Bit Blot Forum
Aquaria => General => Topic started by: Alec on November 10, 2007, 06:34:14 am
channel: #bitblot
irc:// (
Just getting it started, I'll be hanging out there when I'm working. (which is most of the time when I'm not sleeping)
Probably won't be much happening there yet, but feel free to drop in and say "Hi" if you like!
If you've never used IRC before and want to try it out, check out mIRC ( There is also a beginner's guide to IRC commands here (
Yeah, cool!
I think I'll be there too (, but most of the time |away...)
P.S. I was thinking about starting a #bitblot channel, but I don't know enough about running one. (like how to keep it running when I'm offline etc)
Have a look here: You first have to register your nick (, and then you can register the channel. Not that hard. :)
Managed to figure it out earlier, didn't want to link to it until I registered it. O0
Just added the channel/network to my Konversation-Joinlist
I like IRC much better than forums :)
I think I figured it out. I never mess with IRC.
Are you going to put in a bot on the channel or something like that. It might make things interesting.
I'm a 24\7 IRC idling whore so I will be there :)
Best IRC conversation ever? I'd like to think so:
<workEcho> scatooty
<Enzan> Moon Booty.
<workEcho> shy toony
<Alec> boob boopity
<workEcho> tri titooty
<Alec> tooty frooty
<Enzan> Tahiti cutie.
<workEcho> cheezy freezy
<Alec> bumsy wumsy
<kauthor> Okay...
Maybe I should get IRC....
ahhh, anyone remember this old trick for AOL users?
<realyst>To see something really cool, hit Alt+F4 on your keyboard.
<someguy72 has disonnected[Connection reset by peer]>
<r0flc0pter has disonnected[Connection reset by peer]>
<tehawesum34 has disonnected[Connection reset by peer]>
<whoozitity has disonnected[Connection reset by peer]>
<realyst> My work here is done.
Wait, wait, wait, - AOLites using IRC? :o
Ahh yes. They once did that very thing before AIM came to light.
T'was the very beginning of Eternal September and internet idiocy was still young.
I have never used IRC before. I shall have to give it a try.
Thanks Alec.
<Karn> Just spend like $1mil on a fantastic opening scene of Master Chief flipping out of a Pelican into a Warthog
<Karn> Then driving into the ocean
<Karn> And he just sinks and dies
<workEcho> hah
<workEcho> then have naija find the body
<workEcho> and then the story begins
<Alec> like an actual pelican though
<Karn> lmao
<Alec> there's just this pelican flapping along, and then master chief bursts out of it
<Alec> clever disguise!
<workEcho> couldn't happen
<workEcho> geez
<workEcho> the Mjolnir Armor is too heavy to be in a birds belly
<workEcho> pfft
<Alec> aww, you just gotta believe
<shinygerbil> This is the Master Pelican we're talking about
Lol, that is some funny stuff.
Naija > MasterCheif.
<Ninja|Gio> enough silliness
* Ninja|Gio slaps enzan with a big fish
<Enzan> I'm afraid I have 150% fish resistance.
* xiagan slaps you with Nautilus Prime
<xiagan> take that ;)
<Karn> You don't slap someone with Nautilus Prime
<Karn> He slaps both of you
<xiagan> he is the underwater-Chuck Norris
Haha, I love this black framed pics.
And you know, now we laugh about NP, but in a few days, when we have to face him, our laughs will trickle away fast.
Do you know Hume from Eternal Daughter? ;)
"*** Notice -- Due to a network split, you can not obtain channel operator status in a new channel at this time."
profoX` and I are both in #bitblot, and I am the only one in #aquariamods.
So, I stole your aquaria channel....
*EDIT* Okay, this post was rendered wrong 15 seconds after I posted it...
Come visit, i idle in that thar chan
In case anyone's not aware of this, there's an in-browser client at for dirty slackers like me who want to chat but can't download a proper IRC client at work.
In case anyone's not aware of this, there's an in-browser client at for dirty slackers like me who want to chat but can't download a proper IRC client at work.
Are you sure that you can use it for other networks (besides Efnet) too? Because bitblot is using
That'd explain why the channel's been empty every time I've tried it then :-[. I'm so good at inter net.
Edit: there is an embedded Java client on, but I can't get it to connect (this may just be because I'm at work).
I just installed a 24/7 bot named Harold.
Generaly, he reacts to sentences started with his name or "!"
