Bit Blot Forum
Bit Blot => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Xiagan on December 20, 2008, 04:02:02 pm
Hey folks,
this topic is for telling the community when you won't be able to access the forums for a longer time.
So that nobody wonders where the heck you are.
I'm not that sure if we need something like this, but it may be handy (for DM for example. ;)).
I'll be without internet connection from now on up to Dec, 26th. Have a nice christmas time and I'll "see" you in about a week!
Cheers! =)
Thanks! Have a wonderful holiday season, see you around before the new year! :)
Have a Great holiday you two and hurry up back soon :D
No one really cares but im going to be in Virginia for a week, starting on christmas, having to fly to the east coast on christmas day, ugh!
Sorry to hear that you have to travel on Christmas Day. I hope you still have a Happy Holiday Season!
Have yourself a merry Christmas in Virginia, Chimerathing! :) I'm leaving on Christmas Eve myself for Montana (my family is going on a snowboarding trip). I'll be absent for about two days. :)
Well do try and have a good time when you all get where you are going to, meanwhile I am stuck at home untill Boxing day, the day after Christmas day when we always have a family get together. That is fine but as with most families these does would always be better without at least one individual, twith us it's my 'bore the pants of a statue brother-in-law' ::)
Leaving in about thirty minutes - the next time you hear from me will be in approximately five days (if I don't do something idiotic and brain myself) ;D (My mum's words, not mine)
Merry Christmas Aquarians! and happy whatever else you observe, be it Hanukkah to Saturnalia, hope the holidays are fun and fruitful for you!
Merry Christmas Inkblob and I second all your thoughts. May everyone have a good holiday no matter what their religion :D
I'm back. :)
Nice new ava, Inky!
I'm back. :)
Nice new ava, Inky!
Welcome back, and did you have a good time Xiagan?
Yes I was admiring Inkblots avi yesterday but I was way to tired to think straight and say so ::) too much Christmas spirit and very little of it alcholic ::)
I'm back. :)
Nice new ava, Inky!
wb Xiagan, hope you had a great trip! ( assuming it was a trip, maybe you just voluntarily pulled the internets plug out for a week ) ty re: av, I hadn't changed in quite awhile and new game release I thought I'd celebrate and pillage the game's graphics folder
too much Christmas spirit and very little of it alcholic ::)
we've been imbibing in 'egg grog' which is our term for egg nog spiked with coco rum. so very festive :P *edit* hmm googling that term comes up with lots of neat recipies...
That sounds good inkblob :d I have a bottle of Advocatt in my larder still unopened and it's similar stuff to your egg grog. I love it but but obviously not enough to have a drink of it yet, I am more of a social drinker and even then I don't over do it any more.
Welcome back Xiagan, I too am back.
Spent my Christmas with family, got to visit with my brother, cousins, aunt and uncles and grandparents. Unfortunately I missed a visit with my sister, but it wouldn't have been possible with the time that I had to visit family.
Enjoyed a day in the snow up in the mountains in Yosemite, and had a great time with my wife and kids.
It's good to be back though. I hope everyone had safe travels and a wonderful Holiday Season.
Hope everyone has a great New Years too!
Glad to say that I'm back guys! Oh gods ... just noticed the three pages of unread topics. ;D Anything major occur in my absence?
[EDIT] What happened about Derek? [EDITED EDIT] Danger Mouse filled me in. :-[ :D
Nothing Major missed Chibi. I'm still betting Alec has something up his sleeve for Aquaria and the new year.
Something happen to Derek that I have missed? And I've been here :o
It's on the Bit-Blot Blog - Derek is working on his own project (Spelunky) while Alec and Instant Ammo work on another (Marian, Heroes and Villains, etc.).
Fortunately, Alec says: "This doesn’t mean that Bit-Blot is kaput, however. Derek and I have more planned for Aquaria in the coming months. There’s the long-awaited soundtrack release, and we have another surprise up our sleeves. I’d love to be able to work with Derek on a new game as Bit-Blot again in the future, but only time will tell if that’s in the cards or not."
