruins somewhere (Arsani or whatever they were called). I think if you will swim up high enough there, you'll come to a rock out of the water you can jump over. Behind that is a "small" pool with the crab. Probably the easiest boss in the game :p
I found a couple interesting items on my quest to make divine soup....(still not quite there, but getting close!)
Veggie Soup = Hot Soup + any Bulb (yes, actually two entries on the list for this)
Magic Soup = Hearty Soup + Healing Poultice
I currently stand at 10.5 pages of recipes, so there's still room for improvement.
A useful trick is to fill up with sea loaf, so that if you create an invalid combination, it stops you while saying "too full" instead of consuming ingredients.
Next stop: royal soup! :)
I am trying to find in abit more detail on the final health upgrade egg location. Like more detail on what to use and how to get it?
And also...where is this giant amoeba?
Giant Amoeba? Do you mean that giant jellyfish? If yes, it's in the western part of the abyss. On the map should be a small circular cave with a lot of crabs in it. Slightly east of it is the entrance to the boss. You can even swim to a small tunnel from that cave.
I see, I've been exploring every inch of the game north of the bottom part (the maps south of Mithalas, which I'm assuming is the abyss.) Things left to find above the Abyss are:
Hot zone in Mithalas and Hot zone in the green health egg/sunkenship starfish area.
And I finally got to the top of the Sun Temple. Beast form's jump helped. You have to volley back and forth between two cogs in the second part for it to work. Haven't gotten the Nature Form jump to work.
Updating list, grabbing the Krotite armor and getting some sleep.
Ok, so I really suck. Can someone give me more help finding the Song Cave? I think the easiest way would be directions starting from Naija's home cave. Thanks in advance.
Ok, so I really suck. Can someone give me more help finding the Song Cave? I think the easiest way would be directions starting from Naija's home cave. Thanks in advance.
I can't give you the EXACT locations, but in the map you should be on (outside her home) in lowest region of the map should be a set of tunnels, with a few currents. If you keep going right in these tunnels, you should eventually come upon a pointy stone (or several of them) with a big swirl on them. If you do see such a stone, you are near the cave. Just keep going in that direction.
Found a new health egg today (whoo! Unless, someone found it before me and I missed the note...)
I'm waiting till I'm done for the night to update the list. I'm stuck trying to find the best way to get that Sun Temple memory (the second cogwheel part is a bitch.) Also, where's the giant whale and crab boss that drops the crab armor?
The giant whale is in the lower left cave of the right map of The Abyss (the one with the entrance to the Ice Cavern).
Here's a picture of the map:
The Crab Boss should be located in the Arnassi Ruins map with the ancient turtle that brings you to the "Simon sez" monster, upper corner.
Nevermind, found the walker baby.
I'll add some information on how to find it:
Travel to the ancient turtle in the Kelp Forest, swim straight down into the current until you face a splitup of the path. Swim down again until you get to the big kelps on the floor and swim left, until your minimap blackens out. Switch into the Sun form and continue left until you see a path on the minimap leading down. There's a "rock-disguised" monster right ontop of the entrance. Continue down, swim past the giant walkers until one of the walkers blocks your path, swicth into Spirit form and slip through the walker, leave the Spirit form and get the walker baby.
I also pinpointed the entrance on the map:
Does anybody know if this Simon says-bubble-eye-thingy in a cave in the kelp forest which drops the third cooking slot drops something else if you play it again? I totally won't do it, it was damn hard, but it IS possible to play again, so...?
2 Arcane poultices are in the current-tunnels before the Mithalas-boss, hidden in glowing plants you have to sing to, to open them.
Yes, if you do the Simon Says boss again he drops.....!!!!..........
a bone.
Another addition for the Black Pearl (because Shadow didn't know the name of the sea nymphs anymore):
It's in the Kelp Forest, located on the map with the entrance to the sea nymphs' cave.
From the entrance of the nymphs' cave, swim northwest into the left main part of the map.
Swim north until you see a small cave with a big fish lurking in it (on the right side), switch into Fish form and swim past the big fish.
Switch to Sun form and follow the small passage behind the fish (avoid the thorns) and collect the Black Pearl at the end of the passage.
Also, Naija's thoughts for several treasures and their effects:
Big Seed:
"I discovered a giant seed in my sanctuary.
When I brought it home and planted it, it sprouted into a colorful garden."
(Exact effect on Naija's cave still unknown)
Anemone Seed:
"When planted, this seed sprouted a garden of anemones in my cave."
- It spawns 3 anemones below the kitchen.
Sun Key:
"A strange shiny object... I had no idea what it was for, but I decided to keep it."
- Spawns 2 mechanic fishes in the "sun temple like" part of Naija's cave.
Black Pearl:
- Spawns a clam you can sleep in in Naija's garden.
Walker baby:
- Spawns an adult walker in Naija's garden.
A ... bone? I'm so glad I haven't played it again to find this out... :P
maybe the simon says boss is more of a fun boss or a puzzle boss? like it's not a true boss like the gods for example. Haven't gotten there, so no idea.
Big Seed:
"I discovered a giant seed in my sanctuary.
When I brought it home and planted it, it sprouted into a colorful garden."
(Exact effect on Naija's cave still unknown)
The effect is that pillowy pinkish plants spawn in the same spot that the Song Plant Spore spawns.
Big Seed:
"I discovered a giant seed in my sanctuary.
When I brought it home and planted it, it sprouted into a colorful garden."
(Exact effect on Naija's cave still unknown)
The effect is that pillowy pinkish plants spawn in the same spot that the Song Plant Spore spawns.
Oh I see.
