Bit Blot Forum

Aquaria => General => Topic started by: Maelstrom on May 21, 2009, 02:30:32 pm

Title: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Maelstrom on May 21, 2009, 02:30:32 pm
I finished the game yesterday and i noticed it said "TO BE CONTINUED..." so is there a AQUARIA 2 coming out and if so when??
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Doctorpeter on May 21, 2009, 03:25:14 pm
it's not coming any time soon. Alex is working in other games and also needs holidays.
Dereck and Alex are having separate projects.As a fan of this game i would love as many a sequel of this game but we have to understand that game making  needs a lot of works,effort and funds.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Doctorpeter on May 21, 2009, 03:41:12 pm
Also search about one of alex next projects in infinite ammo web site: MARIAN.
I have the feeling it will be as good as this game.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Alphasoldier on May 21, 2009, 05:09:38 pm
*HACK* Alec *COUGH* >_>

None the less, he's busy and not very motivated because of the experience with Aquaria and the comments he's gotten on it.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Alec on May 21, 2009, 06:26:50 pm
To me, Marian is a successor to Aquaria in a number of ways. (some tangible, some less so)

I don't know if I have the confidence to make another big game though, especially now that I'm on my own.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Hiro on May 22, 2009, 06:34:03 am
On your own?
IA and Derek vanished?  :-\
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Sindhi on May 22, 2009, 08:30:25 am
I hope you and Derek haven't parted ways. My God, I can't believe you guys made such an amazing, inspiring, beautiful, kick-ass game like Aquaria with only two people; what sort of confidence were you looking for? Please, don't let a few pissy comments from people who couldn't make a game half as good for love or money ruin this for you. Ninety-nine percent of the people who've bought and played this are thoroughly in awe of you and Derek. This is a game made by and for people who are meticulous, creative, bright and quirky, and who dream. We live in a society of nit-pickers who focus on the glass as being half-empty instead of half-full. This coming from a person who's been missing all the memory cutscenes and I still love this game; one of these days we will figure out what gremlin has caused it, and I'm not letting it spoil my experience. You are just plain frakkin' amazing, Alec; don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise. Confidence? You need more confidence? Give it up, bud; you should be so proud of yourself.... have a little faith.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Doctorpeter on May 22, 2009, 02:31:51 pm
what ?¡¡¡ you are loosing all the cutscenes...
This game story is rather good this is my second playthrough to just make all the achievement and even this time is still as fun as the first time.
I remenber not many games i could play like this ... simphony of the night, super metroid, zelda a link to the past or ocarina of time,metal gear, castlevania III or Golden axe and this game (i don't care what some magazines says about giving a 7 as meristation or ign) is a classic.
It has gameplaywise, storywise,secrets,beauty,music and flying monkeys...but thinking of this is why i feel is good that marian looks like a right choice instead an aquaria 2 game.Sometimes i've seen games as Ico or Shadow of the colossus that tell part of a story and the rest is let to your imagination this is better  than an  overmade  script, and also give the oportunity to be creative to have new gameplay elements. Marian can be as good or even better than aquaria with enough time and work.We shouldn't ask for aquaria2.Also i think we have tools to make mods with a wiki and aquaria untold stories could be tell by fans.(myself have no idea about LUA or programing so i can't)

P.D: i want a marian trailerr¡¡¡¡:P
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Alec on May 22, 2009, 03:13:31 pm
On your own?
IA and Derek vanished?  :-\

Derek and I split up a while ago, and IA is now just me.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Hiro on May 23, 2009, 02:13:04 am
Well I knew that you and Derek went to different projects, but hes still around.

Knew nothing about IA though... And I check that blog.  :o

Thats tough.. Pity theres not much I can say.. I offer my condolences and hope, for what its worth.  :-*
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Xiagan on May 23, 2009, 12:35:03 pm
On your own?
IA and Derek vanished?  :-\
IA is now just me.