For example type !coin to let him flip a coin. or !roulette to let him play russian roulette or !last to see the last written line in the channel (useful if you got kicked or ping timeouted).
Other commands are:
!nickometer $nick - to check the lameness of your nick ($nick is what you enter, not your nick)
!dice 2d6 or 6d20 or other dicecombos to roll some dices. Max number of dices 6, max sides 100.
/msg harold register nick password to add yourself to his userdatabase
!dict word to get a useless and long dictionary-entry (most asurely ending with (X more messages), in this case type !more)
Navigation: !list shows the installed plugins !list insult shows the commands and !help insult shows what !insult $user does. etc. This way you can find out easy what he can do atm. :) Try it! :)
Some actions are only doable by admins, in case you wonder ;)
Awww, you should have left them to work all that out themselves - I don't feel special anymore :'(
Now the only thing left that we need is a Forum bot called Olga
LOL.. Alphasoldier is our little "ghost boy" (from Aquaria) =]]
<SunBeam> meh, Alphasoldier left =[
<Dozin> he's still here in spirit
<SunBeam> quick, sing the song
<SunBeam> or he will be lost in the darkness
<SunBeam> :))
* Alphasoldier ( has joined #bitblot
<SunBeam> SEE?
<SunBeam> we sang and he returned
<Alphasoldier> what?
You missed the best part. The part that you actually missed me.
In case you wondered: I removed the bot, because it increased the spam-affinity of the channel's users to an unbearable amount...
Yeah, we're very childish, but he had this nice Nickname rater which we tried to get a 100% dull nickname on it, we got 99,998%
And then the fun game roulette which is russian roulette. Take THAT Daidalos!
Okay, for those of you who want to play with the nickometer and the roulette.... I parked him in #blitbot. You can go there and spam around. ;)
I found a statistics site! Look here:
And, more important, you can chat in #bitblot from this site without needing a special program! Your browser will do (if he can handle java)! :)
[5:55pm] _Auron_: hi
[5:55pm] _Auron_: !
[5:55pm] Alec: what's up
[5:55pm] _Auron_: I had a dream about you last night
[5:55pm] _Auron_: I don't even know why
[5:55pm] Alec: haha wow
[5:55pm] _Auron_: you were in a samus aran suit at some party, and you were regulating it
[5:56pm] _Auron_: and there was a pool
[5:56pm] _Auron_: it was weird
[5:56pm] Alec: oh my
Blargh. Joined, with the topic last changed in may and 6 users, including me :(
Alec in a power suit, looks more like something I would be dreaming.
Alec in a power suit, looks more like something I would be dreaming.
Aw, not one of the servers I'm already on... decisions, decisions..
Alec in a power suit, looks more like something I would be dreaming.
*Kein queers @ Alphasoldier *
Kein Queers?
I don't get what you mean, but ok.
Hmm, I've been int he chat a couple times, but ti never seems busy. What time do you all tend to log in?
I don't get on the IRC at all anymore, if there's something going on, feel free to send me a message.
yeah, I was mostly asking if anyone tended to have random conversations there still. I think most IRC chats seem to be dead most of the time.
I find most chat rooms terribly uncomfortable. Probably for the same reasons I find large groups of people talking IRL terribly uncomfortable. I can never get people to listen to what I'm saying. And I have a large ego that needs stroking. It gets testy if it isn't brushed twice a conversation.
I find most chat rooms terribly uncomfortable. Probably for the same reasons I find large groups of people talking IRL terribly uncomfortable. I can never get people to listen to what I'm saying. And I have a large ego that needs stroking. It gets testy if it isn't brushed twice a conversation.
*Rubs Glamador's ego the wrong way.* :P I get the same feeling - two or three people have a conversation, I post, and nothing happens. ^-^
Yeah, same here. God forbid two people get into an argument, when nothing anybody else says gets heard.
Alec, where are you? Busy? Haven't seen you in IRC since dec of 2009 :<
P.S. your nick expired btw. I reserved it for you.
Well, IRC is mostly about lurking... which basically means not talking but being there. Sounds stupid, I know. ;)
Sorry for the grave dig, but...
Since #bitblot is not completely dead, I figured it would be cool to have a log of the IRC channel, which can now be accessed here: (starting from today).
The log is real-time, so whenever someone says something the files will be up-to-date.
Considering that #aquariamods is dead - no activity in the past year except joins and leaves and maybe 5 messages in the whole time, I don't consider the logs for this worth putting up.
cool stuff. :)