I didn't notice them because I thought they were there from the beginning :D
How many ancient turtles are there in the kelp forest, I've been all around the one I've found and I haven't found a walker baby yet.....
How many ancient turtles are there in the kelp forest, I've been all around the one I've found and I haven't found a walker baby yet.....
There's a rock beast on the bottom level of that area, about the middle of the map, the passage is hidden behind it.
If you switch to Sun Form you should be able to spot it easier.
Hey, Ixis or someone else donating to this: Can you PM me one of your save files? I started a new game to start mapping things, and surprise surprise I saved over my 16 hour save :x.
Even if you haven't beaten it yet, that's fine, I just need one with most maps explored so I can continue mapping (I was taking pics of the map from my saved game and adding info such as treasures from my new file).
If anyone can help out that'd be great because my motivation is now gone :(.
For those looking for the second 'kelp forest/open waters' egg...
It's in neither. Rather, it's east of the western area of the Kelp Forest, e.g. in an area where remains of pirate ships (and undoubtedly normal ships) litter the landscape. There's a definite music change for that zone, even if it doesn't qualify on its own as an area.
And yes, it took me forever to figure this part out.
I don't know if anyone else has posted where the Royal Soup is or not, but I found it the plant in the Sun-Temple Secret room where you get the Metal Key treasure. It's in the shadows on the dark side of the room (left of the key), but if you use the Light Form you can see it find the right note to sing.
Hey, Ixis or someone else donating to this: Can you PM me one of your save files? I started a new game to start mapping things, and surprise surprise I saved over my 16 hour save :x.
Even if you haven't beaten it yet, that's fine, I just need one with most maps explored so I can continue mapping (I was taking pics of the map from my saved game and adding info such as treasures from my new file).
If anyone can help out that'd be great because my motivation is now gone :(.
Use the second save.
Woo, thanks a lot. Quemaqua sent me his, too, so I think I can piece together what I need from both now.
The mapping continues!
Does anyone have any information about the last memory in the Abyss? I found the blocked off passage but I don't know where the pearl is. It's said to be in the whale, and I found my way to the end, but came across a singing octopus who doesn't seem to do anything (even if I sing his own song back to him.)
-Hidden Sun Temple Room
In Naija’s house, at the very bottom is a strong current you cannot pass until you have the beast form. Going south and then west will take you to a hidden room resembling the Sun Temple. Other uses are unknown so far.
There is also, on the east of this current, the glowing plant from the abyss...
By the way... this topic MUST be pinned/stickied!! 8) :o
Does anyone have any information about the last memory in the Abyss? I found the blocked off passage but I don't know where the pearl is. It's said to be in the whale, and I found my way to the end, but came across a singing octopus who doesn't seem to do anything (even if I sing his own song back to him.)
You are on the right track with the whale.
Hint: Charged Light Form -> Lamps.
Thanks West Wind!
(Added Stalfos' comment.)
I'm at the end of the game. Gonna try and see the good and bad ending. Will add todays updates later tonight as usual.
I don't know if anyone else has posted where the Royal Soup is or not, but I found it the plant in the Sun-Temple Secret room where you get the Metal Key treasure. It's in the shadows on the dark side of the room (left of the key), but if you use the Light Form you can see it find the right note to sing.
I just came across that as well:
Royal Soup:
Speed +2 for 30 seconds
made with a Hearty Soup and a Veggie Cake
Does anyone have any information about the last memory in the Abyss? I found the blocked off passage but I don't know where the pearl is. It's said to be in the whale, and I found my way to the end, but came across a singing octopus who doesn't seem to do anything (even if I sing his own song back to him.)
Poke around the forum a bit and look for threads regarding the whale and/or octopus. The hints have been posted plenty of times ;D
Just use the sun form in the whale and try to charge up near a few of the lamps. You'll notice they have colour. Just as the notes of the octopus.
-Anemone Seed
Found: In a tiny cave passageway above the giant anemone that is situated at the top of the room directly west of the save crystal in the Song Cave. Turn into Nature Form to swim past the giant anemone without it hurting you. Continue swimming upward against the weak current to get to it.
Where is this Song Cave?
And how do I get the last health egg? Do I use spirit form to access to secret cave in the Ice Veil from the hanging water bubbles?
-Anemone Seed
Found: In a tiny cave passageway above the giant anemone that is situated at the top of the room directly west of the save crystal in the Song Cave. Turn into Nature Form to swim past the giant anemone without it hurting you. Continue swimming upward against the weak current to get to it.
Where is this Song Cave?
Where you got the Bind Song. Home Waters, at the bottom of the map, I think.
And how do I get the last health egg? Do I use spirit form to access to secret cave in the Ice Veil from the hanging water bubbles?
No, if you go over to the east, its possible to jump up to a crystal formation in beast form then jump to a near by bubble that is close to the cave entrance. Probably easier with speed food, but I did it without.
And how do I get the last health egg? Do I use spirit form to access to secret cave in the Ice Veil from the hanging water bubbles?
No, if you go over to the east, its possible to jump up to a crystal formation in beast form then jump to a near by bubble that is close to the cave entrance. Probably easier with speed food, but I did it without.
Are we talking about the area abpve the turtle cave where all the hanging water bubbles are? Or are we talking about the east side of the veil above Li's cave?
And how do I get the last health egg? Do I use spirit form to access to secret cave in the Ice Veil from the hanging water bubbles?
No, if you go over to the east, its possible to jump up to a crystal formation in beast form then jump to a near by bubble that is close to the cave entrance. Probably easier with speed food, but I did it without.