What? When? How? Why?  :o
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Zam on May 23, 2009, 02:53:53 pm
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Alec on May 23, 2009, 06:29:55 pm
Knew nothing about IA though... And I check that blog.  :o

I haven't found a positive way to talk about it yet. :)

I'm still working on projects related to IA that I intend to finish... somehow. Hopefully I can put together a new team that works better, and/or do more of the work myself.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Xiagan on May 23, 2009, 07:06:04 pm
I haven't found a positive way to talk about it yet. :)

But it is positive? At least in some ways?
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Alec on May 23, 2009, 09:41:24 pm
I haven't found a positive way to talk about it yet. :)

But it is positive? At least in some ways?

Ummm I think only in the sense that it was probably inevitable. (clashing personalities) Better to find out sooner than later.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Doctorpeter on May 23, 2009, 11:12:44 pm
i am sorry to hear about this, you may be having a hard time.I still think that you have talent in your work, i studied medicine and had some problems and sometimes though i could not end my studies and had doubts on those times of my possibilities but ended working through the hards times. Keep things on your mind clear and time will give you new oportunities.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Alphasoldier on May 24, 2009, 12:42:18 am
Am also sorry to hear this Alec, only advice I could give ya is don't work yourself off a cliff. Do the more important things first.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Vetehinen on May 24, 2009, 04:28:36 pm
 :( Now here's some bad news, it's always nasty to hear about good team breaking up - especially when it has happened twice. It's of course impossible for an outsider to say anything concerning team's inner problems, as everything seemed fine, but if a team like that separates it tells there's been more than minor problems. Hopefully it made thing clear and taught something.

For now (in my opinion), you should better to have some space and time to think things straight, and you shouldn't keep all pressures alone. You already have been making Aquaria, that's a great trophy indeed. I simply don't have words to describe that game enough.

Lastly a small cliché ; You have skills, and with faith to those skills and to yourself any obstacles are passable.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Sindhi on May 24, 2009, 08:43:29 pm
Well, Alec, the deal certainly sucks. If you have any desire to de-stress and center yourself, gaining more focus and joy, there's a center for the meditation I do in London Ont. you can access info on our website,

I would love to see you happy and peaceful in spite of the crappy situation in which you find yourself. Maybe there's an even better graphic artist out there who hasn't discovered Aquaria yet.....
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Aërendyll on May 25, 2009, 12:52:58 am
Ugh, that sucks a lot, Alec! o_o I come to check the forum to see if the Soundtrack is out yet and I see this. You have my support - it must be tough.

I'd even love to help you out myself, but I'm not sure you're looking for any now. It would be a shame to let your talents rot somewhere because it didn't work out with your previous teams.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: p3ter_st0ry on May 25, 2009, 03:43:20 pm
I think that there certainly could be an Aquaria 2: a fan-made one!
All the tools are there; we just need someone with the drive to "git r' done."

I think the first thing to do would be to open a thread discussing the plot, then assemble a team to start actually constructing the game. I'm sure Alec would be willing to provide advice, etc. too.