I can't wait for the unveiling of the surprise. :)
[EDIT]: And the O.S.T., of course.
I can't wait for the OST AND the Surprise! :) I'm still sitting with fingers crossed that the Modding Tools will be improved.
It's on the Bit-Blot Blog - Derek is working on his own project (Spelunky) while Alec and Instant Ammo work on another (Marian, Heroes and Villains, etc.).
Fortunately, Alec says: "This doesn’t mean that Bit-Blot is kaput, however. Derek and I have more planned for Aquaria in the coming months. There’s the long-awaited soundtrack release, and we have another surprise up our sleeves. I’d love to be able to work with Derek on a new game as Bit-Blot again in the future, but only time will tell if that’s in the cards or not."
I can't wait for the unveiling of the surprise. :)
[EDIT]: And the O.S.T., of course.
Thank you Chibi, I did know that but your comment made me wonder if something else had happened since I read it, and yes he is busy but they will I hope be back together soon to work on Aquaria II :D
Okay - I'll leave it for the benefit of people who don't read the blog. I really can't wait for the sequel to Aquaria; however, I am willing to wait another two years if the quality (and length) are the same as the first.
Sorry for double-posting, but I thought I should mention that Glamador - one of the top posters and members of the forum - has been absent since December 17 - looks like he checked out without saying goodbye. :( ;)
I hope Glam is ok and not a victim of the 'credit crunch' :( or ill :( I knew the forum was lacking someone, perhaps he will be back shortly after a long break and laugh at our worries.. I hope :o
Glam's back! Huzzah! One of the most celebrated members of the forum has returned. What happened?
Psh... Chibi, you didn't even miss me that much... : P And I was gone for more than 6 months!
Poor Danger Mouse. How can I ever make it up to you? ^-^ :-\ Part of the reason why was my move to Seattle; the other was acclimatizing to my new highschool.
lol, I'm just giving you are hard time. No worries. :) I'm glad Glam is back too.
Glamador is back? I must of come in here with my eyes closed yesterday unless he arrived back after I had gone?
Welcome back Glam :D
I'm officially, unofficially checking out. Sorry that I forgot to do this before I left to go on a 10 day underway. : / My bad. Miss all of you. I'll try to peruse and leave a little feedback if I can manage the load times.
Alright Danger Mouse - until then, happy sailing! :)
Thanks bud! :)
have fun! :)
Happy sailing DM :D
I'm sort of... back.
I got the game again after my big computer crash and lost everything, losing my interests in Aquaria too, seeing I lost the game and the mod I made, I don't know if I have it somewhere.
Now I got the game, patched and all, and am gonna try staying around. None the less, I will always be lurking.
And maybe, just maybe I'll make that mod again.
Hey Alpha, nice to see you again. :)
If you posted the mod somewhere I surely have it, if not... ???
Nope, I haven't posted it anywhere, I do know I've send it to Alec, but if he still has it, I have no way to know it, nor am I going to assume it.
I should check back to my old old backup disk that still had Aquaria on it. I just HOPE I saved the whole aquaria folder, and not only the stuff I had on my desktop.
And thanks. ^^
It's good to see you back Alpha but I am really sorry about your problems and lost work.
Meh, stuff happens. Can't do much about it when your computer suddenly crashed and your HDD is totally fried.
I should've backed up everything every month at least.
And now... I still back nothing up, I should really start doing that. ^^:
Even though I got a very stable computer atm, not even lightning could sabotage me this time.
KABOOM! ;) Don't tempt fate ... back up!