Are we talking about the area abpve the turtle cave where all the hanging water bubbles are? Or are we talking about the east side of the veil above Li's cave?
Wrong Veil. The Ice Veil is where you need to go. Head to the bottom right of the eastern part of the Abyss and pass through the steam vent with spirit form. Continue along there to get to the Ice Veil.
Found Royal Soup: It's the exact same room as the Sun Key. But it's just half hidden by the shroud of vertical black upon entering the room. (It's bottom left in hidden room).
Maybe you can add this to Miscellaneous: In some places (house in Mithalas, cave behind a fish in the Kelp forest, bubble in the frozen veil) are little tadpoles(?). If you don't shoot them, they will clung to your body and permanent regenerate you as long as you are on this map. Very useful. :)
Maybe you can add this to Miscellaneous: In some places (house in Mithalas, cave behind a fish in the Kelp forest, bubble in the frozen veil) are little tadpoles(?). If you don't shoot them, they will clung to your body and permanent regenerate you as long as you are on this map. Very useful. :)
you mean they do something? i thought they just sat there, wow need to try that
You have to sing to attract them. Otherwise they will just swim around.
Oh, so that's what the little blue glow did... I never tought it would be regeneration, since I didn't got hit when I attached to those little fella...
Great tip ^^
- Rainbow Soup
“Pass the dutchie on the left-hand side.”
Hot Soup + Rainbow Mushroom
In fact... I tried with a Divine Soup (yup... I wasted one) and it also worked. In fact any soup will do (that's what is written on the recipes book).
- Veggie Soup (There's another possibility) = Hot Soup + Any bulb
- Effect: Same as the other Veggie soup recipe ;)
Edit Again :D
-Royal Soup = Hearty Soup + Veggie Cake
- Effect : Speed +2 for 30 seconds
Yet Again! :D :D
- Special Cake
+2 Health?
Veggie Cake + Red Berry
Dropped in Kelp Forest.
It does not do Heal +2, but Regeneration x2
Still here... :D
- Swamp Cake
Rotten Cake + Healing Poultice
Dropped in Mithalas?
The effect is pretty awesome! :D
When you eat this cake, nothing seem to happen... but, if you morph in fish form, then move, you spread big clouds of poison on you path! :D
Still here... :D
- Swamp Cake
Rotten Cake + Healing Poultice
Dropped in Mithalas?
The effect is pretty awesome! :D
When you eat this cake, nothing seem to happen... but, if you morph in fish form, then move, you spread big clouds of poison on you path! :D
Ooooh, so THAT's what this thing does. I always thought "Poison in Fish Form" meant I was going to be poisoned in fish form <.<
Just a thought, but wouldn't making a guide like this be easier on a wiki? There's one for game strategy guides, like gamefaqs, at:
Although, to be honest, I'm not sure how I'd start making a page there. I'm better at editing existing pages on a wiki, not setting up the initial organization...
Ok, finally finished the game with all three memories and stuff! Well worth the half a year wait (I've been patiently waiting to play this game since last spring! ^_^)
Now then, unto updates!
I'll check out the Wiki page stuff as soon as I can. If I have time this weekend or next week I'll be taking screencaps for some of the stuff and either make a .PDF or something... Not sure yet.
A wiki would be awesome!
Well... We have a problem, I just hit the word limit. The current document is 589 words over the limit...
I'm going to cut out the recipe portion and try to attatch it to the post.
EDIT: And now I can't seem to attatch the recipe file... That wiki page is looking better and better.
Well... We have a problem, I just hit the word limit. The current document is 589 words over the limit...
I'm going to cut out the recipe portion and try to attatch it to the post.
EDIT: And now I can't seem to attatch the recipe file... That wiki page is looking better and better.
All we really need is Alec & Derek to set up an Aquaria Wiki ;)
Well, I'm gonna make a strategy wiki page for the time being. :-\
Well, I'm gonna make a strategy wiki page for the time being. :-\
PM Lampchops and see if he wants to edit his post to hold the recipes.
Please add content if you can.
Veggie Ice Cream
Plant Leaf + Any Icecream
1x Regeneration
Berry Ice Cream
Red Berry + Any Icecream
Heal +1
Li will eat
^ Actual description. If you toss it and let him eat it, he turns blue. :o
Please add content if you can.
Hey I just got Aquaria last week and it's amazing.
I noticed I had some stuff that wasn't on the wiki so I added some things. I forgot to comment on the Wiki, but I added entry info for Royal Soup, Turtle Soup, an additional location for a Special Bulb, a Special Cake and changed the "Wraps" section to Rolls, since that's what they are called in the game. I'll add more to the wiki when I'm not so tired.
Oh, a note on the walker thingies, you don't need spirit form to get past them, you can eat them too.
EDIT: Where the heck do you get the third cooking slot and what is this "Simon Sez" monster boss thing?
Oh, a note on the walker thingies, you don't need spirit form to get past them, you can eat them too.
EDIT: Where the heck do you get the third cooking slot and what is this "Simon Sez" monster boss thing?
In order to get the third cooking slot you have to beat the "Simon sez" monster's challenge.
First, go to the Arnassi ruins which is divided into two maps: The first map is the racing circuit, the second map is the darker one with the giant crab boss and the secret ancient turtle. Search the lower left walls (western part of the cave) for a hidden passage (use the sun form) which you can only see on the minimap. When found (should be hidden near a giant arnassi statue), switch to Fish form and you'll find the ancient turtle. Ride it into the Kelp Forest, swim left and rightclick the boss to start the challenge.