-Peter Story

This'd be sooo awesome!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Doctorpeter on May 26, 2009, 12:01:07 pm
well, this is harder than you think. Most people in this forum (well at least myself) has no idea of programming, or any art skills.And this would be really time consuming project.I feel i would like to help but also i can't help much.
Others (danger mouse with his lost treasure mod) are working a year know in his mods and are not even nearly finish.
But of course i would apreciate an Aquaria 2 mod (with for example a sky town and tecnological gadgets with magical skills) and i agree in one thing.People who are working alone in their mod should work better in one big together.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Alphasoldier on May 26, 2009, 03:32:47 pm
I'll be starting a game design study next year (end of this school year), which will take 4 years, maybe half way through the year I might be a bit more helpful, if at all.
Just know there are enough people willing to help you Alec, even though I think that when people don't work on or around your level it won't help at all. I've noticed this multiple times with myself, I too have a few areas I shine at.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Sindhi on May 26, 2009, 07:52:37 pm
I was an art and English major at university; did some writing; wrote a book; helped a group of teenage boys do the old-fashioned cel type animated filmmaking on their own time and got grants to do that with students; we won state and national awards. Was an art teacher (all levels from public school to university) and have artistic ability; designed my own website, but I don't think I have the right skills for this. Nevertheless I an intrigued by the notion of helping to expand on Aquaria with a group of people. No longer have an ego the size of Brazil (the meditation helps with that) and although quite blunt, I play well with others and seldom run with scissors. Am dogged and jump in with both feet when I find something that makes my heart sing. Am retired and not real busy, although I travel a lot. Grew, sold and hybridized odontoglossum orchids for 20 years; before that had 22 tanks of tropical fish including saltwater. Have bright, quirky, loving friends of all ages all over the world. I'm willing to help if I can... Just wish I were getting Naija's memories; those cutscenes are just not happening; it would certainly help with the plot aspects. It would be nice if Alec could hint less and direct more with his vision, if this ever gets off the ground; possibly though a PM group. I have never seen a more lush, dynamic, free-form, complex game with better music than this one. I think it's made for people who think sideways.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Alphasoldier on May 26, 2009, 08:59:46 pm
That's one big history there, I'm afraid to even ask how old you are.

None the less, WHO WOULDN'T RUN WITH SCISSORS? It's fun! :D

And indeed, if Alec ever wants, he could gather people, over IRC or something and see what they could offer for him, it seems enough people want to help out already.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Sindhi on May 26, 2009, 09:59:27 pm
It's fun to run with scissors but kinda hazardous for others. I admit, I'm a risk-taker. On Patmos I rented a quad off-road motorbike and went to different beaches to snorkel every day; in spite of the curvy roads, got it up to over 40 kph. I have more metal in me than the Bionic Woman, if any of you kids know of her (leg, arm, knees). Generally drive like a bat. I'm 62. I've snorkeled and dived for shells on the Great Barrier Reef, all over the Caribbean & Cozumel, and the Aegean. One reason why I love Aquaria so much. Anyway if Derek is gone for good maybe all of us as a group could try to pick up the slack, but only if Alec wanted us to help. Wouldn't that be a hoot, to have amazing Aquaria created by two people, and then a sequel by one guy and some groupies!
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Doctorpeter on May 28, 2009, 10:11:53 am
you know what would be strange? a movie adaptacion of this game. Silently exploring an underwater world with strange creatures.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Doctorpeter on May 28, 2009, 10:30:29 am
better not ... it would come UBE BOWL an make something like a gore-pirate-caribean-alien-spaceship-water adventure with dancing fairies
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Sindhi on May 28, 2009, 05:44:00 pm
Movies are passive. The beauty of this game is that you are the explorer and are discovering new worlds and creatures innocently, like a child; it is the ideal way to face the world, without baggage. Having no memories means that you are not a slave to the past, wasting time worrying about it. It is starting over, like Star Trek; to "seek out new worlds where no one has gone before", instead of being presented, being led, like movies and most games, and sometimes life if you view yourself as a victim. Aquaria celebrates  living as a child; it gives you playful puzzles, like life; you learn to survive. If you die you get to start again (some believe life is like that too). Yes, there are manipulative parental presences,  but they are not all one-note; they have depth and motivations. The Creator has feet of clay; well, don't we all? Aquaria's world is not all fluffy bunnies and new agey, but it's not all apocalyptic either. It's pregnant with possibilities; with magic. Like life.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Doctorpeter on May 29, 2009, 08:32:43 pm
i agree with you
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Starfury on May 30, 2009, 08:16:30 am
Ugh, that sucks a lot, Alec! o_o I come to check the forum to see if the Soundtrack is out yet and I see this. You have my support - it must be tough.

I'd even love to help you out myself, but I'm not sure you're looking for any now. It would be a shame to let your talents rot somewhere because it didn't work out with your previous teams.

I was also wondering about the soundtrack.  Is that on hold due to the current "situation"?
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Alec on May 30, 2009, 06:46:14 pm
Ugh, that sucks a lot, Alec! o_o I come to check the forum to see if the Soundtrack is out yet and I see this. You have my support - it must be tough.