Away for two days and now Chibi has more posts than me? Tss... ;)
No worries, I won't race you to 1000. ;D
If you want Dream Bit status first, I'll quit posting for a day or two - I honestly had no idea I was so close. ;)
999 posts Chibi you are catching me up perhaps I need to post more ? Only kidding you can pass me any time, any one can I'm not precious about it :D
You seem to be catching up to Alec well enough yourself ... ;)
Am I? Well that will only be happening because he is too busy to post much because I have been too busy to post a lot myself recently :)
Of course. :)
You know, I don't want to be a jack*ss or something, but this kind of talking really is supposed to be for the IRC.
Nothing is meant by it Alpha, it's just a bit of leg pulling between us lol
Well, I'm back! :) And off to a good start for the weekend! Bought a new couch, a new car (2009 Toyota Sienna with the works) and sold the 2005 Toyota Camry. Got to watch a great Super Bowl game. Anyways, hello everyone, good to be back!
Welcome back, DM! Glad to hear you had a good time. :)
Welcome back! Hope the tons of unread topics aren't too scary. ;)
yeah, have a bit of reading to go through after missing two weeks. I'm sure there's a lot of of pointless stuff to go through though...somehow I have a feeling a lot of it is going to be from Chibi.
Thank you DM and welcome back.
Welcome back DM, it sounds like your wages were too hot to stay in your account lol
/me is away until the 14th of February.
Try not to post hundreds of new topics, it is always demotivating to read them all. ;)
Just for you, we won't, we'll necro every other topic that's on this forum. ^^
And wherever you're going, have fun.
/me is away until the 14th of February.
Try not to post hundreds of new topics, it is always demotivating to read them all. ;)
Quick everyone post like crazy lol
We'll try not to Xiagan but if we get another sudden influx then I am sorry you will just have to play catch up, have a good time where ever you are going :D
See you man. Have a great time wherever you go ... :)
I'm back. :) I was at my parents place for my father's birthday. Was nice, especially because a lot of good friends of mine live in the same area. :)
Welcome back! The forum has been pretty quiet in your absence ... speculation about the existence of a sequel, reflection upon sea slug intestines, and a frame buffer effects problem. :D
Heh, at least one of those was me. ;D Anyway, i'm gonna have to disappear for a few days, but I'll be back by thursday.
Yes welcome back Xiagan, did you have a good time then?
Quiet? There were loads of posts man. =O
But welcome back Xia, I hope you can keep up with everything.
But very quiet ones (not a lot of must-read posts). :)
Yes it has gone quiet again hasn't it, we must of done our job too well because there are very few cries for help now just conversation ;D
Well, i'm back. Time to catch up on some reading.
Welcome back. :)
Welcome back zoko :D
Welcome to THE FUTURE! *spreads arms and laughs like a maniac*
Lol - is that some pop-culture allusion that I'm fortunate to have missed? ;)
Lol - is that some pop-culture allusion that I'm fortunate to have missed? ;)
Heh, maybe from the nineties. ;D
But wouldn't know, I don't watch TV.
Lol - is that some pop-culture allusion that I'm fortunate to have missed? ;)
Heh, maybe from the nineties. ;D
But wouldn't know, I don't watch TV. (The main source of most pop-culture allusions)
EDIT: Whoops! Sorry bout that, I don't know where it came from
Why'd you quote yourself? :)
Am on a vocational training until Thursday/Friday. See you then. :)
Alright - good luck! We'll try to keep our posting to a bare minimum until you're return. ;)
It's simple, he left in the past, and returned in the future... and I've watched all 5 seasons plus the movies of Futurama, so... yeah, sorry about that.
And okay Xiagan, good luck and stuff, I'll be sure to go on a posting spree.
Am back. Was quite niced despite the fact that I was/am ill. :P
Aww, hope you're better Xia, and welcome back... again.