He will roar if you fail the challenge, but won't do you any harm.
on the walker baby you can also squeeze past the walker as a fish
Most of us probably know this by now but it hasn't been written in this topic,
The effect for the plump perogi is +2 energy form attack and increased defence for 15 seconds.
Pretty handy for the first couple of parts of the final boss.
Leadership Roll
hand roll + swordfish steak + small eye
Increase pet power for 30 seconds
Poison Loaf = Poison Loaf + Poison Loaf <- LOL
Leadership Roll
hand roll + swordfish steak + small eye
Increase pet power for 30 seconds
Did anyone see any effects? I tried it with the blaster peg pet and nothing significant happened... So I prefer eating the swordfish steak. ;)
Actually, the shots of the pets are stronger, they deal more damage, but I don't know about Dumbo. Maybe his light area grows.
Yes his lightarea increases significantly, it's very good if you want to use any other form than sunform in the abyss.
Are you guys sure its possible to fill all pages of recepies?
I have 11 pages filled now and ive tried lots of things but cant seem to get another one..
although i really hope that bones can be useful somehow...
I miss only 1 recipe on the 12th page and I dunno if page 13 will be filled.
And yes, the bones are for Sea Loaf.
Which become buttered when you put oil on it as it becomes a moderate healing item then.
So bones are only for making sealof? If you mix 2 bones u get a sealoaf, not very useful though when u can make a sealoaf out of almost anything..
If you have 12 pages please enlighten us with some of the recepies you might think we dont have:D such as those not written on this thread, would be awesome.
*Spoiler spirit form bug"
Ok i just found out that if i use spiritform when im inside a clam, which you can find on various places, but the one i used was the one in the veil, if you go with the ancient turtle its the one after kelp forest and then u go to the "saving crystal" to the left, there is a clam.. use spirit for and go down into that clam this is what happens.
Li teleports into the clam and game fades out like it it were to show some cutscene, but then it crashes:/
someone please test this and see if its like that for everyone.
Will be fixed in the new upcoming patch.
You're not supposed to be able to "activate" anything in spirit form.
I wonder if those clams are of any use... it looks just like you should place a pearl inside of them. And there are plenty of extra pearls in the kelp forest ( red flowers with pearls inside, get them by shooting the flower with natureform ), 1 pearl you need to open a door but there are 3 more... anyone know if they should be used?
I don't think so, because you can't leave the map with a pearl... (you can leave it, but the pearl is gone then)
Thats whats bugging me :/
And then i went into spiritmode and went inside a clam and rightclicked, and the game crashes. And alec sais that im not supposed to activate anything in spiritform, so i am thinking, whats there to activate inside a clam? an then...
You can sleep in some, I believe the one in The Veil, next to a ancient turtle or save point, I know it was inside some cave where you had to jump over land to get in, you jumped to the left.
But I don't know any more.
Afaik you get healed while sleeping in one.
It should be noted that it is not actually necessary to have the spirit form in order to get the walker baby, as the walker blocking it is killable like all walkers. Exactly why spirit crystals are there then is a mystery...
possibly if you somehow get spirit form before beast form (which AFAIK, shouldn't be possible), or the devs are just giving people options to do it different ways. Say you don't really want to kill the walkers.
It should be noted that it is not actually necessary to have the spirit form in order to get the walker baby, as the walker blocking it is killable like all walkers. Exactly why spirit crystals are there then is a mystery...
RIP ethics...
How do you get things from the paws of otters (or are they bears)? Bind does not seem to work, neither do other form. Am I missing something?
How do you get things from the paws of otters (or are they bears)? Bind does not seem to work, neither do other form. Am I missing something?
Dash into them a bunch. But not in beast form.
For those looking for the second 'kelp forest/open waters' egg...
It's in neither. Rather, it's east of the western area of the Kelp Forest, e.g. in an area where remains of pirate ships (and undoubtedly normal ships) litter the landscape. There's a definite music change for that zone, even if it doesn't qualify on its own as an area.
And yes, it took me forever to figure this part out.
I must be blind or my memory is failing, but i cant find this egg. Someone could post a map screenshot pinpointing its location?
For those looking for the second 'kelp forest/open waters' egg...
It's in neither. Rather, it's east of the western area of the Kelp Forest, e.g. in an area where remains of pirate ships (and undoubtedly normal ships) litter the landscape. There's a definite music change for that zone, even if it doesn't qualify on its own as an area.
And yes, it took me forever to figure this part out.
I must be blind or my memory is failing, but i cant find this egg. Someone could post a map screenshot pinpointing its location?
I think that's the one that is in the area just south of the Forest Goddess, with all those currents and stuff. There will be an area blocked off by vines, which should show up as a grey spot on the map. It's accessable with fish form.
It should be noted that it is not actually necessary to have the spirit form in order to get the walker baby, as the walker blocking it is killable like all walkers. Exactly why spirit crystals are there then is a mystery...
Not anymore. (new patch) ;)
aw that kind of sucks, I liked to eat them because it looked so ridiculous.
I wonder if they cause digestive problems.
For those looking for the second 'kelp forest/open waters' egg...
It's in neither. Rather, it's east of the western area of the Kelp Forest, e.g. in an area where remains of pirate ships (and undoubtedly normal ships) litter the landscape. There's a definite music change for that zone, even if it doesn't qualify on its own as an area.
And yes, it took me forever to figure this part out.
I must be blind or my memory is failing, but i cant find this egg. Someone could post a map screenshot pinpointing its location?
I think that's the one that is in the area just south of the Forest Goddess, with all those currents and stuff. There will be an area blocked off by vines, which should show up as a grey spot on the map. It's accessable with fish form.