I'd even love to help you out myself, but I'm not sure you're looking for any now. It would be a shame to let your talents rot somewhere because it didn't work out with your previous teams.

I was also wondering about the soundtrack.  Is that on hold due to the current "situation"?

I haven't thought about it in a while...

Right now I'm focusing on IA, figuring out a bunch of legal/business stuff and trying to build a new team.

I think if I can get some kind of stability going there, eventually find an artist who is on a similar wavelength and a business partner, then I would feel more comfortable doing something like releasing a soundtrack. :)
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Starfury on May 31, 2009, 09:18:45 am

I haven't thought about it in a while...

Right now I'm focusing on IA, figuring out a bunch of legal/business stuff and trying to build a new team.

I think if I can get some kind of stability going there, eventually find an artist who is on a similar wavelength and a business partner, then I would feel more comfortable doing something like releasing a soundtrack. :)

I can respect that.  I just hope someday you do get that opportunity.  I'm very intrigued as to those bonus tracks that have been mentioned numerous times.  ;)

The music in Aquaria is probably the best I've ever heard in a game (especially lost to the waves!)
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Alec on May 31, 2009, 11:05:45 am
I definitely would love to release a soundtrack at some point.  O0

BTW, here are some recent thoughts about game design, Aquaria related:
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: omnipus3 on June 05, 2009, 06:13:38 pm
hi im new to this forum i just finish the game and came to the forum now i read that there isn't going to be an  aquaria 2?(or at least not soon) ho well i can take it but i had an idea why don't you make a aquaria book about naija FULL story that would be great. i would be the first to bye it. ;)
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Chibi on June 05, 2009, 08:41:40 pm
Know many writers, omni? If you can find one that would be willing to write a full-length book on an indie game, by all means, ask.  ;) Designing games and writing books inspired by them don't usually go hand in hand.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: omnipus3 on June 06, 2009, 03:02:36 am
ho...... it was just an idea i don't know any writer i just tough i should put it here other then keeping it to myself you know. :)
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Alphasoldier on June 07, 2009, 12:45:12 am
I might just sometimes make a fanfic of Aquaria, maybe about Naija's youth or maybe what happens with Li and Naija in the years they are together.
Though I'll probably screw it up seeing I have the nasty habit of making things go the adult way, young adventures sound a bit better, no temptations there.
Good idea. :D
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Berserkerface on June 09, 2009, 01:39:06 am
To me, Marian is a successor to Aquaria in a number of ways. (some tangible, some less so)

I don't know if I have the confidence to make another big game though, especially now that I'm on my own.

Please say it ain't so. I've worked in the 'mainstream' games industry for about 5 years in which time I've worked on several high profile, big-budget projects, NONE of which had the  of charm, creativity and vision of Aquaria. It's simply a beautiful game with a wonderful story with pretty solid mechanics and really creative level design and I hope there is more to come, it would be a real shame if there wasn't (So much so that I felt I had to register here and moan about it).

Regardless of what may come, this was my game of the year 2008.

Best of luck to you.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Access on July 18, 2009, 10:52:32 am
Best of luck Alec.

Hope you liked my Wiki page for you :P
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: xdiesp on July 27, 2009, 11:55:17 am
Since you already have the tools ready, why not releasing Aquaria through Live possibly with new areas as more DLC? Other games would capitalize on having all dev tools ready to clone the work.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: sadron on July 28, 2009, 07:43:05 am
Actually, Alec, you're not truely alone in this thing, you have the community here to support you. Heck, perhaps we could throw together our own efforts with you and make the sequel all together ourselves.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Vetehinen on August 02, 2009, 06:55:24 pm
Well, I would be enthusiastic to see a sequel for this lovely game, like a soundtrack too. Maybe in future when the time is right.

Heck, perhaps we could throw together our own efforts with you and make the sequel all together ourselves.