You know, if you keep going and returning this topic might even get 100 pages. =O
You can't always remember to check out DM, there are always other things that need doing when you're going places :D But welcome back :-*
I took one day of from Bitblot, I hit the sack very early instead. Damn was I tired last night :o
Okay, so I haven't officially checked out, but I was pretty busy in past few weeks and haven't been able to spend as much time up here as I usually do. Also, about a week ago, I got hit with a particularly nasty cold which I just got over a few days ago. I really want to finish that fanart thing I promised to do, but I really haven't had enough time to complete it, but hopefully I'll get on it soon. ;)
Glad to hear you again - we're waiting in anticipation for your artwork. ;)
Been gone a little over a week. Moved to a ginormous 3 bedroom condo from my relatively spacious 2 bedroom apartment, and failed to realize just how much crap I've accumulated over the years. The music gear was bad enough, the huge bunches of paints/glues/knives/drills/etc. for 40k miniatures made it worse, and the library of 600+ games sealed the deal. My back screams at me in furious despair every 10 minutes or so now, and feeding it tranquilizers only seems to make it angry.
So how's things? Did I miss anything?
Haven't been posting at all for the last few months - signing out from the Bit-Blot forums until further notice. ^-^ Enjoying my new home and summer in Seattle. :)
Nice to see you again Chibi! Not for the last time I hope?
Anyways, will be away for two weeks. Cu then! :)
Okay, so I thought I should say something since I recently got back from vacationing at my country of birth, Ukraine. So I'll be around.
I don't really post much, but I'm still around here. I guess I'm more of a lurker in that sense.
Hullo! :)
I've been to New Zealand for a month and just arrived back home. :)
It was awesome and now I have the big task (besides moving houses next weekend) to make a reasonable selection from the 1200 photos we made. ;)
It's good to be back. :)
Yeah, you also have a big task on the forums, we've had an endless amount of spambots.
I know, I got the reports in my mails.
Alas, there's not much I can do besides deleting topics, since I don't have the power to ban accounts or edit signatures. Luckily most bots post only once (right?), so deleting their topics isn't that useless.
Welcome back! It's a shame about the posts on legitimate threads, but the rest is cut and dry. :)
Alas, there's not much I can do besides deleting topics, since I don't have the power to ban accounts or edit signatures. Luckily most bots post only once (right?)
We've actually got some smart bots out there posting in our good topics, the most posts I've seen from a bot is eight. I'm actually not sure if these are bots or people (person, since they all seem to come from the same source(Hormel Foods Factory)) but still no less spammy. I think I can safely say that my picture over in the fanart section is more or less an accurate depiction of what's been going on.
Cheers! ;D
My provider wasn't able to do what he should do and so I was out of internets from March 22 to April 19.
It was.... *shudder* horrible. :o
But now I (and my connection) are back and I have a good feeling about it staying that way. :)
Welcome back! I only realize how useful the Internet really is when I lose access to it... ;)
Am back and dedicated. Well my project to make a D&D 3.5 edition resource for Aquaria is running a lot better now that I can create pdf documents. My brief lapse was due to homelessness and lack of internet. Both are fortunately fixed for the time being. See you round the pond
>==////xP> Bishop
Fellow survivors and warriors!
My time has come... to go on vacation! :)
I'll be back around the 3rd of July, so don't wonder about my forum absence.
I talked to our spam bots and they agreed to not post in that time at all to keep things fair.
If some of them post despite our agreement, Alec will take care of them.
I'm out for three weeks to China (effective now). The Internet around here is terribly slow on "foreign" (that is, any place not within the immediate vicinity of China) websites. Uploading 30 MB takes about an hour, and downloading that takes about 15 min. And I can't get to my Gmail for some reason. So yeah, I might go missing during these three weeks.
Well, I'm back, as I was a couple of weeks ago. But of course, the forums quit working a couple of days after I came back. Well, anyway, here I am again.
Welcome back, GMMan, Forums! ;)
Good to see you back too Xiagan! O0
How was the vacation?
Thanks! (How do you know what kind of hair I have, btw? ;))
It was great! We made a road trip through Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland to the Arctic Circle. :)