There is a health egg there too, but that is not the one im looking for.
can't find what is called the "Jelly Egg"....
I think the one u mentioned is in the area which linked open water and the veil, it's easy to find out on the map
For those looking for the second 'kelp forest/open waters' egg...
It's in neither. Rather, it's east of the western area of the Kelp Forest, e.g. in an area where remains of pirate ships (and undoubtedly normal ships) litter the landscape. There's a definite music change for that zone, even if it doesn't qualify on its own as an area.
And yes, it took me forever to figure this part out.
I must be blind or my memory is failing, but i cant find this egg. Someone could post a map screenshot pinpointing its location?
Finally found it, many thanks.
any one tried to eat that rainbow then Li is near?
it seems, they doing something... (+18)
any one tried to eat that rainbow then Li is near?
it seems, they doing something... (+18)
What do you mean "eat that rainbow"? Rainbow soup?
Afaik there is no difference between eating the soup when Li is there and eating it, when not...
any one tried to eat that rainbow then Li is near?
it seems, they doing something... (+18)
What do you mean "eat that rainbow"? Rainbow soup?
Afaik there is no difference between eating the soup when Li is there and eating it, when not...
I was at "home" near memory crystal. Ate the soup.
In some moment they hugged and ... voices ... :)
if you just idle with Li out, Naija and Li will hug and then you can swim around like when you are on a sea horse.
I found two more red bulbs. They are in a singing plant after a fish tunnel behind the fish with the worm in it who drops the buttery sealoaf.
I found two more red bulbs. They are in a singing plant after a fish tunnel behind the fish with the worm in it who drops the buttery sealoaf.
May I ask you to specify the location? I'm desperately looking for those Red Bulbs. Thanks.
Ok, getting back to the topic - did anybody collected all the treasures?
Apparently, it was today that i earned the last one :) I was thinking, there will be some kind of bonus or something when you collect all the stuff but it's just rather plain and nothing happens, but who knows ::)
I found two more red bulbs. They are in a singing plant after a fish tunnel behind the fish with the worm in it who drops the buttery sealoaf.
May I ask you to specify the location? I'm desperately looking for those Red Bulbs. Thanks.
It's after the place where you need the pearl.
IceD: I have them all too. I first thought one was missing because this damn third cooking slot is looking like an empty place. :D
Ok, getting back to the topic - did anybody collected all the treasures?
Apparently, it was today that i earned the last one :) I was thinking, there will be some kind of bonus or something when you collect all the stuff but it's just rather plain and nothing happens, but who knows ::)
I got the last one some time ago, nothing happened for me, too.
It's probably just a "nice to have".
Well...I'm a collection whore. I love to get everything in a game before stopping. So that's all I really need out of it. But of course a little bonus would have been Naija's "Good ending" costume...that was hot.
(sorry, originally posted this reply in the wrong thread -_-; )
I notice no one has mentioned where to find recipes. That would be nice to add.
Also, why do some plants (the bulbs of various colors you need to sing to open) come back and others don't? Perhaps only ingredients come back, but items you can create don't? (and if they come out of plants you can pluck, I guess after that you just get random plant ingredients?)
Glowing plants don't respawn, maybe you thought that because of some reloading after dying?
You don't exactly find recipes, you find meals and if you never cooked it orfound it before, it get's added to your cooking-book.
Hence, there are different places where you find the recipe for "spicy roll" for example, depending on where you look first, because the second time you already have the recipe and get the meal.
So maybe only some important/rare recips like the legendary cake should be added to this guide. :)
Glowing plants don't respawn, maybe you thought that because of some reloading after dying?
You don't exactly find recipes, you find meals and if you never cooked it orfound it before, it get's added to your cooking-book.
Hence, there are different places where you find the recipe for "spicy roll" for example, depending on where you look first, because the second time you already have the recipe and get the meal.
So maybe only some important/rare recips like the legendary cake should be added to this guide. :)
Isn't the place where you get red bulbs a glowing plant that respawns? or can you only get 4 red bulbs in the whole game? or is it a regular leaf plant with no bulbs?
I found out that recipes get added when you cook them yourself for the first time, so there isn't much point in getting the recipes only by getting the meals pre-prepared... I dunno.
BTW, has anyone ever managed to get to the spot below the normal Ruhk egg spot? There's an area you can look at off-screen that shows another 2 birds, but it looks like it would be a real challenge to go around the edge from either side...
Can anybody help me find the Sun Key, I'm having the hardest time finding it. I'm in the room with the first moving gears, or at least I think I'm following the directions but I'm finding NOTHING.
Seems silly really.
Can anybody help me find the Sun Key, I'm having the hardest time finding it. I'm in the room with the first moving gears, or at least I think I'm following the directions but I'm finding NOTHING.
Seems silly really.
There is a hidden tunnel on the eastern wall in the room where the crYstal was.
Isn't the place where you get red bulbs a glowing plant that respawns? or can you only get 4 red bulbs in the whole game? or is it a regular leaf plant with no bulbs?
I found out that recipes get added when you cook them yourself for the first time, so there isn't much point in getting the recipes only by getting the meals pre-prepared... I dunno.
I think I found 6 red bulbs in game, but can't remember where the first two came from.
You get recipes added when you cook them the first time only if you don't already have the meal. When you find the first spider roll for example, you get a spider roll and the recipe for spider roll. When you find the second spider roll, you get another spider roll.
Isn't the place where you get red bulbs a glowing plant that respawns? or can you only get 4 red bulbs in the whole game? or is it a regular leaf plant with no bulbs?
I think I found 6 red bulbs in game, but can't remember where the first two came from.