Not to offend, but it's clear that Aquaria was a result of small teams ideology. Like everyone with team work experience might know, "too many cooks spoil the broth", the bigger the team the more opinions and aspects to take into account. Disagreement is what makes things difficult, and compromises might be totally different than suggested ideas... the reason why Indie games brings fresh ideas and new unique experiences to us is small team with cohesion. Not that exceptions doesn't exist, but just my two cents.

I liked that aspect the story wasn't too clear; it was strong enough but not too detailed. It allows player to use his imagination more freely. Character relationships, small hints here and there in ruins or expressions... One part of the experience.

Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Nightmareshadow on August 04, 2009, 09:42:55 pm
I think we all clamber for a sequel...but it should definitely be kept small.  Preferably the original team(just Alec and Derek) doing the sequel...but I just worry for Aquaria's future.  A game this great...ends with a cliffhanger?  C'mon that's not fair!  Well, maybe like the fifth or tenth anniversary of Aquaria's release Bit Blot will reform and start on a sequel(i'd wait for it.)
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Archeus on August 05, 2009, 02:12:53 am
Actually, Alec, you're not truely alone in this thing, you have the community here to support you. Heck, perhaps we could throw together our own efforts with you and make the sequel all together ourselves.

Actually, that's not a half bad idea. I'm sure between all of us there's bound to be people skilled in each needed area. In addition to alex's superb skill of course :D
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Archeus on August 05, 2009, 02:15:17 am
I think we all clamber for a sequel...but it should definitely be kept small.  Preferably the original team(just Alec and Derek) doing the sequel...but I just worry for Aquaria's future.  A game this great...ends with a cliffhanger?  C'mon that's not fair!  Well, maybe like the fifth or tenth anniversary of Aquaria's release Bit Blot will reform and start on a sequel(i'd wait for it.)

I agree. Its sad that it just ended like that. Was a deep ending but definitely made you want to play a sequel and make things right again.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: slashie on August 06, 2009, 05:26:56 am
Ah, so Aquaria 2 will be a roguelike in my hands... :)
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Alec on August 06, 2009, 05:18:36 pm
Ah, so Aquaria 2 will be a roguelike in my hands... :)

haha, tight
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Prometeus on August 06, 2009, 08:42:47 pm
Talking about the sequel, who are the sleeping girl and the rocketship sailor boy? I supposed the boy was the son of Naija but the girl/woman.... looks like Naija time after, doesn't she?
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Xiagan on August 10, 2009, 11:31:38 pm
Lucien, Naijas son and his girlfriend. Check out the names of the graphics in your Aquaria folder. ;)
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Prometeus on August 11, 2009, 02:58:43 am
Who is Lucien?
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Hiro on August 11, 2009, 06:21:52 am
Naija's (and Li's) son.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Olmer on March 28, 2012, 03:09:10 pm
So what about the continuation of Aquaria? I am in Ukraine waiting it about four years. Is there any information, where it is expected the continuation?
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Daxar on March 28, 2012, 10:09:47 pm
Basically, never. Both Alec and Derek are off doing their own projects.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Xiagan on March 29, 2012, 04:23:07 pm
BUT there are some great mods you can play. Newest out is the Labyrinth Mod. Go check it out:

More mods here:
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: False.Genesis on March 29, 2012, 04:54:24 pm
Some interesting details about a sequel possibility are given here:
(In the first 1/3 or so if i reember correctly. Can only recommend listening to that podcast, but keep in mind it's not 100% up to date anymore (Like, Marian is on ice right now, and all that).

But apart from that, for now you are best off with mods, that's true.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Glamador on April 01, 2012, 12:08:20 am
I'll wait a hundred years for a sequel, really.  My skills fall into areas other than game design I'm afraid, or I'd have volunteered 3 years ago.

Glad the idea of a sequel still isn't completely out of the question.
Title: Re: Aquaria 2?
Post by: Maltakreuz on February 06, 2016, 07:20:20 pm
Hey guys, look some new aquaria 2 screenshots. How you found a new edgy aquaria style? O0

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