That's strange that red bulbs are the ONLY item in the game that are limited. Even the "rare" Rukh eggs can be picked up over and over again, and special bulbs have a rare chance of dropping from mini-bosses like the sea-horses. I wonder who or what might have a chance to drop red bulbs... :S
I remember coming across a unique enemy once. It was some black-shelled thing crawling along a wall and it was invincible. I don't remember where though. Probably the Abyss, maybe the body. I wonder if the dual-form scream would work on it... bind didn't.
I noticed that someone finished off the Aquaria Wiki ( the other week.
I think that every single recipe is on there.
As far as Red Bulbs go, I've found plenty from binding up plants.
They'll give me plant leaves, small bones, green bulbs, red bulbs and even red berries sometimes.
As far as Red Bulbs go, I've found plenty from binding up plants.
They'll give me plant leaves, small bones, green bulbs, red bulbs and even red berries sometimes.
Are you sure? Because I once bound every plant in Kelp Forest and only got plant leaves, healing poultices, small bones, green bulbs and red berries in dozens but not one single red bulb.
I remember coming across a unique enemy once. It was some black-shelled thing crawling along a wall and it was invincible. I don't remember where though. Probably the Abyss, maybe the body. I wonder if the dual-form scream would work on it... bind didn't.
It's in the Kelp Forest and it is not invincible, it just needs a lot of shooting. I think it gives Divine Soup, but am not totally sure about that.
I remember coming across a unique enemy once. It was some black-shelled thing crawling along a wall and it was invincible. I don't remember where though. Probably the Abyss, maybe the body. I wonder if the dual-form scream would work on it... bind didn't.
It's in the Kelp Forest and it is not invincible, it just needs a lot of shooting. I think it gives Divine Soup, but am not totally sure about that.
Yes, it gives the divine soup and needs whole lotta shooting to be killed ;)
The in-game recipe list has a problem that really bugs me: it doesn't tell you what the recipe is good for. Sure, you can see that if you hover over the actual item, but if you already have it, you don't need to cook it. Frequently, I go there saying, "Okay, I need (for example) a speed increase..." and have to mouse over the items I have and see if any of them will do that for me. If I don't have one and I don't remember what it is, I'm hosed. So I went ahead and created a recipe index, which I hope others may find useful. Let me know if you find any mistakes. (EDITS: Added indicators for other effects, organized lists better, added Swordfish Steak)
* = item has additional effects
** = edible ingredient (not a recipe)
Blindness: Sight Poultice, Vehda's Cure-All*, Loaf of Life*
Poison: Leeching Poultice, Vehda's Cure-All*, Loaf of Life*
Defense up/15 sec: Crab Cake, Turtle Soup, Cold Borscht*, Hearty Soup*, Loaf of Life*, Perogi*, Plump Perogi*, Tough Cake*, Vehda's Sea Crisp*
Invincibility/10 sec: Legendary Cake
Regeneration x1: Veggie Cake, Veggie Ice Cream, Long Life Soup*, Veggie Soup*
Regeneration x2: Special Cake
Regeneration x3: Loaf of Life*
Heal -2: Poison Loaf, Rotten Cake
Poisoned: Poison Soup, Zuuna's Perogi*
Heal +0.1: Sea Loaf
Heal +1: Berry Ice Cream, Buttery Sea Loaf, Hand Roll, Leaf Poultice, Sea Cake, Long Life Soup*
Heal +2: Healing Poultice, Tasty Cake, Tasty Roll, Swordfish Steak**, Leeching Poultice*, Magic Soup*, Sight Poultice*, Tough Cake*, Vehda's Cure-All*
Heal +3: Cold Borscht*, Hot Borscht*
Heal +5: Divine Soup*
Full health: Arcane Poultice, Loaf of Life*
Beast form shot: Spicy Soup
Bite power up/30 sec: Shark Fin Soup
Energy shot +1/45 sec: Spicy Roll, Perogi*, Plump Perogi*
Energy shot +2/45 sec: Volcano Roll
Energy shot +3/45 sec: Zuuna's Perogi*
Fish form poison/30 sec: Swamp Cake
Pet power up/30 sec: Leadership Roll
Web ability/8 sec: Spider Roll
Pet power (Dumbo Octopus) up/30 sec: Leadership Roll
Sun form ability up/60 sec: Dumbo Ice Cream
Speed +1/30 sec: Hot Soup, Hearty Soup*, Hot Borscht*, Magic Soup*, Veggie Soup*
Speed +2/30 sec: Royal Soup, Divine Soup*
No significant effect: Cold Soup, Ice Cream, Rainbow Soup
-Seed Bag
-I spread these seeds around the foresty area of my cave. Soon small leafy sprouts appeared."
-Creates plants in Naija's home that can be binded for Plant Leaves.
Found: Go the the mini-nymphs' home in the kelp forest after obtaining nature form. There is a plant passageway that will lead you to a garden full of leaves to pull, and also the treasure.
where is this "mini-nyphs' home", iv'e been all over kelp forest and can't seem to find it... *puzzles*
-Seed Bag
-I spread these seeds around the foresty area of my cave. Soon small leafy sprouts appeared."
-Creates plants in Naija's home that can be binded for Plant Leaves.
Found: Go the the mini-nymphs' home in the kelp forest after obtaining nature form. There is a plant passageway that will lead you to a garden full of leaves to pull, and also the treasure.
where is this "mini-nyphs' home", iv'e been all over kelp forest and can't seem to find it... *puzzles*
It's in the central part of the Kelp forest. There is a very large open area with a seahorse and two pieces of ground with a path beetwen them in it's center. The entrance to their home is on the left side of those two. Look onto map and you'll easily reckognize it.
-Seed Bag
-I spread these seeds around the foresty area of my cave. Soon small leafy sprouts appeared."
-Creates plants in Naija's home that can be binded for Plant Leaves.
Found: Go the the mini-nymphs' home in the kelp forest after obtaining nature form. There is a plant passageway that will lead you to a garden full of leaves to pull, and also the treasure.
where is this "mini-nyphs' home", iv'e been all over kelp forest and can't seem to find it... *puzzles*
It's in the central part of the Kelp forest. There is a very large open area with a seahorse and two pieces of ground with a path beetwen them in it's center. The entrance to their home is on the left side of those two. Look onto map and you'll easily reckognize it.
I think there are 4 zones for the kelp forest, arranged in a block similar to the Open Waters (maybe the bottom-right zone isn't actually part of the kelp forest... not sure)
it's in the top-right zone. middle-top area of it, there's a large area divided by the two "pieces of ground" dividing it. they're long and thin and you can go between them or around the outsides. it's a little cave area on the left side of the right "piece of ground".
there's quite a few of those green fire-spitting giant sea-horses around there. @_@; It's funny. I never went to this cave before I beat the boss, so I wonder if she says something different then...
Cool list, RoberWalker! Good to have all the effects in one place. :)
If you want, add it to the wiki: :)
Cool list, RoberWalker! Good to have all the effects in one place. :)
If you want, add it to the wiki: :)
I've gone ahead and added it ( Due to sheer laziness, I didn't link the recipes; I'll see about getting around to that later. (Gosh, the wiki is friggin' slow.)
Yeah, it is unbelievable slow...That's the reason why I only did some minor editing/adding until now...
Yeah, it is unbelievable slow...That's the reason why I only did some minor editing/adding until now...
Can't it be hosted somewhere else faster?
I ended up saving all the existing pages I could, so that I would never have to load up the wiki again. Of course, all this was AFTER I finished the game, so I'm less interested in continuing to play.
I'm having trouble with my last treasure, the glowing plant in the abyss...
""-Glowing Plant
-"Its twin bulbs drew jellyfish up form the deep."
-More jellyfish in Naija's home
Found: Hidden in a secret area in the western side of the abyss. Hint: Watch the minimap for the hidden passage."
and i've seen a hint elsewhere that it's in the room leading to the big jelly, on the eastern wall, but I STILL cannot find the passage! I found the passage leading from the one little circle room with the rock blocking it to the jelly room, but no treasure in there....
I'm having trouble with my last treasure, the glowing plant in the abyss...
""-Glowing Plant
-"Its twin bulbs drew jellyfish up form the deep."
-More jellyfish in Naija's home
Found: Hidden in a secret area in the western side of the abyss. Hint: Watch the minimap for the hidden passage."
and i've seen a hint elsewhere that it's in the room leading to the big jelly, on the eastern wall, but I STILL cannot find the passage! I found the passage leading from the one little circle room with the rock blocking it to the jelly room, but no treasure in there....
... If you look on the World Map (, it's in the Abyss about where the 'T' in the text "THE ABYSS" is on the map. There is one hidden path up and one down, so either search the ceiling below or the diagonal wall above (and IIRC, slightly to the left). If you hug the walls in one of these places you're bound to find it sooner or later.
Funny story - I found this before I entered the Mithalas Cathedral as hugging walls is something you do a lot when you travel through the Abyss without the sun form :o
Funny story - I found this before I entered the Mithalas Cathedral as hugging walls is something you do a lot when you travel through the Abyss without the sun form :o
I did the same, since when I first found Abyss I didn't knew about any sun form, but the first thought was *Propably I would need some source of light*, but I tried to go into the darkness and found this room :D It was rather funny, but the way back was creepy, it's quite a bit from entrance to the abyss...
Found the Stone Head:
-Stone Head
-"I wondered in this stone's crude face was the product of nature or something else?"
Info: None known
Found: In the area directly below the Viel, the path is split three ways. On the middle path, the Stone Head is lying on the ground.
Also, quick question: When I finished the game will I still be able to explore, or can I only continue back from my last save point?
Also, quick question: When I finished the game will I still be able to explore, or can I only continue back from my last save point?
No, once the end credits have rolled you'll have to reload the last checkpoint in order to continue exploring.
Good news are, it's conveniently placed so there's nothing (well... Almost nothing) missable after it, and you can easily reach the rest of the ocean from it.
To be a little clearer than the above post, there's a turtle and a savepoint extremely close to the end.
The Aquaria section of StrategyWiki appears to be completely gone! What gives?
EDIT: Typo.
EDIT: Strange, it's back now.
Okay. I've been trying to locate the Jelly Egg treasure for a little while now, and I can't seem to find it. I've searched both boss areas of the Kelp Forest, but have still yet to stumble upon it. I'm most likely missing something darn obvious, but can anyone be kind enough as to quickly take a screenshot of where it should be? :)
There you are good sir. I believe that is the location.
Cheers. :) No idea how I missed it (but I did :P)!
"-Golden Starfish
-"A special starfish infused with the sun's power
-None known
Found: Not exactly sure, I think it was in the veil. It resembles the starfish in the background so it can be quite hard to spot. The bottom right corner of the veil.
Mull and Zabycx"
Updated info about Golden Starfish:
Effect: Puts the Starfish near the enterance of Naija's home.
Fount: The East Veil, bottom right cornor.
Hey, where exactly is the banner? I think I found all the houses before the current, and I didn't see it in any of them.
Banner is inside the castle, and before the cathedral. It's the first large room after entrance, the banner is at the top left niche, you will find it easily ;)
It's the only one that's blue, I think.
My problem with the banner was that I found it TOO easily. I thought it was just another banner! I never got near enough to trigger the pickup!
yeah, I thought it was in the City itself, not the castle, then completely didn't notice the blue banner inside. ^_^;;
Question: What do pets do? I've got the Nautilus pet and it just seems to follow me around? Do they have special abilities or are they purely ornamental?
They attack your enemies (and not only).
They attack your enemies (and not only).
Thanks. I noticed it just now. Pretty useful.
Maybe make this sticky?
I just ate two pistol shrimps (was hard but worth), I can totally recommend this to have some heavy firearms in your backhand. ;)
I killed the battle peg miniboss with 2-3 shots a few seconds after entering the cave and with all the little pegs still alive.
Pistol Shrimp are in my top 5 most dangerous enemies in Aquaria. The top spot goes to those mecha-crabs in the Sun Temple (If they get a few shots in on you you're TOAST). Pistol Shrimp probably take 2nd place. The Sun Temple worm is in there somewhere, but he's a boss.
Wait, sorry, what exactly is a pistol shrimp? Screen?
They are in 2-3 places in the kelp forest. They're fireing a very fast projectile which takes about half your health.
Can't make a screenie now, sorry. You can find some real photos in the Underwater Creature Thread. ;)
I did some experimenting today with the menu and found the ingredient for Zunna's Perogi, they are poison soup+Plump Perogi, this gives you Energy form shot poisoned for 45 seconds, could be very useful I think :D
This is true, but there are threads with a full menu of recipes. I think you'll find that a lot of those are very useful indeed.
This is true, but there are threads with a full menu of recipes. I think you'll find that a lot of those are very useful indeed.
Sorry if it was out of context Glamador but I read some recipes further back in thisthread so I thought that it would be ok to add this one, and the full recipe that I read mentioned that the perogi ingredient was unknown? Or did I miss a correction to it?
Most of them are useful but some more than others lol
I've just found out that that invisible octopus can be hit while it's in the invisible state when Naija is in dual form wow! it doesn't stand a chance now! :D
Pistol Shrimp are in my top 5 most dangerous enemies in Aquaria. The top spot goes to those mecha-crabs in the Sun Temple (If they get a few shots in on you you're TOAST). Pistol Shrimp probably take 2nd place. The Sun Temple worm is in there somewhere, but he's a boss.
Those that always eat up my health are the little round pink wall creepers, their shots follow you around similar to the spiky things, but at least with the spikies you can set yourself in a safe spot while shooting them. I've managed to eat the pistol shrimp everytime I've met him so far and I've managed to avoid all but one or two of it's shots. The mecha crabs are nasty but again I usually get them before they get me, but one can creep up on you while your trying to jump the cogs, nasty things :(
I've never had trouble with those damned wall creepers. But Pistol Shrimp are fidgetty little buggers. I eat them sure, but I usually get hit before I do. And then of course I waste a shot trying to save or transform or something.
I've never had trouble with those damned wall creepers. But Pistol Shrimp are fidgetty little buggers. I eat them sure, but I usually get hit before I do. And then of course I waste a shot trying to save or transform or something.
I've been practicing eating without getting caught but it still happens from time to time, the only thing I can't do is beat the Simon says boss and he is the cutest and most harmless but I am still pulling my hair out over him lol I think my age might have something to do with it so I am going to cheat and get my son to beat him for me ROFL!
i managed to eat pistol shrimps with the beast form and then fire at random creatures in abyss.. it was awesome :D
i managed to eat pistol shrimps with the beast form and then fire at random creatures in abyss.. it was awesome :D
Yes that's fun but it's always easier to do if you put yourself against a wall before you fire, don't try doing it among the spines though ::)
(This isn't illegal, right? ;) ) A question: does Naija's shield block pistol shrimp shots? Because if it does, you can postition yourself right in front of the creature and let its own shots kill itself. ;) (Then again, you woundn't be able to earn its shots. :( )
If the answer to the above is yes, you could come up to the pistol shrimp in normal form, let it shoot once, and then rapidly switch to beast form and nail the little bugger. ;D
"EDIT" Oh. Sorry, I forgot about that. In that case, you could corner it, throw a nest of briars behind it and then let it impale itself! Just a thought :D
Haven't you noticed that the pistol shrimp is thrown away by it's own shot Chibi? Besides I don't think that her forcefield really blocks a great deal it just seems to lessen the effect and that shot is baad!
Doesn't really block? It can take half a dozen full force shots from Mithala before breaking down. It protects and reflects damn near any projectile in the game. Plus the shrimp being pushed back is not an issue since shots do carry on even past the current field of view.
? I swear my health went down at least once while I had the forcefield around her, and do these projectiles rebound, I haven't tried that little trick? I'm still trying to beat SS without getting my son to do it for me this time :(
^-^ I just realized I'm only missing the Dumbo Octopus, the Glowing Plant, and the Jelly armor. You rock the ocean blue.
I think it's like this:
The shield reflects perfectly, but big projectiles can intersect with it before they bounce off, and if any part of Naijas body is in the direction of the projectile this will mean the projectile also intersects with that part, causing damage.
So, if you're moving perpendicularly to the projectiles axis, you have the largest chance to not take damage, as no part of your body is close to the edge of the shield. Moving straight towards a projectile pretty much guarantees you get hit, despite the shield.
Congrats, Align, you just answered a year old question and Tullehar necro'd the topic.
None the less, Align has a good answer. :D
Never had that happen to me though.